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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. yup. dont lock the cameras, but I think I will from now on. I was looking for a reason to go ape sh!t on them so left the cameras easy access to steal. maybe they just erase the pic it takes of them.

    set the camera up in a tree the same height as the stand.......it'll take their photo when they get up in the stand, but they won't be able to access it without a lot of effort.

  2. just curious if it's ok to resort to threatening other members with violence when you run out of intelligent responses on this forum...................noticed there's times when some get suspended or banned for using foul language, but yet some can get away with threatening others with violence with no repercussions.........I'm a little confused as to what is or isn't permitted.



    Mod Edit: Forum rules are here: http://huntingny.com/rules

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  3. yes and the swearing is an issue on here at times. any and all swearing is not tolerated on here. does it slip through the cracks from time to time? maybe... but its not allowed either way you slice it.


    we all know what a curse is... and if you could swear on here, just imagine how few would come to enjoy this site and it was a free for all. that would be bad... but when one members slips then another and its snow ball effect. just keep it clean and no threatening anyone will be allowed here.



    not pointing you out, just saying. so dont think im aiming your way but just keep it clean

    I don't think you're pointing me out, because I don't swear or threaten people on here...never have, never will.

  4. I guess I have nothing against catch and release......unless the "catchers" are doing so just to have something to brag about.


    I have been practicing "catch and release" with trout for years.  Why....I'm not sure....except that I get more meat from bass, and they taste just as good, or better.


    My outing yesterday (which brought out some interesting nitpicking comments from some with guilty consciences) resulted in nine bass being released.  So...yeah, I'm OK with catch and release.


    It is interesting that there are those who would attack me for clinging to my traditional values.  It is really kind of sad that our youngsters cannot appreciate the values of their forebears.  Those who would attack their elders deserve the compassion of the rest of us.  Please forgive those who are so attached to modern techonology that they cannot appreciate those of us who cling to the past.

    keep doing what you're doing...the rest can pound salt.

  5. Nah...When/if they come up with a "Strawberry Blonde Finder", I will buy/use one.

    wait till they allow nuisance fishing...guys out there with spotlights fishing before the season opens......you'll be lucky if any are left.

  6. every year it's the same thing with you people,


    anyone who gets in another person stand without permission is a scumbag, who don't deserve to be called a hunter


    by your logic, while your out hunting public land I should be able to jump in your car and hang out, listen to the radio? it's on a public highway  right, you want your car left alone, by your own road

    huh?..who's you people?

  7. I know guys who hunt Otis Pike, they've done so religiously for the past few years and have always been successful, so far this year, not so much.........give it a week or two and things may turn around. 

  8. Waht are you saving them for? The 100 year anniversary?

    nah, I have two boxes of antique fishing stuff, most worth nothing, some worth something.......maybe one day I'll find someone interested enough to buy it, until then it'll stay as is.

  9. I would never climb into another persons stand....but it really irks me when someone sets up a stand on public land and claims the area as their own, I've seen stands hung and never get used on a regular basis, kinda thoughtless on the other hunters part, especially on lands that have designated spots that are used on a first come first serve basis.

  10. Ok im going out on a limb and asking this...only because this is the first year i missed the oct 1 deadline. On nov 1 i can pay the 10$ and still get doe tags right? Even though i missed the first draw?

    I thinks so, someone posted a link..check it out.

  11. I know it's off the topic of rifles, but what I did for my son for a shotgun was, got an adult size 870 and picked up a youth stock for it............only let him shoot skeet loads while he got used to shooting it and when it came time to turkey hunt, I just slipped 3" hevi shot loads into it and when the time came to shoot, he never even noticed.

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