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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. just because the law may allow you to shoot a bow within 50 yards of someone's house, it doesn't allow you to act recklessly while doing so, there are laws in place that can be used if someone is obeying the discharge distance rule, but acting recklessly while doing so.........it's no different then someone shooting a firearm under the current 500' rule, but with them shooting directly at a dwelling....if I was hunting legally, safely and ethically, and someone were to refuse me the right to retrieve a deer, I wouldn't lose any sleep. I would guess that the same person  wouldn't let you on their property whether or not you shot it 150 feet away or 500 feet away, on the other hand if the shooter was pushing the envelope by putting themselves in the position of acting irresponsible when they shot the deer they should be willing to face the music if need be.

  2. it may be legal, but if you're shooting without an adequate backstop and your arrows are travelling into a neighbors yard and sticking into his house, you may have other laws to worry about other than discharge laws.......your arrow passed through a target and still had enough energy to stick in the side of his house?.......how far behind the target is the house, and why is the house in your line of fire?

  3. Its also good for just practicing in your yard. I own 2 acres but one neighbor is about 350- 400 feet from where I shoot my bow. He has never said anything about it but now if he does I can tell him to go pound salt.

    do you not get along with him? if you do, how about explaining to him that you're not breaking any laws and also let him know that you're also taking the precautions to ensure everyone's safety? 

    • Like 1
  4. crossbow users getting the last 14 days of the southern archery season is huge, many consider that prime time to be out there hunting......I remember how pissed many bowhunters were when they lost the last weekend to the Saturday opener of the regular season.

  5. Actually they tried to.

    This was a big part of the sticking point which led to the current 'easement' of the SAFE act along those lines.

    I'm not a lawyer and I don't know how to direct you precisely to whatever @#blahblah^$&, subsection #blah^&%blah #^^3, paragraph %*&^....but I have a paper copy of the SAFE act bill in front of me and it basically reads that a magazine ( or clip or feeding device...) which is capable of holding more than 7 rounds, and is obtained after the effective date of that chapter of the SAFE act, is illegal. Further translation; they tried to make it illegal to buy mags that would hold more than 7 rounds. Very few if any firearms manufacturers or independent aftermarket manufacturers even offer 7 rnd mags for semi-auto firearms. I know from my own research conducted in the fall of 2012 that such magazines are unavailable for any of my firearms. One of the reasons that factory 10 round 10/22 mags went from $15 to upwards of $50 for a while.

    I have to give credit to the minds that were behind the crafting of the SAFE act. Combine the ammunition background stuff which will make it extremely difficult if not impossible for a lot of people to have anything to shoot, with the magazine limitations that were proposed, and you you have a defacto law against the possession of just about any semi-automatic firearm including most handguns. At least until somebody starts making 'low-capacity' mags which is not likely in today's marketplace.

    Ingenious and insidious at the same time. And this is only at the State level.

    but, if I'm not mistaken (and I may be), that restriction was officially removed.....this latest statement is only saying they will not enforce it, it still is on the books as being law.

  6. Hopefully they reinstate selling them. They would need to repeal parts of the safe act and I don't see that happening anytime soon unless we have a huge turnout in November Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I don't think they ever banned selling 10 round mags.....just that you couldn't load more than 7 into them.

    • Like 3
  7.  Monroe doesn't issue restricted permits that I now of. If you get one it is unrestricted. To keep this simple you get a permit or a permit with restrictions.

    I should have also added that each county is more than likely going to be different.....my main point was that all handguns must be carried concealed in NY, so they're all considered concealed carry permits.............unless you'e engaged in an activity that allows it to be exposed.

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  8. a concealed carry permit is not the same as a full unrestricted carry permit...........all handgun permits that allow you to take it out off premises, require it to be carried concealed unless you're actively engaged in hunting, target shooting and certain types of employment.....in other words, all handguns must be carried concealed when going to and from activities that your permit allows you to engage in......with a few exceptions of when it's allowed to not be concealed.

  9. it's no secret that Mathews success has a lot to do with their massive marketing technique.....why should this surprise anyone? not saying they're a bad bow or no better or worse than any other bow out there, just stating the obvious.

  10. The way it used to work in NY, and probably still does, is when you bought a gun from a dealer, the record of you buying it was retained by the gun dealer....it wasn't sent back to NY State or the manufacturer, which makes me wonder how the State has any record of what you own.....from what I recall, when they called you're info in for the background check, all they asked for was whether or not you could buy a gun, they didn't provide them with make model or serial #....I may be wrong, maybe if there is a dealer on this site they can enlighten us.

  11. The SAFE Act has to go. It creates a Special Class of citizens by exempting Retired LEO and Correction Officers (how many CEO can carry at work, not very many of them) to own the guns that are banned to the average citizen. So much for all men created equal. How can 7 bullets be unconstitutional and 10 bullets is ?

    haven't there always been exemptions for active and retired LEO's well before the Safe Act?..........why are some just waking up now?

  12. I can find just about everything except 22LR, 30-30 and for some reason 357 mag. I don't think the government has anything to do with shortages, in some areas. I often  see guys buying cart loads of ammo, while bragging about how many thousands of rounds they already have at home. If you're buying up ammo, while you already have a ton of it at home, you are the problem. And a selfish douche.

    one of the gunshop's I frequent limits the amount of ammo they'll sell to one person.....I give them credit for doing so.

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