After reading about another forum members luck with bullets from Precision Rifle, I bought some from him to try. They grouped great and more importantly blew big holes through two doe last year. I am now a big fan!
Thanks. I currently shoot Muzzy MX3 100gr heads out of my vertical bow and was thinking about the Muzzy Trocar 125gr crossbow heads out of my crossbow. I just didn't know if it would be worth the investment or if I should shoot the MX3's out of both.
Haha! I like to try everything when it comes to deer hunting. I have been successful using several methods and weapons. I can't pass on an opportunity to use another!
I figure I might as well try an Xbow and purchased a Excalibur "Axiom". The biggest advantage I see is not having to draw on a deer which means a lot since I am primarily a ground hunter. I am also looking forward to using a different weapon to harvest a whitetail. I find it ironic that I also bought a recurve bow this year to learn traditional archery.