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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. Without a doubt.  The freakin Bambi lovers would be all over it. In the real world its not how as much as it is which, animal is killed or how it was killed. Sad Really.

    and if it was a truckload of legally harvested yearlings and does, some hunters themselves would be all over it.........

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  2. the picture on its own is in poor taste, I don't believe any animal that we kill should be displayed like trash...........there's no doubt that coyote need to be controlled, but no need to put them on display for everyone to see. Deer hunting is legal as well, but would probably draw some negative reactions if that was a truckload of them.

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  3. Do you think such guns look "scary" If you saw someone, at the range with an AR, would you become  frightened and go home??

    Some people think these rifles look scary because anti's and other special interest groups have told them so. Banning guns based on how some one thinks they look is insane. Rolling over and letting those who write the definition of a "scary gun" have their way, in hopes that they will not define our hunting rifles as "scary", is just as insane.

    I actually do go home when a guy shows up at the range and sets up next to me with an AR and 10 magazines that he empties as fast as he can reload .........I find it extremely annoying.

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  4. How are you giving up a week or two?  You can still hunt.  I love how everyone thinks the wood swill be flooded with no pun intended bubbas running around the wood shooting at everything and not being as ethical as the mighty compound hunters.  I remember the very sane arguments against the compounds when they were made legal,as well as  the inlines and scopes.  Now those who were allowed in want to run the show.  You were added by us traditional guys.  now buck up and move on.  

    deer hunting has become an extremely selfish sport, and if you ask me that's really the root of all these arguments against anything new being introduced into it...........

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  5. I don't get why it's hard to understand why laws don't need to be all encompassing, it's no different than the vehicle and traffic law telling you that you can only drive 55mph in certain areas, do they also need to tell you that you can't drive 55 through a crowd of people?

  6. There is a medium for hunters in the crossbow... some find vertical bow hunting difficult and some don't like gun hunting... the happy medium.

    they find it "difficult" or "frustrating" because they are doing something wrong or not devoting what's required to be succesful? I can understand if they have difficulty shooting the vertical bow, but not if they find the hunting itself difficult.

  7. Maybe so.  I see a lot of guys that previously didn't hunt archery heading out like its a gun and taking shots they shouldn't take.  When you are holding it like a gun and looking through a scope all of sudden that deer 80 yards away looks shootable.  There are still lots of deer not recovered during rifle season because bad shots are taken.  

    exactly what I see happening.....

  8. Funny, I was like you... totally against them at first... then I tried it...


    My son told me he wanted to get into bow hunting right before the season, first I got him shooting my recurve trying to build his bow muscles and also got him shooting my crossbow. With the season around the corner, we decided the crossbow was the best for his confidence at that time... in the video above, you can see the confidence and quick ethical kill shots... he took 3 shots at deer and not one deer ran over 80 yards! He never hunted before... but the cool thing about it is, his confidence and experience... he is now looking to move from the crossbow to the vertical this coming season! Think outside the box... I was against it at first and then saw the light!

    my point is that there are already several threads going on about this, do we need another?..........I never gave an opinion on being for or against them.

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  9. I would think for the guy who is already an accomplished archer, shooting a crossbow will increase his chances and be a big advantage over a compound..........for the dope who just runs out and gets one because he can, I bet the amount of shots that should never have been taken will increase and recovery rates will suffer, to the uneducated, just picking something up and shouldering it like a gun will give them a false sense of it's capabilities.

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  10. Has anyone brought up the idea of maybe the DEC just wants more deer taken? (I may have missed it) Crossbows are "easier" and will put more hunters in the woods this fall. It makes sense that more deer will be taken. Just a thought

    it's probably a combination of population control, revenue and demand by the pro crossbow groups. The first year will probably not be a good gauge has to the effect it will have on those aspects. I don't see a mad rush by bow or gun hunters to run out and spend a grand on a decent crossbow and all the gun hunters who never bowhunted will need to get the archery course.....just my thoughts.

  11. The DEC firearm discharge setback law is a definition and safeguard relating to the legal way that a firearm (or bow) should be used around occupied structures. There is nothing that precludes the DEC version of setback from including prohibited items in the line of fire as well. That additional aspect of firearms usage should not be left up to interpretation or judgment or after the fact arbitration. And that is what I am proposing. 


    Also, remember that there are other people that absolutely must understand these laws in their entirety beside LEOs and prosecutors and judges. Scattering their definitions all through several sets of law books definitely is not serving the public that must live under these laws. Particularly when it is unnecessary.


    Can there be additional levels of severity that might be added by NYS penal laws? .... Absolutely that sort of thing is done all the time. Perhaps the argument could be made that firearms discharge laws are not an Environmental Conservation Law issue at all, but if that is where the law winds up residing, then the law should be complete, and it is my opinion that elements in the line of fire should fall into that same law just the same as the distance from those elements.


    are you saying that people need to be told they can't shoot in the direction of houses and buildings? sad to have to say that some people need to be told something as simple as that. I have a pretty good understanding of the laws and how they can be used, but like you're saying the average hunter just reads the hunting regulations (we hope) and has at it thinking as long as he does what that book tells him is legal, he is good to go.

  12. I'm not trying to stir s**t, but desiring to kill deer at 50 yards and farther is the wrong reason for for switching to ANY kind of archery tackle.

    If you want to shoot critters that far away you should use something that burns powder.

    I hear that out west it's the norm to shoot deer and elk out to 50 or even 100 yards with archery tackle......us easterners are selling ourselves short.........

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  13. Last one they had around here they were giving $50 for a long gun and $100 for a handgun. No pellet or BB guns. It would turn your stomach to see some of the vintage guns that little old ladies were turning in for peanuts, so that they could be destroyed for the sake of a big publicity stunt. Their late husbands must have been tuning in their graves.

    the 100% legal guns that are surrendered to police every year for nothing just because the owner doesn't want them anymore would make gun enthusiasts vomit, it doesn't even have to be a buyback...........I've had a first hand glance at guns shoved in 55 gallon drums awaiting destruction, sad to say the least.

  14. I've never shot a crossbow, but it does seem at first glance to remove one vital difficulty  and that is drawing in presence of the animal, other than that I can't comment......as long as I'm able to shoot a compound or recurve I will continue to do so, as I can't personally justify the cost to do what I am already capable of doing with my compound, had they given it a separate season there is little doubt I would get one in order to expand my hunting opportunities.....I love to hunt and would use whatever weapon or weapons that expand my chances to do so.

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  15. now that the crossbow is a legal implement, maybe a new dedicated topic can be devoted to it and all this fighting between hunters can stop being spread out over 6 different threads.

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  16. as far as the laws go, the tools are there to charge people accordingly, The ECL is in place to cover environmental issues that relate to hunting, fishing and things related to the environment, then there is The NYS Penal law which covers the criminal issues, if someone is just violating a discharge law then they are charged under The ECL, if while doing so they act recklessly and place someone in danger of death or serious injury, they would be charged under the PL (reckless endangerment)...........the DEC Police have both those laws at their disposal as do the local police. There has to be separate laws distinguishing between the two because there is quite a difference in the degree of law that is being violated, one being a violation and one a felony, so you really couldn't have them fall under the same law.

  17. I do have to agree with some of the things said by the President of The NY Rifle and Pistol Association......I don't think those who show up and suggest revolt and violence, wear childish shirts saying "F Cuomo" and the likes, really don't help our cause....they make us look like idiots, there is a more professional way of handling things.

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