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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. I have a Remington 870 that I bought 3 years ago. I've bought almost every slug out there. I got it down to these two as the best for two different reasons.

    Brenneke KO's they are rifled, which is the downside if you care about that. But they shoot great, always get the job done out at 100 yards. The reason I recommend them is because of the price. They are really cheap and I can always find them in stock.

    Lightfields hybrid exp 2 3/4 slug. They are not too expensive, at around 15 a box. The reason I personally use these is because they shoot great out of my gun, 2" 3 shot groups all-day at 100 yards. Besides the range benefit, they perform amazingly well in the field. I always have a nice mushroom expansion. They will reap havoc on the vitals. I've never lost a deer with these and they usually drop where I shoot them or 30 yards. The only thing I can say about them that isn't their strength is the range. I am not confident 150 yards or out. They really lose speed at 100 yards and the pattern opens up. Then again, how many shots with a slug are you going to take at over 140-150 yards in the woods.

    As to the others recommending the hornady SST, they do shoot great and are affordable. BUT beware that they don't do well for most applications in the woods at ranges under 75 yards. They shoot too fast and their design is horrible for expansion and mushrooming. I have been processing deer for awhile, and at the shop I've seen way too many SST's still in the deer looking like they came out of the box, and the hunter wondering why the deer ran football fields away.

    Short and simple. I would try the lightfield hybrid's if I were you, if they don't shoot well then get the hornady or copper solids.

    shot lightfields for years before switching to the sst's, really can't say a bad thing about either.......just better groups at longer distances with the sst's.

  2. I have taken multiple bucks for last 5 years, bow and gun. 90% of deer are taken by 10% of the hunters. as for ar's i take what i consider the top 10 deer in my area, as shown on cameras. for those that don't see bucks and the brown and its down areas, nys has a lot of hunters 650,000 i believe(somewhere around that number ) not everyone gets a deer mybe 1/4 of the hunters (prolly less than that, as hunters take 2-7 deer themselves) isn't this whole issue one of hunter satisfaction? face it if you leave yearling bucks alone, the same hunters are just going to fill their tags with 2 year olds? then what limit hunters to 1 deer  buck only or either sex? will you get 1 then?Maybe more time hunting and scouting are in order... most people on sites like this put in their time or have evolved as a hunter to where they prefer to wait for a big one and are content with the chase and not having to get one every year.

    like you stated, "isn't this whole issue one of hunter satisfaction?". Each hunter has their own reason's for hunting that satisfy them.............what satisfies one may not satisfy another.

    • Like 1
  3. Well lets get back to the topic...in a way..You know me and my little questions...I pose this...


    What good is the 500ft rule? REALLY ...When a person according to the wording of the law can now stand several hundred yrds from a deer...say...  across and open field...that could be standing 200 ft from your home ...tucked in the woods and shoot legally..When that law went in.... NYS was a shot gun only state...500ft was a reasonable safety net...I'm NOT SURE but also no scopes at the time...maybe wrong...someone should know...

     the law states you must be 500' away to discharge a weapon, but the target can be 100' away from the dwelling/building?..........makes perfect sense.

  4. I guess I have a different attitude about hunting than most do. I do not compare my deer takes to those on TV. I do not look at the ridiculous freaks being raised on deer farms and think "boy, I wish I could get one of those goofy looking things some day". I have a very good idea of the quality of the deer in my area, and I use that  to decide how well I have done. I do not spend a lot of time scheming to get some NYS record that doesn't even exist in my area. I do not plot how to add frustrating restrictions on to everyone's hunting just to make it easier to get some deer that come up to some meaningless score. What is that all about anyway? I don't spend a whole lot of time  belittleing the accomplishments of others or in anyway trying to force my standards on other hunters. I just hunt and try to take the best that my area and habitat and deer numbers have to offer. Yes, it is a lot more laid-back fashion of hunting, and most likely allows me to enjoy my hunting a lot more without being all up-tight about what I expect I should get. No unrealistic expectations or undue pressure on those hunters around me, and no visions of new ways to frustrate fellow hunters right out of the activity ..... no schemes to "grow" my own trophies .... no desires to hoard any of the local deer herd. I simply go hunting and enjoy myself in the pastime. To me that seems to be the entire purpose of the activity, and I guess I will leave it up to others to fret and stew over how to obtain the kind of deer that they see on TV. That is all fine with me as long as they leave my hunting alone.

    well said.......

