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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by RTF

  1. If so where and how are you doing. BTW is anyone a fan of this page ? http://www.facebook.com/pages/I-Fish-New-York/108718332490148?v
  2. RTF

    I Love Smallies

    I am so jealous. You betch ya it is one of the best smallmouth fisheries in the US. That lake can produce the next state record without a doubt.
  3. Nice deer Rock. Awesome mount.
  4. RTF

    I Love Smallies

    Is that lake Erie ?
  5. That is just a bunch of crap ! What a bunch of crap !
  6. I worked there as an armed guard, and yes I am ex military,so I know exactly what you are saying. Put it this way, we were training for a 911 event back in the 80's. We all knew it was coming and thought it would have happened a lot sooner then in 2001.
  7. Great pics. Good work on the cam.
  8. http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php/topic,46.msg3692.html#msg3692
  9. You can put my stand right in that spot. Great pics. The bear and moose are my favorite.
  10. Baiting putting out mineral rocks (Trophy Rock) C'mere deer are illegal in NY from what I understand. How does does food plots specifically desinged to attract and hold wildlife not in the same boat. I am all for food plots, but is it really legal in the state of NY.
  11. Not made for long sitting, but can be very handy in certain situations. Also you have to be good at climbing a tree like a monkey.
  12. I would remove the pic where the two of them are on the 4-wheeler, to save yourself some grief.
  13. Goodyear Lake, Susquehanna River, Oneonta Reservoir (Wilber Lake)
  14. For about $50.00 you can get this blind. Very quick to set up, weather proof, and light weight. It's my second home during hunting season.
  15. The state is hurting for money big time and I do know that DEC has cut back tremendously on patrols, not to mention our LT was hospitalized for medical problems.
  16. This is the biggest buck I have ever gotten my hands on. Shot in zone 4F in 2005.
  17. Road hunters, drunk hunters, trespassers.
  18. Aint got time to read this whole thread, but I am totally for antler restrictions state wide. Although I am a meat hunter. I say let bucks reach their potential. They at least deserve that.
  19. Delaware county is loaded with them. Lots of rugged terrain to hunt too. Route 8 south of Masonville is an area I hear about a lot.
  20. Good deal. I wish i was exposed to tournament fishing when I was young because my life would have taken a whole different turn.
  21. Could care less either way. Way too much other stuff to worry about in these times, then license plates.
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