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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. If it were me, and I shot it at 5 last night, I would be out there right now, my main concern would be the loss of meat if it lays there all day............12+ hours is usually enough time for a deer that's going to die, to die......too little info to make an educated guess, but I'll go with low brisket or stomach area.

    • Like 4
  2. like someone stated earlier, they can bleed an ungodly amount of blood from a non fatal hit and survive or travel so far that you'll never find them.......if you've ever cut yourself real good, you know just how much blood you can pump out in a short amount of time and if you were to just let it drip onto the ground and walk / run 300 yards, which really isn't that far, just think of the trail you would leave....and you're certainly not gonna die from that amount of blood loss.

  3. That stinks.

    I never send anything until the check fully clears.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    if it was something I was looking to make money on I would have been more careful.....but it was more of trying to help someone out and money was secondary...maybe he'll fall on a broadhead and we'll be even.

    • Like 3
  4. What kind of bow if u don't mind me asking

    it was an older PSE Bruin, brand new strings and cables(about $150), arrows, a whisker biscuit rest, stabilizer,  quiver and a release that cost me about $50 2 years ago...cost me $20 in shipping and I took his first offer of $80 for everyhing...pretty good deal if you ask me....and I would have taken a fraction of that and been happy to help someone out.....but quite honestly what was sent is not the issue.

  5. I would recommend "turning the other cheek" and not posting the name. Everyone eventually gets what they got coming if you know what I mean.

    yeah, I agree with you on that one.....posting his info wouldn't make a difference that's why I haven't done so......I had every intention of doing something nice, and if he would have said he couldn't afford anything he still would have gotten the bow,,,,,for every 100 decent people out there, there will be one who isn't.....really no loss to me, other than that I feel bad that an honest person didn't get it.

    • Like 5
  6. it's more a matter of someone screwing a guy that was willing to help out then it is about the money or loss of property....I just feel bad that it went to a person who lacks character then to someone who genuinely needed and would have appreciated it for what it was.....and actually, they didn't screw me, I don't need the money or the bow....they screwed someone who really needed and would have appreciated it.

    • Like 3
  7. Ebay all the way if I need to sell something. Totally covered for fraud, plus I don't send until payment has been received.

    I would have sent it to anyone who contacted me and even if they said they were down on their luck and couldn't afford anything other then the shipping I would have gave it to them, but that wasn't the deal....it wasn't about me making money, I was just trying to help someone out.....I just would rather have given it to someone who was genuine in their need and not a Shyster....

    • Like 2
  8. Post the culprit's name so someone else doesn't get stung by this guy .

    gonna give him a day to maybe read this and  make it right, if not I definitely will, although I've probably been more than patient and generous at this point.....after this I doubt I'll hear back from him.

  9. oh, I was well aware of the risk of sending something off like I did......and it's not even the loss of the bow or the money that bothers me at this point....if I have something I don't need I'm more than happy to help someone out, I've sent stuff to other members before for free and have paid the shipping and told them not to worry about reimbursement, just happy to help out and clean out some unneeded stuff.....but when people go about things like this it pisses me off a little bit.

    • Like 1
  10. Probably should have agreed on a price, and gotten payment before shipping it. Unfortunately, you can't trust people, even on this site. That said though, WTF! Sucks that happened to you. Definitely post the user's name.

    I let him set the price after receipt and we agreed on one, I would have taken anything over the cost of shipping that he offered....my intent was not to make money, but more to help out someone new to the sport who maybe couldn't afford a newer bow.....

    • Like 1
  11. How did you ship it?  Was it insured?  if it went via USPS you may have a mail fraud case and can prove he received it if it was insured.


    I would never send anything without getting the money first.  Give them a grace period to look it over.  If they don't want it, when they send it back in the same condition it was in, I return their money.

    quite honestly it's not worth the effort to me and was not looking to make money...more or less to help someone out who needed a bow.....it's just the principal of it at this point.

  12. Well that really sucks , is he a member here ? Did you look up the address is it to a house ?

    I've done several deals with people on some forums I belong to. One is a knife forum where the guys are all close and you can check their references( these are knives often into the three figures) , the other is The Rolex forum where there are trusted sellers with hundreds of references .

    It's always been the buyer pays first and item is shipped on receipt of funds ,with a short examination period when it can be returned .

    I hope it works out for you.

    yes a member, although not what we would consider a top poster or well known......I checked the address prior to shipping and it came up as a legit address......I figured I'd make this post before I put up any more info to see if it has an impact on the outcome.....but, like I said not holding out hope.

  13. so anyway, a few months ago I mentioned in a thread (not sure which one) that I had a bow that I was looking to get rid of for cheap.......someone chimed in and said they were interested, so after a few PM's I sent it off, I also had to go out of my way to find an archery shop that had a suitable box for shipping, purchased packing material and laid out the money for shipping, did I mention it was fully equipped and I threw in arrows and a nearly new release??? anyway, he got the bow on July 17th and eventually on August 10th he got back to me and we agreed on a price.....August 24th he says check is in the mail......September 9th I tell him no check yet.....September 12th he says it must have got lost, new check on the way.......Here we are October 4th and nothing, I was really holding out hope that this would turn out better, but at this point I really doubt it...............just needed to vent.

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