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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. I think this is going to be the wakeup call that many needed.........banning assault weapons, high capacity mags and the likes didn't really affect the average gun owner, but now that something as simple as buying ammo is is going to be nearly impossible it may get more people to make some noise.

  2. another part of the law that is a little tricky, is with handguns...........it says if your semi auto pistol "has the capacity to accept an ammunition magazine that attaches to the pistol outside of the pistol grip", it needs to be registered with the state as an assault weapon.......now take a Glock for example, I know that there are several manufacturers that offer high capacity magazines that extend beyond the grip for these guns........so, if I'm reading the law correctly, not knowing that someone, somewhere may offer an aftermarket part for your gun, may put you in violation.

  3. It all depends on how the system is designed. If the amount of ammo is included in the back ground check (which Im sure it will be) then you can bet they will begin to control the amount you buy, by delaying or denying the purchase just like firearms background checks are delayed and denied.


    Joe Smith bought a case of trap loads (250 rounds) four days ago and now he wants another case? DELAYED.


    Gun owners need to wake up and and send these little self serving dictators packing.


    This morning a heard a report on the radio that said that so far 59 people have been arrested for having more than 7 rounds in their magazines. The very next report was that two food delivery guys were shot and robbed by some inner city S!#T stains in Syracuse. Anyone with half a brain knows that this SAFE ACT is nothing but a big political joke.

    I tell you what, these people who are being charged under the new law, are the same criminals who would have been arrested without it............I read a report in my local paper yesterday about all the arrests under the new law, I had to laugh because these people are all just criminals anyway who could give two sh**ts less about any law.....only difference is now they're being charged with a higher level of crime with hopefully a stiffer penalty............... wow,what a novel idea.

  4. Did you ever notice there's always a pet store or animal clinic near those Chinese Buffets?


    There was tiwt on talk radio last week worried about her cat. I hunt Yotes and know a lot of Yote huters. They are very dedicated and educated in coyotes and certainly know the difference between a 8 pound cat and a 45 pound plus Coyotes. 

    that's messed up, I know a lot of people who have worked in pet stores and animal clinics and they don't eat Chinese food.......

    • Like 2
  5. I've shot deer through both front shoulders hitting the lungs and probably heart, and watched them propel themselves 100 yards just using their back legs............killing stuff is not pretty, but part of the sport.

  6. I'm seeing lots of conflicting information here....but I do believe that my name and serial number of my gun have gone into a federal database of some sort

    as of now, there is no state or countrwide database where your name can be typed in and all your guns show up, (unless it's a handgun and I'm fairly confident that info is kept by the agency who issued the permit)..............manufacturers keep track of who they distribute their guns to, so all the manufacturer knows is what gunshop they sent it to...........the gunshop then keeps the record of who they sold it to.......after that, with private sales, the gun eventually got "lost"........of course, with the new law that last part should be eliminated.

  7. Where are you getting that from? I have read the safe act cover to cover and I didn't see cross state line possession even mentioned?

    I'm guessing most haven't read the law it in it's entirety, much like the hunting regulations that most don't read....................they just hear bits and pieces and go with it, I've read a few things in this thread that have left me scratching my head.

  8. This may have been asked already, but I recently bought a shotgun at Gander Mountain.  Now does my serial number and information go in some type of database where the government knows I have the gun? Or do they not know....not paranoid just curious about this

    I'm pretty sure that information is retained by the gun dealer...........at least that's how it was done, it may have changed.

  9. sure it is, but taking shots that increase those chances and then posting a video of that isn't the best move for our image.

    only problem might be posting the video...were they bad shots? maybe, maybe not......I don't know that particular hunters ability and I wasn't looking through the scope. 

    • Like 1
  10. do people really think deer just fall over peacefully and close their eyes when shot with a gun? I doubt there are many hunters, who have shot their share of deer, that haven't seen one flop around for a few seconds....even when shot perfectly it's going to happen...........

    • Like 2
  11. "Next, Walter said the town plans to work with Legislator Al Krupski to open up the North Fork Preserve on Sound Avenue, as well as with New York State, to open up 700 acres in Wildwood State Park and a park in Jamesport for hunting, with the town's hunting committee coordinating efforts."

    that would be nice......and I doubt Riverhead could limit a State park hunt to their residents only........not sure who owns the North Fork Preserve, but that place is overrun with deer.

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