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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. I understand your point.  It supposed to be based on professional judgment, but in the end, just like judges considering an application for a protective order, do you want to be the one that failed to report and then something happens?  Causes the decision maker to error heavily on the side of reporting.

    that's going to be the problem......everyone who is required to take any action as far as this is concerned is going to be afraid of not reporting and those in Law Enforcement will also make sure they err on the side of caution..........no one is going to want to stick their neck out when it comes to this new law, and with no shortage of frivolous lawsuits these days, who can really blame them.

  2. Not a big fan of them. Now the rolling right on red I don't see as a big deal and most cops wont waste their time writing you for it. The folks who fly through the red 2,3 ,4 cars in a row sometimes, that really bothers me.

    Also most drivers don't understand the whole red light law. If you stop over the stop line,(that's that white line painted on the road),that so many ignor and make it so we can't turn the firetruck,you've run a red light.

    If you pull into the intersection to turn left,but it turns red before you can make your left turn you've run a red light your supposed to wait behind the stop line.

    Oh as far as us city workers beeping exempt ,yes and no. The fine goes to the vehicles owner,so the city would have to pay itself. The employee does face disciplinary action though.

    If I remember it right ,it was something like 100 times in a year and a half ,the number of city vehicles is way in the hundreds on the road daily passing through thousands of intersections a day. 100 times in 18 months is pretty darn low.

    I would hope the Fire, Police and Ambulance drivers are exempt....and I sure hope they don't face disciplinary action when responding to emergency calls.....that's outrageous if they do.

  3. I'm new the handgun world... but are you even allowed to send a gun back?


    Also curious as to your intended use for the .22?

    yes, as long as it's being sent to the manufacturer...........I was a little shocked to find this out myself when I needed to send my Ruger to their shop in AZ for repairs, just put it in a box and shipped UPS, all that was required when they sent it back to my home was an adult signature.

  4. the more I think about it, the more I think it's a bad idea.....for every one person that's smart enough to hunt safely under a rule like that, there's probably 10 people who aren't smart enough.[/quote

    Maybe we need an IQ test as part of the hunter education program then?

    I think they just test for intelligence, not common sense......

    • Like 1
  5. what I'm trying to say, is if you stood in the center of your property and had a house 500' in all directions, you would need at least 10 acres to hunt it.....that's a pretty big piece of land, maybe some type of discharge distance change makes sense, maybe not 50 yards but something more reasonable.

  6. just found this.........

    "There are 43,560 square feet per acre. Assuming the acre is square, there would be 208.71032 feet on one side of the acre."

    if this is correct, if you stood in the middle of the center acre, you would roughly need another two acres on each side of that center acre for a total of 9 acres. Does that make sense?

  7. the more I think about it, this may just be another of Cuomo's evil plans.....it'll turn everyone against hunters, even other hunters......just look at the most recent changes/proposals and the amount of infighting they've generated, crossbows, antler restrictions, youth season, legal discharge distance...........

  8. I think in some situations that could get pretty uncomfortable.  however, he's only doing it to try and win hunter votes.  it's an election year. 

    The last thing that ever enters my mind when I'm choosing who to vote for is hunting and fishing regulations.............

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  9. Actually I think his handlers did. Not the idea of changing the setback rule, but more relating to the question of how can we sooth these crazy hunters now that we have stirred up the hornet's nest. What other logical explanation is there for all this sudden attention to hunting issues? He and his people may very well be sensing that there is a significant dedicated voting block that his actions have irritated. The man may be a lot of things, but stupid he is not.

    even scarier is the thought that there are those who would vote for someone based on these petty issues..............there are much more important things to worry about.

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  10. Why are we talking like this is something new, or that Cuomo came up with? This is the second or third year in a row its been proposed, and it was no idea of his.

    yeah. do people really think Cuomo was sitting around one day thinking about his reelection and came up with this idea as a way to win votes? I think not.

  11. Wasn't implying you did. It was just a comment for anyone that would be getting into pocket carry that might not know.

    Ok.......the point I was trying to get across, was a lot of people put more thought into how big of a gun they need to defend themselves, when more importantly they should be thinking about ease of access.

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