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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. Sadly, with the way this world is going, I can't say that I'm totally against the government, whether it be local, state or federal, keeping an eye on people and what they are up to......with terrorism, drugs and the crap that's available on the internet, and that field opens up a whole new avenue for all types of deviant behavior, someone has to keep it in check.

  2. is the house situated in a way were he could sell the house and a small piece of land around it and sell the remainder of the land off to you separately? or maybe you could consider buying the whole lot and doing the same to make some $$ back..........that may be a good option, unless you don't want another neighbor.

  3. Ooooops..., I must have clicked on the wrong thread. I was looking for good information about the crossbow proposal, but I accidently found myself reading through more safe act fodder.

    Somebody flag down one of the zoo-keepers so we can get these animals back in their cages!

    any thread that mentions Cuomo and anything he has his hands on eventually makes its way to becoming a full blown anti Safe Act thread.........no matter what it was originally intended for.

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  4. Im not saying they should, but they are scenarios that are 100% within the realm of possibility, and not far fetched at all. They are scenarios that fly right in the face of "it doesnt affect me", because your situation can change in an instant, and then the laws you dont care about come back to bite you.

    domestic problems.............the #1 reason pistol licenses get revoked, even when the license holder may not have done anything wrong.

    • Like 1
  5. None of the provisions have any impact on you?

    none of the gun restrictions have any impact me, of course the inconvenience of getting ammo is going to have some effect on me...........and obviously if I turn into a criminal or develop major psychiatric problems overnight it's going to definitely effect me, that's why I said it doesn't effect me TODAY.

  6. No it is not like saying no one should have a gun because they are unsafe. It is more like saying no one should be given legal permission to use a gun in a recognized unsafe fashion. And there's no reason to make an exception to that with archery equipment.


    Just the other day I was up on my archery range back by the 50 yard stake, looking at my target, and thinking, "People really think that somehow if that target were a house, I should legally be able to shoot at it". It struck me as to just how ludicrous that really is. Fifty yards is nothing..... absolutely nothing. And I will say that if I were a suburbanite and I  saw some neighbor setting up his target in that fashion, I would really like a law in my pocket that I could use to put an immediate stop to that before the guy even pulled his string back, or cocked his crossbow or whatever. I really would not want to be forced to wait until something tragic happens before I have any legal recourse to put a stop to it.

    earlier I was just pointing out that backyard practice is fairly common in suburbia...............I wasn't trying to argue the point of it's legality or safety, maybe it doesn't alarm the average citizen when they see their neighbor doing it, why I don't know, maybe they don't realize how potentially dangerous in can be........now take that same archer, stick him in a treestand dressed in camo hunting deer, and I'm sure that will be viewed entirely different by the same person who never gave a second thought to the seemingly harmless target shooter.

  7. Well they have nothing to do with skeet shoots or any of the rifle competitions either...but those are not legal to do within the parameters of the DISCHARGE LAW



    and outside of the NYS ECL, there may be local ordinances that may even further restrict or entirely forbid the discharge of any firearm or bow........

  8. Yeah and people ride down the road swerving all over the place ignoring texting and cell-phone laws. They don't wear seat belts. They speed. There probably is not a law that hasn't been broke. So what?


    And I love all these statistical statements posed as fact. The real fact is that 50 yards is simply too darned close to be legally able to shoot at or around someone's house or even yard without their permission. It completely amazes me that anyone would even argue that point.

    I don't think anyone is arguing the safety point...........it was said earlier that this will open the door for backyard archers, backyard target shooting has been going on for years, whether or not you want to believe it.............target shooting and shooting a deer without a safe man made backstop are two different things.

  9. I've seen more target archery in the subburbs  around buffalo, cheektowaga,lancaser,depew,westseneca. that have dischargelaws and are obviously in violation of 500' regardless. ...for the doom and gloom people that envision shooting out windows, people in yards getting shot,ect...it hasnt happened ,unless its by some kids f-ing around shooting cats n dogs...  the set back for archery that is proposed isnt a big deal. let alone for the guy that has a camp next to a non hunter(more and mor eare buying recreational land) and want to target shoot next to his/her cabin. 500' is 166yards. 150 is 50 yards... 90% of all shots on deer are under 50 yards. I would guess 50% or more of good legal hunters violate the 500' rule on multiple ocasions in their life unknowingly in most circumstances.                                                                                                                                                     For example:                      

    we use to shoot off our deck in lancaster, they built a house across the street, we continued to shoot off our back deck in the opposite direction of the street on land we owned.but if a tape was pulled out the house across the 50' street sat 60' off the road and our house sat back 40' from road and was 36'deep.. guess what we were under 200' from that home and i was in violation of a 500' rule...  50 'maybe a tad short but it is much better than 500' now figure that at camps, all occupied building sitting 10' off line (barn for example) your property is completly off limits with a 500' rule... unless it is 1000 plus ft wide, 500 ft is way to long especially when you think of all the long narrow (under 800' wide properties and camps)

    thanks for confirming what I said earlier.....backyard archery is widespread and many are under the 500' rule. I know maybe 10-15 archers, the majority shoot safely in their backyards without problems or complaints from neighbors. 

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  10. In car listening to news yesterday...3 ppl arrested ...found with stolen car and it had 11 bags(?) of heroine in it...found up in finger lakes ...think car was stolen in Amityville(?) ...Anyways...the thing had On Star and that's how they traced it...lol..What they didn't notice the On star logo or button?...some state mandated sterilization may be a good idea..JK

    Amityville, it's down on Long Island..........a real gem of a neighborhood.

  11. I remember years ago a couple of guys out west ate Elk. They came down with a disease that attacked their brain and eventually killed them. They never had proof it was CWD and couldn't prove it came from the Elk. That is what I remember and I thought a show like 20/20 did a special on it.

    They made a movie about that, I think it was called "Brokeback Mountain"...........and it turned out not to be CWD.

  12. For the hundredth, and last time, my issue is the half assed journalism and the insinuation that any of this is Cuomos idea. None of it is. The authors of such articles are playing on your emotions. Its not legitimate news, its misinformation. I dont care what side of the fence it comes from, misinformation is a bad thing.

    As far as if it was so or not, look it up. I believe there was a thread or two on it last year here.

    might as well save your breath, it doesn't matter if Cuomo backs something that's good for hunters or bad for hunters. If he signs off on something that is good for us, he's "throwing us a bone"..........if he signs off on something bad for us, "he's anti hunting"..............most of these proposed changes have been around before he was even elected.

  13. here's my study, me and the guys I hunt with used to be able to go hunting in our area and enjoy ourselves, make our own choices as to whether or not we wanted to shoot a certain buck or pass on it. A few years ago AR's were forced down our throats and now we no longer can make our own choices..........the result of my study is that I've come to the conclusion that mandatory AR's suck.

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