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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. No YOU don't get it. I'm on your side. I share your views, but not everyone sees the big picture or cares that much. That is my point. I vote republican because I side with their views more than democrats. I still disagree with a lot of their policies. A lot of liberals would give up their guns for social programs and more taxes for the rich. I don't know why it's so hard for some of you to see that.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    I agree with you 100%, I know several people who are "gun owners".........that consists of the gun they got from their grandfather that sits in a case under the bed, or the guy who takes his rifle out once a year to go deer hunting 2 days, or the guy who goes skeet shooting once every three years when asked.........I guarantee you there are more important things to them come election time then that gun that their life does not revolve around.......and I don't need to hear from anyone that it's about the Constitution and it being trampled on, I'm well aware of what it's about, bottom line is that there are many who don't care what the big picture is and guns really aren't that important in their lives.

  2. I see this claim thrown around a lot. I don't believe that is what the law actually says.

    V. PISTOL PERMITS 1. Recertification Process The Safe Act has amended section 400.00 of the Penal Law to require that all pistol permits be renewed, or recertified, every 5 years beginning in January of 2014. Every existing permit holder will be required to recertify using a quick, free process that will begin in early 2014 on a staggered basis. Failure to recertify acts as a revocation of the license by operation of law. During the renewal process, the database will be checked to ensure that the licensee is still qualified to possess the weapon. Detailed recertification procedures are currently being developed and will be explained to all permit holders in 2014. 2. Pistol Permit records to be confidential / “Opt Out” Forms All state records relating to the Safe Act, including pistol permit renewal records, are specifically exempt from disclosure by statute. In addition, county permit records will not be subject to disclosure if the permit holder files an “Opt Out” form with the county. This form is available at http://www.nysafeact.comor http://www.troopers.ny.gov/optoutfoil. 3. Becoming ineligible at later time results in revocation If a licensee at any time becomes ineligible to hold a license, the license is considered to be revoked under an amendment to PL 400.00 (11). In such case, the person is required to surrender his or her license to the appropriate licensing official and any and all firearms, rifles or shotguns owned or possessed by the person must be surrendered to a law enforcement agency. EFFECT ON POLICE Removal of weapons not surrendered If the license and weapons are not surrendered, they will be removed by a police officer and declared a nuisance. At that point, the person would lose the ability to lawfully transfer the weapon. If a person becomes ineligible to hold a pistol permit, the Safe Act requires the person to surrender all firearms to police, including all rifles and shotguns for which no license or registration is required..........

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  3. Sorry, I didn't see it. But it is probably good that it was re-posted anyway. That page adds a whole lot of insight into how the DEC is thinking these days.


    Frankly, I can't comment on whether the numbers sound reasonable or not. I can't imagine what a layman would ever base that opinion on other than blind faith.

    it would be interesting to see an actual breakdown of the numbers and where & how they got them...........if the number is 240,000 and only about half are from actual reports, then they are coming up with 120,000 from other estimated sources...

  4. This is exactly the issue here.  How can you deny an American citizen a Constitutional right without due process?


    If no charges were ever filed to take away his 2nd Amendment right to possess firearms, taking them violates his rights.


    This is what worries me most about America today.  Average citizens have no idea what they're rights are and assume they are granted to them by government, when in reality, they were born with them and cannot have them taken without due process.


    If we allow our rights to be unconstitutionally violated, we are giving them up voluntarily and they can never be regained.  That's why, when we hear of cases like this, it is wiser to make the government the party that has to prove they are not guilty of violating someone's rights.

    I think this whole thing is much more involved than just on the level with the local P.D.and their policies, I see a challenge to the SAFE ACT in the higher courts.........I think the SAFE ACT played a part of what happened here, and if Nassau P.D. did in fact revoke his pistol license, then confiscation of all his guns is what would have happened........that's why it's so important to hear both sides. This story could have been about anything and I would find it flawed due to it being provided solely by the plaintiff and his attorney..............but I'm just speculating.

