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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by erussell

  1. After a half hour of white nuckle driving and praying we finally made it out of the woods. Note to self if it says unmaintained and seasonal I should protest a little more when my buddy says lets see whats down this road. With a hyundai.
  2. ahhhhh the bells the belllllls!!!!!!!
  3. To whomever left the dead button buck, next to a gut pile of what only I can guess was his mother, off Fisher Settlement Rd in Danby state Forest. You sir are worse than a douche bag and I hope you haven't soiled the human gene pool by pro creating and creating more little douche bags like yourself. Though I doubt you would ever look on this site because you are an Ignorant Bastard and probably don't know what a computer is. I hope you break your legs next time your out and the yotes enjoy themselves feasting on a pc of human excrement like yourself. Sorry had to rant, frigging ruined my whole day seeing that. >
  4. I hope they go in the bow season soon so I don't ever have to see another post about them. ;D ;D ;D I mean seriously people how dead can we beat a horse?
  5. Heres one http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php/topic,2465.0.html
  6. wow that's a beauty!! They really love to rub those Cedar trees. Only other tree I think they like to rub more is sumac. Here's one from 2009.
  7. In your wanderings around this season snap some pics of the rubs you see with your cell phone and post them here. I'll get it started, the first one is a nice rub I found Thanksgiving day while guiding my Dad. Ill be back here for the Muzzle loader season hope he made it through the gun season. the 2nd one was just 20 yrds from the 1st and I found the one with the bow in it about 2 miles from the other two.
  8. come on people lets concentrate here, 7r for a 7s, help a brother out.
  9. I would have to give it a 9 because the curse continues for the last 10 yrs on shooting a good buck with the bow but it was one of my best seasons out yet with last yr being the worst. Passed on numerous small eight's, sixes, a few fours and a couple of spikes. Had a monster 10 point at 40 yrds that wouldn't get any closer and ended up shooting an eight in the 120's to low and just getting a little white hair. Next yr hopefully the curse will be broken.
  10. It must have been a primitive bow or a severally deflected arrow. I know if my compound bow had shot that deer there it would have gone straight through.
  11. I have a 7r and need a 7s anyone want to trade. I'm serious, my car took a dump and I wont be able to get it fixed and travel for a few weeks so I have to hunt around the house since the old lady doesn't want a dead deer in her car So if your in 7r and have a 7s you want to trade let me know.
  12. there T shirts fall apart rather quick though. I like to wash my camo a lot to keep it scent free and there T-shirts don't take the beating. Everything else ok though. I would like to get some of the fall brown also to see how it blends in on the ground and trees. I might try natural gear next time to see how it works. http://www.naturalgear.com/
  13. Ive had my predator gray for about 3 yrs now. Love it, the deer seem to look right through you. I have been caught on the ground by deer in the open and they have walked by like was never there. Tooks some pics in black and white to get some idea how a deer might see it.
  14. The 3 inch hole was just in the skin where it ripped when the bullet came out. Hole in exit side rib cage is slightly bigger than the entrance hole.
  15. After 25 yrs of deer hunting this yr is the 1st time I have ever heard a deer snort wheeze.
  16. from what ive heard from a few of my friends that have been trying to keep it hush hush is that thanks to a few pigs escaping from this place all of Tioga county will soon be able to shoot them. one of my friends is going out this weekend to a farm on the boarder of Broome And Tioga county's where so far they have killed 30 pigs since summer.
  17. i have a Winchester with a bad trigger that if squeezed with the safety on it still goes off. Im sure you can go through every major brand and find safety problems with them. I have an idea maybe don't be a douche bag and point it at someone and pull the trigger when the gun is loaded ??? I would have to consider the source on this one, anytime the liberal news groups do a story on guns i pretty much assume there up to something. And since they can't sue gun company's anymore when some criminal shoots someone with there guns, they are now depending on the weak minded among the gun community to do it for them under the guise of there products are not safe because I accidentally shot someones face with a gun that had a bum safety or trigger even though the first law of gun safety is don't point a gun at someones head unless you want to kill them. Here's a news flash people guns are dangerous, if you need to ware a helmet to keep from hurting yourself you should leave the guns to responsible Adults and stop blaming gun companies for your irresponsibility.
  18. Sorry to hear about your situation man, just remember in a few yrs they'll all be gone out of the house and we will still be hunting. So enjoy the time you've got with them even on the 2nd day of Deer season ;D So did you find the big boy yet?
  19. Dont want to post pics but I just measured and it is a 1 in entrance and a 3 inch exit. Both lungs were jelly. I really dont know how he went as far as he did. They are very tough creatures.
  20. Ive heard they have found whitetail deer with sharp canine teeth before also. Who knows what lays dormant in there gene pool.
  21. Not the 10 point I was after but good enough. 70 yrd shot 150 grains of 777 with 245 grain xtp hollowpoint.
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