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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. So some will take this completely wrong, but it sounds like the guy shot a nice buck, went out hunting again as we all do, maybe for doe and saw a 26 pointer and couldn't help himself. Not excusing the behavior, but I wonder if he is and always was a sleezebag or if he just blew his load lol.
  2. guessing isn't really fair. There are models that they use. Educated guessing is a better way of putting it I think. Similar to how they guess the size of the herd.
  3. How does my post explaining my upbringing conclude you to believe I don't live in the country? You're the only one who took issue with my post (that is well supported by research) that it would help reduce crime. So we had a banter back and forth about it, you started the discussion, not me. I have a bunch of posts in this thread, but yes you did touch a nerve with your inability to see a new way of doing things. Mostly this is a nerve for me, because gives us "simple" country folk the kind of stereotype we don't always deserve, but here you are "I'll trade you a sheep for medical treatment" in 2018 reinforcing it. But i'm projecting and insecure I guess... Additionally "cash only folks" have this belief that they're staying within their means and that's their main reason. And as discussed throughout this thread by me and many others, that's only the case if you lack self control. Doing as I and others do is actually fiscally more responsible because they're paying YOU, to use the card. I don't see how this has anything to do with being an "internet expert". I'm simply disagreeing with your opinion and providing facts.
  4. the easiest start is a gofundme. For an actual benefit I'd recommend something that him and his family/friends are into as a fundraiser. Golf, bowling, pot luck dinner with raffle etc.
  5. there's an argument that could actually support that. Better skilled hunters with more opportunities not ruined by sloppy hunters. This data sort of hurts your whole crossbow argument doesn't it?
  6. i'm not debating anything with you. You're sticking to your old school way of thinking without even trying to see something differently. It's not 1950 anymore and that style of ignorance pisses me right off. I myself grew up in a log cabin with a wood burning stove and well water. No cable. But that doesn't mean as things progressed that my parents didn't eventually put in central air, and then city water and gas as it became available. Point is this. If all of your purchases are monitored and controlled it's a lot harder to buy illegal shit. With this oversight and control you lose a lot of other freedoms, so it's not exactly the end all be all, but it sure as hell hurts the drug, illegal arms and sex slave industries. And for what it's worth, I don't buy more than I can afford either, I pay off my cards at the end of the month. It's the same thing as what you do buying everything in cash, except I get over $700 a year back from my card. Merry Christmas to you too.
  7. it's all about the kids now, but we scaled way back on them too. just too much junk it seems. got myself a jerkey gun and entry level deep fryer to accompany Steven Rinella's new cookbook. The book is great even as a coffee table piece. Also some new binos. Some clothes as well. Really enjoyed scaling down the gifts and the hustle this year. Made the few days off a lot more tolerable and enjoyable.
  8. of course smoking daily or heavily is bad. Just like alcohol, don't be silly. the bullet on pregnancy is obvious the 3rd bullet doesn't prove anything obviously, but edibles and vaping do not. cigs and cigars also do this, but they're legal. Point is, thousands of people are able to use an all natural product that was put on earth by god and grows in the ground to relieve anxiety, sleep better, control seizures, help with pain management instead of using opioids and other synthetic drugs with much worse side effects. Everything can be abused, but there is nothing wrong with marijuana when used responsibly. Chances are there is something in your medicine cabinet, or a bottle in your cupboard that has side effects much, much worse those than those listed in the link.
  9. you have identity theft right now anyhow, so i fail to see your point. But it's a lot harder for Tina to pay for her meth with a cc that she doesn't have. However, if you're proud of your farm kid "cash is king" mentality and are unable to adapt, then power to you. I'm sure you still awaken with a rooster and not an alarm clock as well? And unless you never shop online and pay all your bills in cash, even being on this forum puts your identity at risk.
  10. there's no doubt in my mind that those perfect snowy conditions on opening day played a large part in this.
  11. and neither is alcohol. to the tune of 88k deaths and $249B a year. ya'll need to pick better arguments. https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/alcohol-health/overview-alcohol-consumption/alcohol-facts-and-statistics
  12. Doc you're better than this. Please just do some research before you spout off nonsense. To think the flask of whiskey that is perfectly legal is ok, but now we're all going to die from weed is just insane. You should be more worried about the teenage girl who is texting. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/02/09/stoned-drivers-are-a-lot-safer-than-drunk-ones-new-federal-data-show/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.a7ce2e406fd6
  13. you're really showing your ignorance with marijuana here
  14. what's funny though, is the progressive utopia needs the working class, the blue collar workers and their ideals that they despise. Without "us" there can be no utopia because those who think that way are too busy protesting, enjoying extended FMLA, 4 day work weeks, safe spaces and free college. It all collapses like the USSR did without schmucks like us to fund their dream. Some day soon all the illegal immigrants will be granted citizenship and those immigrants will be happy because even after they start paying income and property taxes and stop enjoying many benefits they know it's still better from where they came. But their first generation will be born here and they're not going to put up with it. "why am I cleaning all your toilets and butchering all your cattle while you drink lattes?"
  15. my mom's pretty liberal but even she dislikes him after what he did to the teachers. I'm surprised that the educational moves alone weren't his undoing and when you add in everything else I start to think this state is just a bunch of drones. I think the swing states probably have it right. You shouldn't be blindly voting every year but really should be looking to see what each candidate brings to the table.
  16. there will be a handful of guys here that point to the safe act, but if we're honest those that were that angered by that law left a long time ago. It's the economy/taxes and the progressive push being so strong that it alienates a large population of this state. I think what really makes it bad is that he's unapologetic about it. He wants people that think like us gone and is on record saying it.
  17. wtf are you talking about? Gay sex has been legal for a while now man...
  18. never been that concerned with the lingering odors of the washer because i always hang dry my stuff outside for a few days. Now this time a year thats tough, but I always rewash everything at the begining of the season anyhow. What I do do though with our frontloader is remove the tray that separates fabric softener and stuff and scrub it because that stuff gunks up in there.
  19. the whole point of a loan is to convince them you will pay it back. With no credit, they are taking a huge gamble on you and after the shit storm that was the housing market crash it's a lot harder. It's like hiring a guy with no experience for a job.
  20. there's actually some pretty good studies out there that point to a cashless society will substantially reduce crime. As far as getting paid under the table, I have a couple guys I pay this way and I've always felt it was on them because you can get in some decent trouble for that too.
  21. while i agree with your point, your statement is a little off. An ER visit takes everyone. You can't compare an ER visit to long term care. The MS-13 isn't getting any faster treatment for his diabetes than the vet is. And if shot, they're both being treated equally at the ER.
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