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Everything posted by growalot

  1. They were out this a.m. when I was at the dentist. .let's see if they show before 4:38 this afternoon.. I wouldn' mind 3pm. Winds picking up again..funny...I walked 1300 ft down the hill,total white at house and this here
  2. Second link best http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/8302.html http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/7786.html
  3. That's a big area..do you have a boundary idea?
  4. Had a farmer get caught doing that. Then someone found a gully of deer on his farm ...I believe crap hit the fan for him on that and he had to remove and properly dispose of all of them...That was some years ago...
  5. Gut pile on mine was still there...minus the liver..No I do not eat organ meat but do take the heart for son to pickle... I was happy to see just greens and acorns in his guts...
  6. of teeth cleaning? I was in the chair a half hour, lots of that us talking,and 72.00 later...No seeing dentist ,x-rays, or anything else...tarter, floss, polish and out... Now I have it done ever 6 mos., but really never noticed price......It just sorta shocked me today...Holy Hanna Glad Mr B got insurance for himself...I can't imagine what his appointments cost... I wouldn't mind if I thought the hygienist received the better part of that...because having a good hygienist is more important to me then the actual Dentist...him I see for maybe 5 mins a year. What kind of prices are you guys seeing? I'll assume high due to location but confirmation would make the 72.00 go done better...lol I find myself in sticker shock more and more these days....
  7. Paula I have no clue...lungs are pretty big...and a lighter shade of red/pink...if you figure it out let us know I'm curious...Bet you have some happy pups there...Angel was beside herself when I brought the deer home S.he'd waited since Oct... went out and guarded it...Mr B said some guy stopped at the road to try and get a look and she barked at the truck...She NEVER does that..it was HER deer...lol Ahhh your right Culver..I just assumed it was there...
  8. I saw more dead deer on the side of the roads this a.m. than all year.. we now have snow on the ground...starting sauce then heading out..finally low winds but seriously COLD!
  9. Good Luck this morning...I'm off to a dentist appointment...
  10. Thanks Dom.....I think most know who the nasty ones are...
  11. Well I can't see them so I don't care..see they accuse me of wanting attention..Though what do their nasty comments do to add to any conversation? It is their hope to get attention with likes..because those likes in their minds validate their nasty dispositions.
  12. That took long enough and no surprise who...
  13. Crappy that was just the deal I made with Peter Green The breeder...I bought the female for a specific price and then he paid to fly her to PA to be bred 2x' s then he got to pick the best 1/2 of the litter. He was the handler of the dog. Peter was one of the top handlers of terrier in the US and a Euopean Judge..I recall him mentioning Germany to me. A very nice guy actually. He was the one that chose what dog was to be the stud...All I did was make a hell of a deal with him. I'm just good at making deals,people that meet me like me.
  14. Mr. B comes home and says 3 big doe were standing down below looking at Rivers blind...I should have gone out...figures
  15. Also I haven't seen my plots get moldy...when we had goats mold was always a feed and minersl concern,even in the barn. I can't imagine e how moldy blocks or feed on the ground could get. REALLY BAD for ruminants.
  16. Check k ed cams ...lots of doe feeding ...So they should be put soon...
  17. I suppose plots are attracting but not at specific times and when you do what I do with one hunter and 14 plots scattered all over the property hunting shot gun not rifle...It's tough to call a plot a bait pile or compare it to one...unless your psychically reading deer minds
  18. Dr told me he had a couple come in in the spring...been fly fishing...they had 20 embedded in them...That's enough to have me buy a case of Sawyers...God!!!
  19. Mine... I went on antis hours after finding the tick on me and well the head staying in the bite...but she didn't know she'd even been bit and then was misdiagnosed for weeks being treat for..Ohh what is that! the thing adults get after having mumps or measles...anyways it wasn't until she couldn't stand one day and was having severe vertigo they went to a different Dr. and was tested... So ya it can get bad and fast...glad your OK now...
  20. Well enjoy and have a great year as well...
  21. Ya our friend got it this year went through the anti's and was retested...she is back on them again...it didn't work the first time...which reminds me ...I need to call the Dr. and get tested...Mr B is afraid my 10 days preventative didn't work after hearing about her...
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