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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. I'd say yes, Cuomo can't hang on forever...changing of the guard usually brings changes in past rules. Rules come and go, but the gas remains forever.

    yeah,  but I certainly wouldn't pay extra money for something that I may never get.

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  2. had a neighbor put in a false complaint to the DEC that we had an oil dump on our property(revenge for me buying land they thought they had first rights to)...The DEC showed up at my door with a special hazmat investigator from Albany ...They had to ask me permission to enter my property for a search...It was my day off and I said yes with my accompanying you and they waited at the door until I put on my shoes...now I could have said no and they would have had to come back with a warrant. That is all there is to that

    I would bet that if they had a large enough complaint to follow up on, that it wouldn't be a problem for them to do a flyover if they thought it was necessary........

  3. I shoot carbon....had one explode a few years ago, luckily no injury. The bow made a weird sound upon release and the front half of the arrow fell short of the target, eventually found the fletching half a few days later on top of the roof of a nearby shed.

  4. and this is what the NYS Penal Law considers a "loaded firearm".....

    15. "Loaded firearm" means any firearm loaded with ammunition or any
    firearm which is possessed by one who, at the same time, possesses a
    quantity of ammunition which may be used to discharge such firearm".......

    and I was told first hand by an ECO, that he has written under the NYS Penal Law instead of the ECL in cases when he finds some with a long gun on the front seat and ammo right next to it...not always, but he can.

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