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Everything posted by Terry

  1. I should have quoted more of your post, you said most bucks were between 150 and 180 and most guys get one within 3 days. You can do that on state land?
  2. Tracking any deer on snow in a 2000 acre fence wouldn't be fair to the animal, trust me. He ultimately would have no where to escape to.
  3. Can that be said about a state land or your average private land guy...No. I think your own statement proved my point.
  4. Give me or anyone else a rifle when there is snow on the ground, a license to harvest them all, and let us loose in there, and there won't be a deer left when we're done.And the fact that you know for sure that the class of animal your after is in there, cuts about 80% of the work out of it. I didn't say it would be a walk in the park, however it definitely gives you a huge advantage over fair chase.
  5. 150's to 180's is huge for NY. The fact that it's not to the high fence industry speaks volumes to me. They are basically manufacturing whitetail to cater to guys who feel the score is more important than the hunt. To each their own, but if someone doesn't think there is a difference between fair chase and high fence then they're lying to themselves.
  6. My question is, if high fence hunting is as challenging as free roaming whitetail, what is the advantage and why do it?
  7. I don't keep a humidor, but I enjoy one on occasion. I have tried Punch, Arturo Fuente, CAO, Acid, Macanudo, and quite a few others. Really haven't found a favorite yet, but I do know I like something around 5" x 52.
  8. I have a custom maker that can make me one in pure white. I could use some fabric paint and add a few squiggly marks for a little camo.
  9. How well does it breath? I have found that the windshear lining holds in all moisture, to the point it becomes ridiculous.
  10. Think you got this thread mixed up with mine Joe.
  11. I have a lightweight natural gear snow cover suit already, I want to lose that layer as well.
  12. I have a small fanny pack I wear. Doesn't get in the way and it's fleece so it's dead quiet. Doesn't carry a lot, just what I need.
  13. I know, it's just out of control with the windshear lining. I need something without it and I figure I might as well incorporate the snow camo as well.
  14. db, I have been using a cover suit and want to get away from it.
  15. Does anyone have a recommendation for a line of fleece clothing in some kind of decent snow camo? No wind block is a must, it doesn't breath and I will be mainly using this to track in the snow. I have been using my Cabelas Wooltimate, but I get too wet from sweat, it just doesn't breath with the windshear lining. Thanks
  16. Per animal deer may be worth more than cattle, but the giant numbers of cow in this state make it a much bigger more valuable industry.
  17. FSW, what I don't think you realize when talking about agendas, is that it is very clear to most that you have one. There are two sides that could possibly have an agenda, those that stand to profit off deer farms and those who stand to profit off deer farm failure. Your in of those groups. It's very clear that you have a dog in this fight, hence why it's tough to see your statements as anything but one sided. When anyone gives a level headed, open minded statement that doesn't prove your point, you start making unfounded claims about conspiracies against the deer farms. It makes you sound like an extremist and discredits anything useful that you might post. Take it as constructive criticism from a guy who is never going to profit off anything involving deer farms, but has interest in educating himself on the truth behind CWD.
  18. Terry

    Whitening skulls

    Check these out to hang your skull on the wall like it's looking at you http://www.taxidermistwoodshop.com/mobile/Product.aspx?ProductCode=SH01
  19. Terry

    Whitening skulls

    The yellow look comes from the grease making it's way out over time.
  20. Yeah, I read that on their site.
  21. When there is snow on the ground, snow camo works better than any camo in any other conditions. I think the deer struggle to make out any kind of outline with white on white.
  22. I think I am going to try one of the hunks of state land with my xbow. Figure the worst that can happen is I end up sitting in the woods for a bit.
  23. The big woods can be intimidating until you break it up into sections and learn each one. Just pick an area and focus on it until you have it pretty well broken down, then move into the next section.
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