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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. technically his dad's safe but it still sucks. guns have great sentimental value. money can't replace that. I may never shoot another deer with my browning slug gun now that we're rifle but I'd never think of selling it.

    well, if his Dad is deceased, I would assume that Jim is now the owner.....

  2. I think regardless of caliber, the one that is easiest to access and use during a self defense conflict is best........in a split second, something that is easily accessible in a pocket is much better then something you have to fumble with getting out of a holster for the average person....in most cases your already at a disadvantage because you're reacting to a threat that already has the upper hand.


    no good, hunted the County Park, saw two, but that place is so thick with briars and stuff it's tough getting a shot..........we went out when we had snow last week, tracks all over the sides of the roads and around houses.....not much in the woods itself.

  4. That's neat. Quite a diverse state we have here!

    it really is......you can't see them in the first photo, but there are literally thousands of Eiders and Scoters out in the ocean. I definitely need to try hunting them some day.

  5. Private or public land?


    Rifle or shotgun?


    Past success?


    You live close by?


    Any plans for adopting of nice fellow from WNY?

    -Public, lottery system or you can go on standby and usually get a spot....acres of State and County Land

    -Shotgun or Muzzleloder....no rifles allowed on the Island

    -we very rarely come home empty handed....this was one of those times. Nothing ever too impressive as most bucks have shed by now.

    -about an hour East of me.

    -I wouldn't be too quick to give up what you have out that way to come out here.....

    • Like 1
  6. Great picture. Thats it, no story?

    not really...cold, windy, snowing......just a split second to get the scope on the deer and it was gone before I could settle the crosshairs. This is during the Long Island Special Season, runs the month of January. Montauk Point is the Eastern most part of NYS, "The End" as it's called........Here's a few more photos, one of the Montauk Point Lighthouse and another of the ocean.post-2073-0-66358600-1453229169_thumb.jppost-2073-0-21480000-1453229182_thumb.jp

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