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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. better off if the youth got the 1st weekend in October before Archery and bowhunters got the last weekend back...........I don't know about any of you, but hunting when it's 80 degrees out is miserable, and I think being out there before things really start heating up is not really a good thing.

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  2. If I had a vote, I'd rather they shortened gun season like most states already have. Give the first weekend to the youth and return opening day to Monday.


    JJB, I have no beef with you taking your kid(s) out this weekend. so long as you don't have a gun yourself :pogranichnik:






    relax. it was a joke.

    no need to, if need be, I'll just push my son out of the way and take his................ :hunter: 

  3. i'm glad you guys could keep this civilized. All I did was ask a question. You don't even know how I feel about it. I have over a thousand acres of private land to enjoy. So I'm all set with your squirrel hunting.


    but you did answer my question so thanks.

    Bottom line is they offered it, so I'm gonna take advantage........if it was never open it wouldn't make a difference to me.

  4. would your son not also hunt opening day?

    of course..... opening day, the weekend after and the weekend after and then muzzleloader and then shotgun, you name it........... is it ok with you if I take him small game hunting and Turkey hunting during your bowseason? those guns go boom too and we do a lot more walking around................I know you want every other season shut down during bow, but that's not gonna happen.

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  5. anything cut with a razorblade is going to leave a lot of blood before it stops bleeding........anyone who has ever given themselves a pretty good cut with a knife or razor can attest to this......these cuts are not life threatening, but if you walked 100-200 yards before you put any type of dressing, you too would leave a pretty good bloodtrail...........

  6. He seems to understand that because he uses language very consistent with someone who is an experienced bird hunter - that I second guessed my initial thought it was a typo. There are a lot of so-called trolls on hunting forums, and the past week or so it seemed to have spiked.


    I take it you are satisfied with the quality of hunter education. You have your opinion and I have mine, although I am sure your opinion reflects the majority in the sporting community...  

    actually, I think our hunter education system could use an overhaul.........

  7. my goal is to get out there and enjoy myself, of course everyone hopes to shoot a nice buck, but it's not an obsession with me......I don't have a hit list, I don't name the buck's I see and I have no idea what a G2,G3 or G4 is..........in fact, I could give a crap less if there's even a buck in my area who "score's" anything.......the year's when I fail to get anything, I don't tell people my season sucked because of it, I have never said "I only got a doe" or "it's just a scrub 6pt"..........I have killed a few bucks that I'm told will "score" something and I should have them measured....not interested.

  8. As long as this post went awry let me ask any of you this question.

    Is there anyone here that does not want to really shoot, at least once in their life, "A Big RackedMature Buck?

    I have, and to be quite honest, I still got just as much of a thrill shooting every deer that wasn't a mature racked buck...

  9. What is the name of the hunter education instructor you took your course from? 


    You don't need to be registered in hip to hunt grouse - and you know that, stop wasting everybody's time and creating confusion with the regulations for novices...

    what was the point of that personal attack, at what point was he wasting everybody's time? and what does his hunter education instructor have to do with him making a mistake in what he said?

    • Like 1
  10. Ha!  Thanks for the tips.  I was more worried about the headache than staying awake as well...


    No to climbers as well.  I just found out we lost our camp a few weeks ago and after a LONG door to door campaign, this was the first person who let me on the land so I didn't want to press my luck when he said no stands.  This is a big adjustment for me.  


    I am still looking for additional properties but I am thankful to have a place to hunt at all! 

    get in there a build yourself a nice ground blind.........

  11. Kurt Fox is exceptional work. I would give him a call and tell him your hoping to get a bear this year, he will tell you what steps to take if you get one, etc.




    I never shot a bear, but here is some recent work he has done for me. Pics don't do them justice, they were taken on my cell phone. They are insane in real life.

    like I said before, just looking at the faces of those cats and the exceptional way they came out speaks volumes for the quality of work that guy does...very nice.

  12. I told you this probably open up a can of worms and I didn't mean to cause an uproar. I do think some of you take this wrong. I have hunted many hours/days and not seen a single deer. I have eaten tag soup many times over the years of hunting, both gun and bow. I do not have or have ever had a property to hunt where deer are abundant. I do hunt first for mature bucks and second for meat. If I'm fortunate to get both I feel extremely lucky. We all see success obviously differently. The purpose of the thread was the original question so what one advice would you suggest as important to the success of killing a deer.

    If you originally posed the question as what's the best advice to be successful to take mature bucks, this thread may have went differently...second mistake was insulting meat hunters.

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  13. hunting the wind is the key, if it's wrong they'll more than likely wind you regardless of whether or not you drink coffee...........unless you're in a ground blind, I'd be just as concerned about the movement.

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