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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. Yes she did. I have never seen the issue ( actually being serious ).



    I heard a rumor Playboy was going this route a while back. I didn't believe it. Surprised they did. There will be a lot of Photo Shop people looking for a new gig now. 


    Why is it that everyone who reads playboy goes with the old excuse "I read it for the articles.". Maybe, MAYBE, 1 in 10 people did that. I mean 'cmon! That's like saying you like going to Pizza Hut for the ambiance. LMAO!

    If I want porn, I'm certainly not gonna buy Playboy....

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  2. when you flush a system that hasn't been maintained for a looong time, you should be prepared for leaks to pop up...many times the crap is holding things together and once it breaks free the leaks open up..........not always, but it's something to be concerned about.

  3. is it poaching though if the area is open?I think they would be hard pressed to convict on that violation. 

    kinda like using a rifle in a shotgun zone or a gun in a bow only area, the area is open for hunting, but not for the wrong weapon.........at least that's how I see it.

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  4. Not to derail the thread too much but just curious as I've always thought about getting a 410 but never have actually owned or handled one.  Would one even swing a 410?  It doesn't seem to contain enough pellets or pattern well enough to do so from videos I've seen.

    I've killed more rabbits, quail and squirrel with a .410 then all other gauges combined.....

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