  5. I think I got my point across. Useless speculation without facts is exactly that.....useless speculation.

    my posts stating POSSIBLE reasons for why his guns may have been taken were more for the benefit of those who just came out and say that "they can't do that" and that it can't happen without "criminal charges".......because it can and does happen, and for exactly the reasons I said..........and like I said earlier, I bet the whole SAFE ACT thing never even crossed most minds.

  6. The DEC has produced a page that addresses reporting rates and how they are calculated. They also have written a rebuttal to the plan that I have described. Check it out and see if you agree with them. You will find it at:  http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/47738.html


     On that same page you will find a stat that directly addresses your feeling about "gross under-reporting". The figure that they arrived at was that the calculated "reporting rate" was 45% in 2006. Less than half of all hunters report their kills even though it is the law. Now if that isn't gross under-reporting, then I don't know what is.


    It is all very interesting, and I encourage everyone to read that page. It's not very long. Come up with your own conclusions.

    thanks for the link, I posted it on page #5..............I'm not saying that hunters are not under reporting, because it's quite obvious that they are.......I think that the # they eventually come up with is probably fairly close after all the data they add up.

  7. Yeah, we might even find out that there really was no basis for the confiscation at all....lol. How about a real wild piece of speculation that opens the possibility that a neighbor was irritated by the sound of his constant target practice and conjured up a bogus report. How about the report was called in by a disgruntled ex-wife ..... lol. Or maybe it was one of those "dishonorable firemen" who placed an anonymous phone call. We all know how they are. My point is that we can speculate all we want to, but until and unless more details come out, we are stuck with the original story.

    annoying his neighbor with constant target practice? if this guy was shooting guns in his backyard in Nassau County, then it's a good thing they took his guns away......so yes, that would be a real wild piece of speculation.

  8. For those that visit LIF, I was blasted with a virus.   Spent the better part of a day scanning, and using various tools to remove the nasty ware.   And I hear I'm not the only one.     I wouldn't even attempt to go back on there for a while.   The site is definitely hacked.

    is that a porn site?

  9. and right or wrong, shedding some light on what may cause a persons guns to be confiscated in no way says I agree with it......the amount of people out there who are clueless as to what could happen because of a single act or statement is probably staggering. I wonder how many would read a story about someone losing all their guns after having a pistol license revoked would even realize that it happened because that's what the SAFE ACT says should happen...I bet not too many.

  10.                  Why is it that every time something about gun confiscation comes up so many people make excuses as to as to why it was the right thing to do? Every one likes to say must be more to the story and then gives reasons for why it might not have been wrong. We do not know for sure if that is the whole story or not. It might just be that the story is just what is written. If anyone believes that this does not happen without an good reason then you are blind. I have seen people who locked himself in his house [where there guns] with his wife and threaten to kill himself.  When he was talked out he went to jail. Funny thing is when he got he kept his guns lost the wife but not the guns. I have also seen someone lose there guns for argueing with there wife and she got mad and called cops. His guns were taken because the court felt he was dangerous. I know for a fact it was only a shouting match and nothing dangerous was said or done but because she wanted to see someone else and for him to be gone and she look like the good guy in the break up she said she was afraid of him. I was there when this happened but the courts took her word.


                    The fact that this guy was a firemen and disabled means nothing. I am a firemen and have known many who were as crooked as the day is long. How a person looks and acts in public can be very different from them in person. Same with leo or military. Not a knock on them at all as I fall in one of these groups however these things do not mean you are a top grade person.


                      Funny how everyone screams foul about the safe act but when someone has there guns taken away the first thing that is said is there must be more to it they wouldnt do that for no reason. WAKE UP PEOPLE  these laws give them the right to take your guns just because thy want to they need no reason. I can not believe all the excuses being given for this possable being right. Maybe it was the right thing and there was a right reason but to think that it will always be the owners fault when they are taken is blindly fallowing like sheep.


                  Yes if we do not like the laws we can move to where these laws do not exist. However if we just keep moveing these laws just keep getting passed. People have to stop running and stand and fight or we will run out of places where we are still free. If that is what we are now. If we keep ignoring these things soon they will have what they want and that is all the guns and all the power. Powerless people are easy to control. Keep thinking they do not want all the guns and one day you will wake upwith none and wounder how this happened. That is when people like V J P will be able to say you were told this would happen.


