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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. I'm sure DEC has some agenda and would make stuff up to say CW Disease comes from farm raised deer in order to shut them all down.............much like a person who has a deer farm would say anything to disprove that they have anything to do with it.

  2. We weren't talking about the safe act...two totally different things....I wouldn't know if the "group" your talking about supported the safe act ....so I won't speculate...but just because they kissed his back side on one issue doesn't mean he wouldn't be in their cross hairs on another...I have seen a few agree with some things he's done ..like casinos ....so where does that place those ppl in your eyes

    I wasn't saying any group supported the Safe Act.....I was saying the group is sucking up to a politician who did. Politics is very rarely about doing the right thing, it's all about you do for me and I'll do for you. 

  3. Ya ...I tried but am in a mood ...lol


    I do not blame any organization or group...for he is a bottom dealing... blood sucking...snake in the grass...with crazy eyes BTW...IMO...that has kept little things in his pocket to pull out at just the right time...all part of long term planning...that is what makes him such a political danger...IMO

    the sportsman/hunting groups and organizations who suck onto any politician, especially ones who backed the Safe Act, are no better than the politicians themselves............this pretty much sums up how divided we are becoming.

    • Like 2
  4. We've all seen the video of the cop shooting himself in the CLASSROOM filled with kids right?


    Poor judgment or stupidity, lucky nobody was killed THIS time...............................................................



    I'm gonna go with stupidity on that one......

  5. I don't see the screw job in the new system that people are complaining about, The only problem I see is that non residents are getting a bigger break than the residents, and I'm pretty sure your drivers license was always linked to your hunting license.......in the past if I didn't have an old license when I bought my new one, my drivers license was all they needed to look me up.

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  6. True, actually contemplating if I can move out of state with out too much hassle.

    Next poster as also put thought into moving because of the SAFE act.



    The next poster has to register an assault weapon with NYS.

  7. as crappy as this whole thing is, and I hate to even call this a good idea, but in CT if you hold a pistol license they accept that as good enough to purchase any ammo.....if you don't, you have to buy a permit to purchase, but at least this removes a lot of the hassle for sellers and buyers.........

  8. Jjb4900, was their leaving out of spite/disgust with the rule? Or was it due to thinking that there was just too small a chance at obtaining meat (assuming no doe tags, like where I hunt).

    I am against AR, especially where I hunt, but can't see myself not hunting there because of it. Admittedly, It does help that I can obtain meat on long island with the bow, before rifle season.

    2 live in Florida, non resident dmps are pretty much impossible where we hunt..........according to them the AR's were the deciding factor in them not coming this year.

  9. I know three old timers who decided not too come back to hunt in NY this year due to antler restrictions...they hunted here all their lives and finally decided that it's not worth the trip back to NY anymore because of the AR's..........I guess it's worth losing them just because some are trophy hunters and I expect the trend to continue.....good job NY.

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