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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. Do they realize the amount of manpower it would take to try and figure out who owns guns that need to be registered? to try and track down guns that were bought years ago (other than handguns) that aren't even owned by the original buyer is laughable, I don't know what the record keeping is like in CT, but in NY after the gun is sold from the shop to the original buyer there is no way to know who currently has it if it was sold privately......it's almost mind boggling for them to think they can do this effectively.

  2. I doubt that the average gun owner will get into a shoot out with police, but if I were the first one through the door, trying to enforce this non law passed down by a little dictator, there would be a definite "pucker effect "

    I can't imagine any Judge issuing a search warrant that may be based only on information that a gun was purchased by someone 5 years ago and nothing else.........could you imagine the lawsuits that would follow after a few search warrants were executed and the intended target says "oh that gun? I sold it 3 years ago."

    • Like 1
  3. Scary really. I'll be the first to admit that as sportsman we don't help ourselves by arguing within over issues like ARs, crossbows and setback rules. However, I believe that these arguments simply demonstrate our passion and do not necessarily endanger our sport.


    But when we're more divided then I think a lot of us thought over constitutional rights... that's scary. We knew there was opposition as there always has been with gun control legislation, but to discover many gun owners themselves are ok with it? man...


    yeah, I know a lot of gun owners, and to be quite honest I really haven't heard too many of them getting too worked up over the Safe Act, and if they do mention anything about it, it's just to complain about the inability to order ammo through the mail.....

  4. Doc, you seem to be missing the point.  Diminishing set backs under state law does leave it in the hands of the locals to set it where ever they want - which is what you contend should happen.  In fact, if the state law was reduced to 0, the locals would have complete autonomy.  You seem to be against reducing the set back under state law, but want more local control.  That IS inconsistent if you understand that the locals can be more, but not less, restrictive as they choose.  No more comments from me on this subject.

    maybe if one more person explains how it works the point will get across......

  5. I like the option of being able to use the handgun single action if I want, for the reasons Culver mentioned..


    Smith makes ( or DID make at one time) a model that is hammerless but has a small nub of a hammer that would not hang up , but you could still cock the revolver for a single action shot.  I can't recall the model without doing some searching..


    If I did not intend to CC the gun, I'd definitely go with an exposed hammer.

    just be careful who you expose your hammer to........

    • Like 1
  6. DOC,


    The state already forces it down the throats of the locals with minimum 500ft.  So based on your logic - whether you prefer 500ft or 150ft - the new law would give more options to the locals.


    Example - Ithaca (don't recall if its town or village) has a 1000ft minimum.  It was increased.  The locals can't suspersede state law by decreasing it, only adding to it.


  7. I'm pretty sure a local municipality doesn't have the ability to lessen a state law, if NY's law is 500' feet that's what it is.......by the state moving it to less than that, the local municipalities still have the authority to keep it a greater distance or tweak it as they see fit.........much like if the state maximum speed limit is 55, a local town can't increase it, but they do have the authority to lessen it.

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