                    Oh and who cares how many or what kind of threads someone posts? If you dont like them do not read or post to them. Why cry about someone trying to open your eyes? If you wish to stay blind then stay blind.

    like I said earlier this is nothing new, it's been happening to people for many many years, but all of a sudden, for some reason people are now waking up, and maybe a bit too late....I guess I should have given reasons why it was wrong along with the reasons it may have been right, but saw no need to based on the fact the story gave the reasons for it being wrong...and don't confuse excuses for possible reasons...and it only took me a few minutes to dissect the story and come to the conclusion that it may have been a revocation of a pistol license that caused the confiscation of all guns thanks to the SAFE ACT...certainly not taking sides but offering some logical explanations of what transpired...and yes, occupation has nothing to do with it other than to gain some sympathy. 

  11. If I'm not mistaken, the distances specified in the law are from any building, not just a dwelling.

    correct, you really got to look at the definitions to be 100% sure you're in compliance.......something as simple as a chicken coop that sees human activity on a regular basis would probably require you to be 500' away from to discharge.

  12. Mr VJP....The STUMPAGE report is where a bunch of old farts like you and me and a few others on this forum line up and drop our drawers for a photo.

    This is opposed to a TIMBER report ( sometimes called a WOODIE report) that we could have qualified for a few years ago when we were younger.

    I think you're thinking about the shrinkage report...two different things.

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  13. So discharge of firearms on your property (500' away from buildings) is not a problem?

    even if you're on your property, and there is a dwelling on an adjoining property under that distance you can't discharge....take your dwellings out of the equation because they don't count.......but, yes, barring any local ordinance you can discharge on your property if you meet that requirement...but keep in mind, that there's no guarantee that what isn't there today might be there tomorrow.

  14. I am thinking about buying 20 acres in Dutchess County. What are the laws on hunting on your own property? Is 20 acres enough? Thanks!

    you gotta be 500' from a dwelling if gun hunting unless you own or have permission from the owner............so it really depends on if there are houses around it, if none you have free range of the place, if it's surrounded by houses that's going to cut your legal hunting area down quite a bit.....and consider what may come in the future.

  15. Raccoons, Wild Turkeys, Wild Hogs, Opossums, Skunks, Rats, Red squirrels, Woodchucks, Moles, Mule deer, Antelope, and Porcupines. Take them all away in that order and I would be a happier camper. I could take or leave the coyotes, as they put a hurting on the turkeys and raccoons and I like that. I just wish they would leave the deer alone. At least they take more bucks than does, which minimizes overall population reduction. They can have them rutted out, old bucks, which are easy picking for them in early winter, having spent most of their energy chasing does. It is a shame that so many fawns, food that is "fit for a king", should go "to the dogs" however.

    wow, someone happy that Coyotes are putting a hurting on the wild turkey population and killing old rutted up bucks...that's gotta be a first. I thought there was a place for all God's creatures on this planet?

  16. If you don't have a problem with taking all guns when a pistol license is revoked, you don't really understand the problem.  Think about it.  A pistol license can now be revoked without any cause.  Is this a law that allows the govt to confiscate all firearms easier, or is it designed to eliminate people getting pistol licenses?  it certainly isn't preventing any crime.


    Either way, if that's what they used to justify the confiscation, it's still an unjustified confiscation in my mind.

    I'm not saying I approve or that it's justified.....I was saying that might be the part that was left out, my comments are directed solely at this story and nothing more........I never look at one side of any story and make a determination as to who is right or wrong, nor should anyone else.

  17. That certainly is the implication of those replies that insist that there has to be something that has been left out of the story that would show that the confiscation was justifiable. Kind of like unjust confiscation is simply incredibly unlikely. Sometimes a news story is exactly all there is to a story.

    I don't think anyone can argue that there is more to that story, we're only hearing from one half of the involved parties....and like I posted above, if they revoked his pistol license then all his guns go......just speculation, but that would fill in the pieces of the puzzle.

  18. Well it definitely ain't rocket science if I came up with it...LOL Makes you wonder though why it has never been tried.

    probably like stated before.....it would take jobs away from the people who are out in the field working on getting harvest counts.

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