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Everything posted by Terry

  1. Congrats on a awesome bird!
  2. Terry

    Bearded hen

    I witnessed that last year. Very unique and I wished I had my video camera.
  3. Machinist, will the "Ship it" store in Fulton ship it or do I need to go through an actual UPS place?
  4. This has been a very helpful thread. Thanks Machinist!
  5. I had trouble reporting my sons Jake. It took several tries over a two day period. The worst part is I was trying to show my son how to do it and failed miserably. I am sure in his 12 year old brain he had some sarcastic comments for the DEC.
  6. Terry

    Bearded hen

    Yeah, that definitely does it for me too.
  7. Congrats! Sometimes the easy hunts are perfect for the later season.
  8. I called in a bearded hen the other day. I always said I would shoot one, but with numbers being down I passed. Would you shoot one if given the opportunity?
  9. For me 10" is that magic mark that's tough to hit. I have only done it once with a 11-1/8". Other than him, I creep close with a lot of 9-1/2 inchers.
  10. Another morning without a gobble. Starting to get frustrated!
  11. Congrats! How long were his spurs?
  12. Congrats! The ones you really have to work for are the most rewarding. It's a good feeling isn't it?
  13. Not sure how much stock to put into Consumer Reports, but they rank AT&T the lowest in costumer satisfaction every year out of the 4 big carriers. Verizon is always ranked number 1.
  14. I agree with ditching the blind if your not bow hunting. Also, many disagree, but if your using decoys, stop. I try to get something between me and the bird and about 35 yards from me if I can. That way he has to clear it before he thinks he should be able to see a hen. By then he is already in range. If he thinks a hen can see him he might not come in the rest of the way. Fallen trees, wall of brush, or peak of a knoll are what I mean by something that blocks their view. Only bad thing is that it blocks yours too. Hope this helps!
  15. Hit 4 proven spots by 8, not one gobble! I haven't heard a gobble since May 6th I think, but at the beginning of the season I had 6 birds located. What the heck!
  16. Driving around today, I seen more hens then I have in a long time. They were everywhere. I am hoping this means something good for this weekend.
  17. I like to be at my chosen spot about 15 minutes before fly down time. I don't see any reason to be there any earlier.
  18. I have 10 12 gauge Hevi13 turkey loads for sale. Shot size is #7. 3 of them are 3-1/2", the other 7 are 3". I live in Fulton, Oswego county. $ 45
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