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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. Are yours cold when they are going into the smoker?  Cold meat will form creosote on the outside, leaving a bitter taste.  To avoid this, take them out of the fridge 45 min before going into the smoker and let them warm up to room temp. 

    I'll try that as well.........thanks for the tip.

  2. Just didn't know if it was random or if it's somthing that they will continue doing in the same spot I always find scrape have a hard time finding rubs though

    I'm far from an expert on anything, but deer tend to follow the same patterns year after year......unless something drastic happens to their area to make them change.

    • Like 1
  3. I have heard that if you shoot does early in the season, they're less of them around and bucks do more traveling during the rut to find mates. Not sure how much water that holds, but just thought I would throw that out as a topic of conversation to get opinions on.

    I would think that's fairly accurate and makes sense.........but I think the question is whether or not shooting a doe first will have an immediate affect on you killing a buck that may be in the area.

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    I'll start it off wooly. :)


    Oldie but goody...........




    And from last year........



    I like that first photo......I was gonna say thanks for saving a deers life, but then I looked on the ground next to you........

    • Like 4
  5. if you kill a doe, your first priority should be taking care of it as soon as possible............not letting it lay there as bait. But, to answer your first question, I would guess that all depends on what your goal is, if you want to put meat in the freezer, kill the doe and hope it doesn't affect the rest of your hunt......if it's more important for you to kill a buck, then pass on the doe and hope for the best.

    • Like 1
  6. One thing that they never seem to talk about much is whether the early muzzleloader season will be chopped off if the deer population gets down to more suitable levels. In other words, will this become another season that they can shuffle around from one year to another as required so no one will be able to plan on it being there or not? I'll bet that once implemented, it will never go away.


    As far as where such a season may wind up, I believe that just like the big DEC push a decade ago, the intent is to make the early muzzleloader season eventually apply state wide. That's what they were talking about when they wanted it before, and there's no reason to think that they have changed their minds on that goal. I am sure that they are looking to set precedents for future expansion.

    usually, once you get something, it's very hard to get rid of it.........

  7. it's fairly obvious that if someone or something is put into an environment where they are FORCED to interact with the source of a disease, that we can determine how it is transmitted...the question is, how easily or to what extent is it transmitted in a natural environment.....

  8. I would think that forcing animals that are already infected with a disease, to closely interact with animals that aren't, would give a false report on the severity of it......kinda like putting people in a cage with one having aids and not telling the others and allowing them to have sex...and then coming to the conclusion that people who live in close proximity to one another and interact normally spread the disease.

  9.  Not sure about blasting a round. Maybe on the private land I hunt. But If I have to hunt the SZ, that will be public land. I know bow hunters will be in the area, so I am not sure I want to just blast off rounds I don't have too. 

    I second the not blasting off rounds especially if you don't know who or what is around you......unless you just shoot into the ground right in front of you, sure you may piss off other hunters but it's no different if you were making noise small game hunting and shooting. I think your idea of setting up near the roost is a good idea, they probably call to regroup after fly down.

  10. I suppose all animals are exposed to the smells of their sick, dying and dead, and maybe they don't associate it with danger??? I would think that the human scent that's left behind at a kill site would be more alarming to them than anything.

    • Like 1
  11. aren't mechanics only allowed to charge a set amount of hours of labor for specific jobs? I was always under the impression that if say a brake job calls for 3.5 hours of labor that is what they're allowed to charge whether it takes them 30 minutes or 8 hours......that alone might make a mechanic reluctant to take on a nightmare of a job.

  12. having hunted in the Catskills for 30+ years, I fully expect the deer take to decline this year..........it's gotten worse and worse every year, blame it on winter kill, Coyotes, lack of food, too many doe tags in years past....whatever. The deer numbers just aren't there anymore.

  13. The guy who started this tread may have a point.

    The planting of food plots is not habitat improvement, or good forest management selective harvest of trees and planting more desirable trees is. Letting a field revert back to woodlands is good habitat improvement.

    oh, he may very well have had a good point.........but, he lost me with his opening line, so I never got to it....he needs to work on his delivery.

    • Like 1
  14. 100's of people are arrested everyday based on the complaints of other people......the number of acts of retribution pale in comparison to that number. There's no doubt that there are those who stop at no extreme in getting some type of revenge, but I don't believe that is the norm....the vast majority of people arrested or ticketed are just those who made a stupid choice and it caught up with them..........now, I don't live in an area that produces hardcore poachers, and maybe they are a different type of animal, but I think as a whole, those who get caught smarten up a bit.......but that's just my thoughts.

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