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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by greg54

  1. Just want to say good luck to everyone this coming Saturday, and a safe one to. Though I wont be able to go this year due to this lung cancer thing, I plan being back next year. Saw doctor yesterday, and my tumor has shrunk and I'm responding to chemo, and will have surgery soon to remove part of lung and the tumor. Says my chances are good for recovery. So I'm already planning for next year getting out for the hunt. Good luck and be safe everyone!!
  2. Thanks KB, I just miss being out in the woods and seeing great deer shots here makes it tough. I'll try refrain from O'bama blame and stick to the positive. Good luck hunting.
  3. I just wonder if I'll be on the death squad hit list that is looming in the shadows of O'bamacare. My employer will carry me for 40 weeks even when I'm out on disability fighting this lung cancer, but after that its Medicaid I'll be forced to go on. And they are planning lots of cuts. Not a nice thought knowing you can be denied care, and I want to beat this illness so I can hunt again someday. Depressing day knowing theres 4 more years of the same thing from Washington and even more to come
  4. Get ready for more unemployment, more welfare, higher taxes, bigger government, fatter Americans, gov mandates, and whole lot more to bring this America in line with European countries...IN THE TOILET!! Good luck hunting everyone!!
  5. I say just get this bill intoduced again, passed, and into law at least for the sake of the elderly and disabled who can't use compound bow anymore. Better yet, just make it legal for anyone during archery season. I am missing out on archery season due to limitations and secondery side effects of lung cancer, which has effected the muscle and bone in my arms and hands. Some these may be permanent, but I hope be back next season cause I still have chance for cure doctors said. And the crossbow will allow me do hunt, so lets just get this done. Why should the disabled or elderly be denied the privelege to hunt? LETS MAKE IT LEGAL!!
  6. I hope that they just come to some type of legislation next year that will permit the use of crossbow during regular archery in New York State. I have not been able to archery hunt this year due to secondery side effects in the bone and muscle in my arms and hands from cancer, and even if I beat this cancer the side effects may be permanent. I can't pull a compound bow back or hold due to this. Why should I be denied the right to archery hunt with a crossbow because of the minority few don't want the disabled or handicap or anyone else for that matter to be in the woods when they are? Get with it politicians and the like in Albany and just get this thing settled. It will not be the end of the world for the minority few who don't like it. Good luck hunting everyone.
  7. Just want to say hello to everyone, just joined and love the info and comments from fellow hunters. There is always something new to learn, and lots of good info here. Haven't got out yet, had setback with lung cancer diagnosis in Aug and just finished second chemo other day. Doctor says if I feel good next week, maybe I can do little pheasant hunting. Can't pull the bow back cause of secondery side effects that affect my hands. But in mean time I like reading here to keep updated and it keeps my mind off the cancer stuff. Good luck hunting!!
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