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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. Putting something on your treestand to make it inaccessible is not making a trap. If you put a trap door on it, or spikes or something else intended to harm someone, then yes. What the OP is thinking is no different than locking a door.

    I just think of the trespassing thread, where the landowner knows a neighbor has been using his stand for god knows how long, and has yet to confront him, and I believe he also stated the land is no longer posted..........If this guy alters a stand, that he knew someone else was using, in any way that could be interpreted as a hazard he may be in for a lawsuit if something was to happen. 

  2. post-2073-0-32398200-1382407410_thumb.jp

    this is a picture from the last deer I shot...I was 15 feet up and deer was about 5 yards from the bottom of my stand broadside....I aimed slightly under the chest........first try at posting a picture hope it works.

  3. Deer was not found, my cams are out. Hopefully I'll catch him on the cams or again from my stand.

    What I have learned:

    •aim high on a shot close in think exit hole placement.

    •quartering to is not a great shot, let the deer pass for a greater chance at the vitals (quartering away)

    I think on a close shot you want to aim low......aim at the point you want the arrow to exit, not enter................I think this is what most people are saying, someone correct me if I'm wrong.

  4. but you guys have to do what works for you BUT you have to try and practice that shot to know that. i happen to have a:

    • tree stand pin 5-15 yards

    • 20-35 yard or so

    • and 35 out

    (3 pins)


    i think 10 yard pins are funny to me. who needs a 10 yard pin? with most bows your talking about not even an inch difference. slower older bows maybe a tad more. but an inch at 10 yards is still killing them quick if the shot is placed right.  that 10 yard pin some have might be perfectly setup for close range shots in the tree stand holding dead on or you might have to tweak it after a few shots but that pin takes the guess work "oh i use my 20 yard and aim high / low" one pin, one shot one less thing to worry about and it will allow you to focus more on the animal and anything else you have to such as brush in your way and so on. if you have to worry about how close or far he is and where you have to aim high/low with your 20 then good luck. if it works for you tho, use it. if you want to try something easier, alls im doing is providing and idea that works. ive killed many deer under 10 and when you do they go down faster then any other deer ive shot and BLOOD IMMEDIATELY every time without fail.... i prefer those chip shot shots because they truly are chip shots for me and knowing where to slide that arrow in is key. just wish they would all come in close lol

    I never gave much thought to a treestand pin......good idea, I've always just compensated with my top pin with good results, but may try that next year.

  5. That is No man's land. Look into it. That might be your way to get an ECO to knock on his door.

    interesting point, do both parties own the dividing line and have legal access to it and can it be used by either party? as long as he is any distance off the dividing line or right against it there is nothing that can be done, but what if it's a tree that falls directly on the line.

  6. Deer was looked for yesterday and today. We even had the help of some 4legged friends no luck. I had one other friend come in to help out this afternoon and have not heard from hm yet.

    were you aiming to have the arrow enter the front of the deer, like in front of the shoulder / neck area or was it more towards the side of the deer to have the arrow enter above the shoulder? if what I'm asking makes sense to you.

  7. So with a 10 yard pin he should be aiming dead on but with a 20 yard pin he should be aiming low?  Not trying to be sarcastic here.  I've been hunting on the ground but I'm really thinking about going back to the tree stand this weekend since I've gotten busted the last few times.  I don't have a 10 yard pin set so I'll be using a 20 yard pin.  A close proximity, I should put my 20 yard pin under where I want the arrow to go?

    I have one pin that covers 10 & 20 yards.....if I'm shooting from the ground, it's dead on at 20 yards and an inch or two high at 10 yards.........if I am in a treestand, and the deer is broadside at 10 yards, I'll put the pin at the bottom of the chest........if closer, I may hold slighty under the deer.......that's what works for me.

    • Like 1
  8. For the record I was up a tree 15 feet. I put the 10 yard pin on the bottom of the shoulder. deer was standing 5 yards out. That should work..............

    last one I shot at about the same distance and height, I put my top pin at the bottom of the chest (broadside) and hit perfectly..........my top pin is good for 10-20 yards.

    • Like 1
  9. thanks for all the info guys. one day last summer I went up to run some barbed wire. neighbor of course had nonbarbed wire up for easier access. drive up to the property line and find they cut 5 to 6ft of brush and small trees when they put in new fence posts. I was PISSED. they posted the crap on their side. when I post my side seems that the "WIND" blows only my posted signs down and they are gone. theirs stay put on the tree. cop asked me if its posted and I said yes it is but for some reason my signs keeps disappearing. he says he cant do anything but talk to them. then told me I needed to talk to codes dept because this was more of an issue for them. called codes and was told its for police, codes cant do anything. figured the cop was too lazy to do the paperwork. I will have to get my lawyer to right up a notice to send to them. The stand I saw the flashlight from yesterday is smack dab in the middle of the property. they have stands built that are anywhere from right on the property line to 5 or 6ft off of it.


    I realy thank all of you for your advice on this and from other threads as well. I was going on this site 3 months before I decided to join and I am glad I did. Good people and good advice. Thanks to everyone again.

    unless you had a way to positively identify who was on your property, it would be impossible for any of the agencies to really do anything other than speak to them at this point.........make sure the cop does go speak to them, then get the report showing he did so, and who he spoke to.........most cops are required to document every time they respond to a call and take some type of action.

  10.  "A person who enters or remains upon unimproved and
    apparently unused land, which is neither fenced nor otherwise enclosed
    in a manner designed to exclude intruders, does so with license and
    privilege unless notice against trespass is personally communicated to
    him by the owner of such land or other authorized person, or unless such
    notice is given by posting in a conspicuous manner."


    I would post the hell out of the property............. 

  11. I shouldve added...its not go hunt there by myself. Its go there and a family member will "guide" me. Then sit in the stand with me an tell me what i can shoot. I dont do that garbage. Ive been hunting for over ten years, 8 years of it bowhunting. I dont need a guide or someone to hold my hand....nor do i need someone to tell me what i can and cant shoot. Lets put it this way...basically im "hunting" because they are tagged out. All it really is, is a reason to be in the woods to scout for gun season. Already seen pics of a buck that i was told nope cant shoot it. Dont get me wrong i love the family, we just hunt differently. Im taking a break and regrouping.

    that was the other impression I got from your post...I wouldn't want someone else treating me like a child either..........take that break and regroup.

  12. ticks are a disgusting creature.....I've had good results treating my clothes with permethrin. I was a member of Deer search for a few years, and living on Long Island, my dogs would get covered every time we went out and I would spend hours trying to get them off my dogs and always missed a few...that was enough to make me give it up.

  13. The company I work for has some Union and some Non-union facilities.  The Non-union facilities make more $, have the same insurance plus have other bonus programs the Union plants don't so we aren't the ones getting screwed, that'd be the ones who pay some Union for the "privilege" of going to work every day.


    One major advantage of the non-union shops that makes our efficiency leaps and bounds above the union ones is that if we need more help in a certain area we just move people into the breach.  They can't do that at the union facilities because of all the "That's not my job" crap.

    there's no doubt that there are some unions that don't do much for their members other than collect dues...........on the other hand, there are a few that help their members go leaps and and bounds ahead of some private sector jobs.....I belong to the second type of union and wouldn't be where I am without them.

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