  5. and I see you're already shooting broadheads....in my opinion, broadhead tuning should be the last thing you do after you have everything else consistent and shooting properly, with the cost of broadeads, it's just not cost efficient to burn them up just for the sake of seeing how they shoot.

  6. They exploded some today and found another location with materials..he also had chemicals

    no shortage of nutjobs out there......for every one found there's probably five more waiting to be found.

    • Like 1
  7. on second thought, if you're the type of person who does a lot of shooting throughout the year, I can understand stocking up with as much as possible now to avoid dealing with the ammo background check that's waiting for all of us in the near future......personally I make 2 or 3 trips to the range pre season and if the gun's on that may only cost me 3-6 shots after that it's just what I shoot hunting.

  8. I can just picture the puzzled look on all the faces of these politicians as they get bombarded by phone calls and emails........I'm sure the majority have no idea what they're voting for or against. All the more reason to get anything hunting related out of their hands,

  9. Yes its legal, but youd better watch yourself on how much you are making and not reporting to the IRS.

    I was wondering more about the buying side of it where gun shops are concerned.......don't know if it's the policy of all shops, but my experience has been that they won't even accept returns on ammo, because "we don't know what we're getting back". I think that they normally get shipments in sealed cases from the warehouse, I would hope they're not buying from anyone who walks in with 5 or 10 boxes.

  10. I'm sure the hoarding / stockiling is creating the lack of availability more so than the lack of production..........does anyone know if there's any current regulation on the resale of ammo, is it legal for someone to buy up as much as possible and then turn around and sell it to small shops or at gun shows for a profit?

  11. Trigger control education.


    We will still have those who want young bucks because they don't have the time, access, or desire to dedicate themselves to holding off. Their license dollars and rank keep the hunting voice loud-ish.


    I should look into it, but I wonder if PA had a license sales drop post AR. I thought I remember seeing info that they did.

    I certainly can't imagine license sales increasing because of them.....

  12. if you took a cocked and loaded crossbow, a loaded firearm, and a longbow with a nocked arrow, and left them unattended at a child's birthday party, the longbow would prove to be the safest..........in the hand's of a responsible hunter, they're equally safe.............I bet a hunter's knife is the cause of more hunting related injuries per year than all others combined.

    • Like 1
  13. Also, AR doesn't factor into B:D ratios. Doe tags, do, however.


    If you kill a young buck or an old buck, you still kill a buck.

    exactly......... so if I pass spikes and 4pts all season in search of that monster 1.5 year old 6pt, and on the last day of late muzzleloader I shoot a button buck, I've impacted the herd the same as if I shot the spike, 4pt or 6pt..... right?

  14. I'm trying to wrap my mind around why some are in favor of AR.


    I was flipping channels some time ago and "Whitetail Freaks" was on and they were featuring Kandi Kisky on her farm.  She was in a ground blind over a food plot.  She had a dozen or more bucks in front of her but was still waiting for that monster buck.  I thought to myself how unexciting that kind of hunting must be and I was glad for the rush that I get when any buck steps into view.


    If this is what AR is all about, leave me out of it.

    yes, unfortunately that is what it's all about.........and even worse, as you may find out, you don't have the choice of opting out, it'll be forced onto you.

  15. Not simpler times, they were times when the deer population could not sustain any larger of a harvest rate. If you did that now days, the deer population would quickly get out of hand in many areas. Thats actually why they stopped doing it that way.

    problem is, is that they hand out the tags as if each area is the same........there was no overabundance of deer in my area (4w) prior to them opening the floodgates and issuing multiple tags........ I think they need to rebuild the herd in some areas before even thinking about AR's.

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