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Everything posted by growalot

  1. Perfect timing 4 mins to close and the skies opened up......
  2. LOL...now I Get it... Only if your draw is above 150
  3. What to do when you go out for the last hour and realize you left your tree strap at home. ..you unhook the foot strap from harness and use it..Dang dark and windy here..walked these fields beds and crap everywhere. .Not that that will do me any good but it's an effort
  4. Your right Dom with one exception they aren't the same...now there is where the problem lies. Hunters don't see or want to admit the differences .
  5. Yes I heard of this bridge over the River Kwai...you should check it out..Lol
  6. Because apparently...some people can't tell the difference between a pickup or women from a deer in low light...just like some can't abide by the rules that govern their hunting in this state. Because when the weather isn't perfect even legal light isn't really enough to see. When leafs are on trees and your on the dark side of a hill legsl light can be tough to see.. When it's snowing...blah blah blah..because APPARENTLY NYS hunters have a difficult time following the rules they have and are lacking common sense...There ...perhaps if a reason other than they are the rules are needed... you can pick one of those.
  7. OK..I Have no idea what your talking about
  8. Let me point something out to you...THIS IS NYS period..NYS Rules..If you are hunting in NYS, you're obligated by law to FOLLOW NYS RULES. Repeatedly talking about other state rules...Won't change the FACTS.
  9. Wouldn't do me any good they all refuse to get me any more hunting stuff...Though Mr B did well with the stand last year...I need and want flip up scope covers for the wickedridge.
  10. Yes... just like a MUZZLE LOADER.... I did write cross bows are muzzle loaders...according to the DEC I probably needed to point out the sarcasm in that statement..lol
  11. Remember thats a "vertical" bow...NOT cross bow...cross bows are muzzlebloaders with special last 2week bow hunting status....According to the DEC...
  12. Mike.. Look at the DATE he wrote...Lol.....
  13. Listen... before this gets any worse...cut him a bit of slack...his above statement tells the story behind his attitude...just let it go....
  14. Well and how many years did THAT take...and a death...
  15. Did a slow trail walk around the property...OMG so much deer crap! ...got to the oak flats plot and I'm watching the bedding area on the other side as I approach to check cam ..Up pop two deer just off my left side..few yards away...They get 20 +yrds out on the slashing and stop...I froze. It's the buck fawn and doe... So starts a 20 min stare down and walk back to me...Do you know how sore that can make you?...geezs...The doe fawn was much smarter. She stayed well into the slashings slowly moving away as he came towards me. It ended when he got into the open and I stood there in the open as well . By now gun shouldered and supported with and army type sling rest....That was well over a 5 min 10 yrds wide open stare down ...him licking his nose bobbing his head...pretending to clean his back and quickly looking at me...pretending to eat and snapping to attention...LOL the little guy pulled out all the stops. I was dressed in black jogging sweats ,camo jacket ..work clogs orange vest and hat, no mask, no gloves...The doe finally decided she'd waited long enough ..gave a quick huff and trotted away he turned and decided she had the right Idea and trotted after her... Wow was that fun...sore... but shoulders ,knees on fire LOL...I'm not desperate enough to shoot a fawn buck or doe...besides I owe them, if not for them all I'd see this season is crap! Literally...Though he did give me a chance to at least remember what my gun feels like shouldered...hahaha...
  16. I wrote on here about the popular area I cut.. I dropped and left them...good bedding and the suckering has been feeding a lot of critters...I still have more to do but not many. I cut all mine high...they are a magnet to woodpeckers and lots of other critters for bugs...rodents tunnel them and nest...hawks and owls take advantage of this...Though if you note nearly all my pics show I cut all trees off high...method to this for each species.
  17. Can't stress this enough...the sun angle changes year around...for woodland plots what you see in spring isn't what you'll see summerr through fall as far as light reaching the ground...Also what you see in natural ground growth can not be equated into a planting growth. Cultivated plants do not handle conditions the same as wild. Then plan on getting soil sample in early to find what needs to be incorporated. Lime takes time... look for low PH tolerant plantings now...read,read,read... Ps ....you can find charts on line showing Sun angles for your area year around...then figure in tree heights..it will give you a better idea of plot shape and which trees need the cutting Also species to cut...not all maples are equal,not all hickory either. Some trees are better for Turkey others deer...loggers would say drop all the beech...Fine for a tree farm not for a hunting area..plus they sucker like mad from all roots..then you have a mess...locusts and hop horn. Great for Turkey and deer...bass wood good if your a wood worker...ect,ect....
  18. You asking ME of all people that! ...let me tell you very,very,good...lol
  19. What a painful way to go...saw that on a fence in Geneseo years ago Wadsworth estate..I think the fence is gone now .
  20. No way..opened the door and it was a mini hurricane out there...not risking another widow maker...my shoulder from the last one is still messed up and tender. It's suppose to rain later so maybe a mid morning sit...
  21. They aren't hitting scrapes as often but new rubs are popping up all over...Lol not that it's doing me any good.
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