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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. It cracks me up how hunters don't even know how to say the right age it's always a 1/2 that Buck is 3 1/2

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    so, if someone asks you how old you are, you actually add the "and a half" to your age if you're halfway to your next birthday?......I stopped doing that when I was 12.

    • Like 4
  2. Not sure if you noticed, but there is a western-experienced archer on this thread, and he's talking about still taking longer range shots when the setting allows.


    Haven't seen any westerner say they shorten their "effective" range because they come east. The same factors dictate the effective range there as it does here. If the shot allows for it, and can be made by that archer, then it is what it is.

    I was just thinking, that in the heavily wooded areas some of us hunt out here, at 20 yards pretty much what you see between yourself and the target is pretty much all that is there.......put a deer at 80 yards in the same area, and I would think that the arc your arrow would take between you and the target puts many more unseen obstacles in the way.....but, I'm just thinking out loud, I never shoot over 30.......oh, and I have no doubt that many can shoot effectively at long distances, my thoughts are merely what I stated above, and I believe that experienced archers understand what I said, but I bet there are far more who don't.

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  3. what did your friend say when you explained this dilemma to him? did he offer up "the best" stand or did he blow you off? I'm pretty sure that most of the friends I hunt with would offer it up without even being asked if they knew a new hunter was struggling to stay in the game..........matter of fact I thought it was common practice to put the new hunter in the best stand.....when my wife started hunting, the owner of the property thought it was the greatest thing and went out of his way to make sure she was in the best spot possible.

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  4. is she interested in hunting outside the "actual hunt" itself?........my wife hunted for a few years and only went because I asked her, but outside the actual sitting in a stand she had zero interest in any other aspect of it..............kinda like when I go to a Broadway Show with her, I'll sit there and be miserable for 2 or 3 hours, have no idea what the big draw is, and can't understand how she thinks it's the best thing since sliced bread, and can't wait to get out of there and hope she never asks again......

  5. does she get excited when she "almost" gets a deer? if not, maybe it's just not for her.....if she's just barely tolerating sitting there with the sole intent of killing something to make her hunt a success, then maybe it's not for her??? the people I knew who were miserable with the experience of "hunting", really didn't change their minds even after killing something.........on the other hand, those who came unglued at the mere sight of a deer coming close stuck with it either way

    • Like 2
  6. Have you hunted out west?


    I haven't, but everyone I know who lives there or hunts there on a regular basis has a much different view on shooting range than us east coasters do. Heck, even the Midwest bowhunters shooting whitetails do.

    and I'm willing to bet that if they had to hunt in the wooded areas that we do out East, their opinions on long range shooting would change dramatically............I think a  lot of western hunts are spot and stalk, limiting yourself to 20 yards would be a huge handicap, but I've never hunted out there so could be totally wrong.

  7. yeah, as far as the metal work and finish on the gun it seems to be the same as most higher priced guns.....the only difference I see is in the stock, and while pricing a nice wood one from Boyd's, I see that's were they saved money in the manufacturing and that savings is passed on to the consumer.

  8. I guess im gonna compare another hated topic to the whole AR and doe only, Common core everybody our age hates it, Its different and we are not used to change, Therefor we all hate it, But the system works, kids that started school with the program get along fine and actually do well, I think its the same with AR make the changes now and the future hunters wont know the difference therefor its normal and not a problem, Just my $.02

    if that's what you're in the game for...I'm not.

  9. I dont have a problem with the ones that kill yearlings, I have a problem when they all make every reason in the world as to why they shot it.  Many would rather chew their arm off than say they did not kill a buck this year. No problem what so ever shooting does for meat or management reasons

    thank you..I totally agree.

  10. I don't think this is about passing judgement on anyone or acting holier than thou... I think we're all in agreement that hunting is about enjoying it in your own way. But, in the same sense there is a point to be made about what passing young bucks has to offer for those that complain that there aren't enough mature bucks out there. But even with all that we must realize that anything we see in the way of hunting is directly related to what we as hunters are doing to make it better or worse. Whether its apathy, differences of opinion, falure to get involved or speak up to the people that matter, or our choice of hunting practices. We set the pace for how hunting is in NY. You reap what you sow.. I have developed a mindset that allows me to not be affected by any of it... I'm going to have a good hunting experience regardless of what comes down the pike as long as there are woods to hunt. I notice that there is a lot of complaining about how big, or how many, bucks there are from those that say how none of that is really the important part of hunting... if it isn't important then lets talk about something else. Offering a differing opinion is not passing judgement... calling someone "holier than thou" is.

    sure, you're pretty much on point with my way of thinking as to let each do their own thing..getting antler restrictions forced on you you kinda removes a lot of that.....and like I said, that wasn't really directed towards anyone on here, but I think we would be blind to say that there aren't those who don't want us to do as we chose and pass judgement on what they don't consider a worthy kill...do you see otherwise?.....it's hard to have a mindset that allows one to be unaffected when such things as antler restrictions are forced on you...and make no mistake, I was very vocal and wrote many emails against it.

  11. No one is passing judgement.  If you like to shoot for meat or the joy of hunting more power to you.  They are just stating that these type of hunters tend to go the extra mile to get a big buck.  Much more than the average hunter will.  That's all.

    don't take this the wrong way, because it probably doesn't apply to you or many on this board....but, there is no shortage of guys who look down at those who are happy with does and 1.5 year old bucks.....and I may be wrong, but I believe that is a fact.

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  12. I have nothing but respect for the guys who want nothing more than to kill big bucks, and will settle for nothing less...and I'm very sincere when I say that....and I almost understand their disgust at those who don't... but don't want to hear their "holier than thou" crap.....we all do it for different reasons, so let's take a break from the judgement passing.

  13. there are at least one or two 2 year olds on every piece of land at some point during the season especially during the rut but you have to be out there hunting hard all season to kill them if you kill a yearling then sit at home you will never see a bigger buck

    but if you don't give a sh@t if you ever kill a big buck, then why stay at home?......I could care less if I ever kill a big buck again, and could care even less if me passing up a younger buck affords someone else the opportunity to do so...unless they want to pay for my license.

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  14. yes, I have the itch....it's the hunt that gets me out, not what I can kill that dictates that..............I'll be out this weekend and for a few days after.....been working all summer and am ready to get away.

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