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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. don't forget, all the dmp's for all the other areas were not given out during the initial application period, that's why they say chances are equal throughout the application period.........they will have a second period where those who were initially denied may get one mailed to them......this has happened to me three times in the past few years.

  2. Bubbles in the blood means a Lung was hit,Put markers on the  spot you hit it.And the last spot you saw blood,Go back tommorow and keep looking, start with small circles and go to larger ones.If it bleed's out you will find it. If you find it and I hope you do Condgrats on your first bow kill.

    Years ago a fellow Dear Search member got a call to blood track a big buck on the  end of L.I. 2 days later they found it a really nice huge racked 10 pointer.

    unfortunately, he shot this deer 5 days ago..........

  3. my guess is most agency's are more than happy to have someone remove the roadkill for them, one less hassle they have to deal with..........I've taken two and will never do it again, the majority of the meat was crap and now I had to deal with disposing of the carcass.

  4. Maybe momma can kiss all those boo boos better. Your too delicate for Bow Hunting. You've certainly made that clear.

    you don't honestly believe that bowhunters are "noble" do you? I can't remember the last time I felt like royalty when I went out bowhunting.........as a matter of fact, every time I read a post that starts off with "deer down", only to read the follow up with an unrecovered deer I cringe.......and can't help but think the opposite.

  5. there's also regulations on the possession, transportation and labeling of deer meat...........if a buddy gives you 50 pounds of venison to take home, and it's not properly labelled / tagged, you are in violation of the law.

  6. If you don't call them then how do they know you didn't just jack a deer and cut off its head? I know I've come across headless or back strapped deer before.

    Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

    it was easy enough to call and get permission to take it......if you don't get permission, then they can assume you jacked it and charge you for possessing the parts.

  7. I have taken 2 road killed deer for their antlers, each time I called DEC from the site where I found them and they took my info, told me to take it home and an Officer would meet me at my house to give me a tag, and they did...........according to them, you need a tag if you're going to possess any part of a deer, whether it be the meat or antlers............I have an ECL manual, and it pretty much says that as well.

  8. All I hear in this thread is squirrel hunters. How many of you actually squirrel hunt AND bow hunt. If you do squirrel hunt the same woods you bow hunt, how is that working out for you? A few of us said it earlier, but there's not many squirrel hunters around me till after deer season. And I'll be honest, and maybe I'm alone in thinking this, but deer seem to know when they're being shot at. target practice, duck etc have never seemed to bother them around me, but they certainly start using their nose a lot more and acting a lot more skittish come gun season. Heck the guns are going off during spring turkey too and the deer will come withing 20 yards of me and I'm not even covering my scent. I know it sounds funny. But they seem to know. Especially the mature deer who've been through a season or 2.


    the hunt didn't wreck my weekend. it did affect my dad's. But it is what it is. I just hope it helps I guess.

    I actually Grouse and Turkey hunted the first few days of Archery, it was way too warm for me to want to hunt deer, and yes in the same woods I intend to bowhunt, although not the same day or even the same week I intend to do so........and I've had just as many dopey bowhunters screw up hunts as gun hunters........or is it that we're more easily annoyed when the solitude we expect during archery is shattered by someone?

  9. Didn't someone on another post say they bought a compact Ruger for there child and it kicks too much, forgot the caliber. If it were me I would look for a used .243 or a  .270 with a Wooden stock.And an older single shot shot gun or guns.As they get older the might wan't to up grade.Or could go the other way Not Interested. 

    might have been me, I bought a Ruger M77 ultralight in .308.......kicks like a mule, so he's been shooting the managed recoil ammo out of it.......I also picked up a T/C Venture for myself in .308, recoil is hardly noticeable. 

  10. By the way, do they even make the .300 savage anymore? Only did a quick search, but can't find anything. Did they discontinue this model? if so, why?  Why would they discontinue such a great shooting cheap piece of junk?

    the same reason some feel the need to try and get crossbows into archery season, I can only imagine the damage a magnum cartridge can inflict on an already fragile body...........how's that?

  11. So after my 4 days in camp hunting, listening to about 300 rounds of ammo being shot off by neighbors. people screaming and yelling, car doors slamming, chainsaws cutting and warm weather I saw 7 doe's and 1 button buck, Who said the Catskills is wilderness ?? :angry:

    yup, people were worried about the youth hunt being a disruption this weekend.....everyone up this weekend shooting like crazy, driving their quads and making noise in general was more of a disruption than anything else...........but, I'm sure the local businesses enjoyed it, and quite honestly they deserve it after losing the business since the regular season opener was moved to Saturday.

  12. If I had money to spend on hunting land, I would spend it all on one piece of land in a deer rich area and improve on that land.....unless I'm seriously mistaken, land is currently at an all time high and expecting a return on it is a pipe dream unless you have no problem sub-dividing and selling it off to make money.

  13. just got back from the youth hunt, my son passed on a small doe opening day....no opportunities after that. I will say that the noise created by the folks up for the holiday weekend caused more of a disruption than any type of hunting combined....quads, target shooting and people having fun in general were pretty annoying....I maybe heard 2-3 shots that were definitely hunting related, and special thanks to the bowhunters who didn't disrupt our hunt.

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