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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. They should require all Deer Butchers and Taxidermists to maintain a log of all the deer they process with the hunters license information that has to be made available to the DEC on request, Taxidermist's may already do this, but there's gotta be dozens of fly by night butcher shops that pop up during the season that probably keep zero records.........I'm sure it's not possible to check them all, but random checks could help keep people in line as far as reporting goes.

  2. I think that I mentioned here last year about having talked to a couple NY wildlife biologist from the DEC about a plan to get 100% deer harvest reporting from hunters to get better numbers to help with future decisions on DMP and other population control plans. Neither biologist thought that 100% reporting would be any better than their existing statistical formulas that they use now with the low hunter reports they get currently. I found it very odd that they thought their math was as good or better than actual numbers... Not sure how that kind of mentality plays out for coming up with good information as a basis for making good management decisions... I understand that even with 100% of the hunters reporting there would be deer killed that were not reported.. but the numbers would have to be better than simply using educated guessing... I made me wonder a little about the guys making the decisions.

    we'll never get exact numbers, too many dishonest hunters...we can ask them to demand 100% participation but that's about it.......while I agree that it's the best way to get a handle on numbers, the general hunting population won't allow it to happen, unless they only give out the second buck tag and additional dmps upon having the first deer checked in, that might work. 

  3. Bingo!


    Good job on the link.

    I remember him telling me about driving down roads and the next thing he knew he was almost in Canada.....they were in very desolate areas and met power company's from all over NY and adjoining States......interesting for them, but probably not so much for the residents....and according to that article Andy's Dad was governor, wow how time flies

  4. That the ice storm of 1991?


    Boy did THAT change the landscape in the Finger Lakes........funny thing though, IIRC the east facing hillside got hammered worse than west facing.  That ice storm completely ended my spring gobbler hunting on the west side of Canadice.  I had been doing very well there from the early 80's until then....After the storm, the woods were totally impenetrable.


    After about ten years it was hunt-able again but I had found some other hotspots.

    I remember that ice storm very well...my father works for the power company on Long Island and they sent him and a bunch of guys up to help out, he said it was unreal.


  5. I'm curious to know if the enviro groups and conservationists have been involved in the opposition to these wind mills.  From what I've heard, they have a history of killing many large birds, raptors and even bald eagles.


    If we are concerned about lead ammo and fracking in NY, shouldn't there be a big objection to wind mills as well?

    that's exactly why I asked about the regulating of them.....is the only thing that stops them the local opposition or is there an environmental opposition to them as well that would make the State step in much like fracking? I would think there has been environmental impact studies done, but maybe the benefit to the environment overall outweighs the detriment?

  6. I like to hear opinions on any subject. It is hard to appreciate without actually seeing these monstrosities, particularly if you were there before they took over the hills.


    I tend to get a bit opinionated on the subject since I was neck deep in the effort to keep these things out of our town. But I do not want to discourage any discussion. That's pretty much what we do here .... lol.

    not a problem and I took no offense in the least bit.....like I said, it's not my backyard so I really shouldn't comment as far as that goes.

  7. Actually, dozens of white structures the size of some of Rochester's skyscrapers, clustered throughout the wooded hills are really quite difficult (make that impossible) to ignore. They truly do dominate the view-scape that used to be something pleasant, rare and treasured to look at. So yes, they are much more invasive than outdoor furnaces. Perhaps if the stacks on the outdoor furnaces reached 300' - 400' and were topped with huge whirling blades, and were clustered throughout the entire wooded area, that might not be true. However, while there are many ways to screw up the environment, and perhaps there are a lot of them that should be independently studied, the topic here was windmill corporations that are exploiting small towns of the Finger Lakes.

    I know I went off topic, and I don't live up there or have to look at it so I probably shouldn't even comment, but the bottom line is people are looking for ways to make and save money all at the cost of the environment......but like I said, it's not in my backyard so I'm not going to comment any further.

  8. I wouldn't worry about recovery numbers overall I would just worry about myself, if you get to the point where you feel comfortable, I say go for it.....no way any of us can be 100% sure of the outcome when we release an arrow regardless of whether it comes from a recurve or compound bow....but there is no doubt that the term "trophy" will take on a whole new meaning if you take ANY deer with traditional archery gear.

    • Like 2
  9. I hope they are paying well for the destruction of the viewscape of some of our most prized vistas. Oh, but then most of the people who have to look at those huge whirly-gigs don't get a cent do they?  

    is it really any worse then those filthy outdoor furnaces that are out there that people set up on their lawns with giant stacks of wood that belch their filthy smoke into the air? those aren't pretty to look at and smell either.

  10. looks like if you sign the petition, the company who runs them uses your information and shares it with other petitions that they are involved with and will send them to you....I got emailed additional ones.....just an FYI for those who don't care to have their info used for things other than what they signed up for. I had to unsubscribe and will be more careful in the future about what I sign up for....according to the other emails I got it appears to be linked to this organization, they also appear to have anti hunting agendas as well......http://www.care2.com/

  11. look at how many guys hunt ducks and geese...wingshooting is not an exact science either, can't even begin to remember how many of each I've put a few pellets in that have gotten away....and yet we think nothing of wounding something like a bird, but are haunted by the wounding of a deer....sorry for going off topic, but food for thought.

  12. I think you have to look at traditional archery much like any other sport that doesn't rely on gadgets to help you get it done...I know great golfers, ball players, dart players, who 9 out of 10 ten times are on their game...then there is that one day when they can't get anything right, same goes with traditional archery....only difference is there is a living creature at the other end when you screw up...my brother went to the recurve a few years back and is 4 for 4, but there are days at the range that are just plain terrible.

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  13. like I threw out there earlier, and as wacky as it may have sounded....why not go to your regular tag is for a doe and the buck tag go to a lottery system like they do now with doe tags?.....if the area calls for it, you can get two.

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