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Five Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. last i saw at 7 from actual news, not twitter it was not confirmed to be terrorist, but was in fact intentional. you more than anyone should know to wait for the facts, or are you still stuck on the stock market crash, 2 shooters and isis shooter ties in vegas etc? seasons over and papsmear's warming up!
  2. we have a thread on a car forum just titled "random thoughts and stories". It's the longest thread by far as it allows people to post random thoughts without creating a whole new topic... like some...people... do.
  3. dang man. i've seen you not posting as much and just figured you weren't as into the forum, but the house stuff would certainly explain it. A lot less does on both my properties too has me curious about the dec's plan. I have to say I saw less roadkills this year too.
  4. i'd be down with this, as long as it's not involving deer.
  5. So I figured I'll add some more info to my story involving my neighbor. If you didn't read it and care to, it's here: I ended up taking the advice of a few of you gave me by letting this season play out and go from there. My new friend hunted the last 2 weekends of gun. I planned hunts around the assumption that he would be there even though he had stopped communication. One hunt was interesting as I hunted deeper in the woods. He bumped deer to me early and then i watched him stalk a bb. He ended up walking around my 30' stand and I just let it be. Never knew I was there. So anyhow, the big fear if you recall for my father and I was bow season. This past weekend I hunted Friday and Saturday night with a mz and then again Sunday morning. On my way out i did some pussy footing around and came across his tracks. This really made my heart sink as we had fresh snow and they were either from Saturday night or Sunday morning. This was a clue to me that he was more than just a casual gun hunter. Well on a whim I noticed he veered from his normal "log perch" and I decided to follow his tracks. About 60 yards in I see light blood and my heart sinks more. I had hunted the previous 2 opportunities and heard no shots, so he was out with a bow. I follow his tracks and a faint blood trail (easy to see in fresh snow) till he encounters a "gee i might have to get around this brier patch obstacle" and he stops and turns around. Now I'm mad. I continue to track the deer another 200 yards and I get to the point where I'm going to have to belly crawl. I call my dad and key him in on the situation and try and decide if I want to get all dirty and sweaty. Mind you it was 13* that morning and I'm not in "hiking gear" lol. I end up realizing a brier took my orange hat off somewhere so I have to go back a little way to where I realized the deer had really gone into some stuff. I decided i had the time and was going all in. Well i belly crawl and rip my way through about 300 yards of the worst shit imaginable (you all know the type). Throughout my 30 minute journey I find a total of 7 bed downs and none that appear super fresh and decreasing amounts of blood.However, the snow allows me to follow the tracks easily. I finally get to a little easier tracking and I'm dripping sweat, scratched up and pretty well annoyed. I noticed the tracks look like they're headed off into the neighbors and another patch of thick shit. I'm also about home and about to just chalk it up to a non-fatally hit deer. Then I see a doe out of the corner of my eye standing and looking at me. She's about 40 yards and through some brush that nobody should shoot through, but I know she's wounded. I raise my mz (thank god for scope caps) and touch off a shot. I spined her and she dropped. I give it a few minutes and head over. I didn't take a pic of the injury out of just shear exhaustion and annoyance and whatever, but he sliced her belly open. Not bad, but enough that intestines were hanging and she would have eventually died a pretty horrible death. Please at this point understand I'm not throwing stones in a glass house. But the lack of followup really bothers me. Dad pulls the cam and we verify this neighbor kid hunted the previous night. Tracked her 100 yards and went home. Never came back the next day. Poor girl was like that all night. I decide i need to say something to him as this has my hair up pretty good. Below is a bed down, the deer (70lb dressed last years fawn). and the text exchange. We're pretty sure he whipped an arrow at her. Really dark brown? Did I tag it? What the heck am I dealing with here?
  6. Second tough year in a row for me. My property has really undergone some changes and it's made the usual slam dunk hunting a lot harder. I didn't have as many close encounters as the year before which I guess makes it less frustrating, but also a little more worrisome. I ended up with a small 4 with bow that I would normally let pass and another small doe with mz that has a story too it that i will post soon. Probably my highlight was in late October and having a real big bruiser about 60 yards in front of me in some thick stuff snort wheeze not just once, but twice at another decent 8 I didn't even know was there till later. That was something I've never experienced and I know is pretty rare to hear for anyone.
  7. 09 Pontiac G8GT. Has some work done to it and a little over 400hp. Nothing too exciting I know, but she has summer tires and sleeps during the NY winter. I know it would have been a little more exciting if I said 69 Camaro right?
  8. well help me see your viewpoint. not an argument, but a discussion. My take from your post was that a canned hunt would better prepare youth for "the real thing". I don't disagree that it's not valuable experience, I just don't think it's the right approach to teaching.
  9. i read back a little. clearly a joke because that's a rifle too. or perhaps dmap's?
  10. Honestly, at the risk of sounding like a non-law abiding citizen, i'd look into what the fine is and if it's not $10k, i'd just take the skull and hide anyhow. I'd have always taken the meat anyhow.
  11. a good MGD is underrated as well in my opinion.
  12. the way i look at beer is this: you have piss - natty ice, bush, keystone etc you have cheap/get drunk beer - coors, blue, miller, bud etc. then you have drinkers - any craft beer, magic hat, sam adams, stella etc.
  13. what am i missing? Did the season not end yesterday?
  14. my final act of the season was one that I've done a few years in a row now and i think is worth every penny. My wife of 7 years has been with me through about 12 hunting seasons. She's always been great and rarely complained, even with 3 kids. I don't want to take that for granted, so last night I brought home the traditional flowers with card and of course the obligatory spa gift certificate inside. while at wegmans though, i had to pick up some goose and some dogfish head truth serum which better be damn good for $14 for a 6 pack lol.
  15. No property tax? Inherited land or did you pay for it? Or free hunting rights? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I think it’s important to distinguish between caned (as in high fence) and outfitters. I wouldn’t have an issue with outfitter hunts, but it’s not my thing. A cage is a little different. I did a penned release pheasant hunt once. It was fun, but there wasn’t much of anything sporting about it even though the birds were not caged. I’ve considered an outfitter black bear hunt and while not penned I don’t see the enjoyment of hunting a well planned bait site. As enjoyment for hunting to me is the journey before the trigger is pulled. This year was my first and I may hunt 20 years in the daks and never see or kill a bear, but you better believe I’ll have a good half chub if I ever do! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Disagree with the learning of young hunters. I’m not against the new youth hunt, but the argument against it is because it’s not reality. You’re just setting your kid up to be disappointed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. If you just want a big rack on your wall without any sense of accomplishment, plenty of people sell old mounts for a lot cheaper than $2k. I hunt for meat and the challenge personally. I would give more credit to a guy who shoots a B.B. in the wild then a 190 in a can. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. My extension isn’t needed to load, just clean. Do some of you guys need the extension to load too? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. And is 250 out of 15k really that extreme? Geez Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I don’t know much about grizzly hunting or Canadian hunting other than what I’ve seen on shows like meateater, but I always thought a big economic resource for Canada was hunting and fishing. Shit I know what we spend just to walleye fish for a week in northern Quebec Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. my cva rod has an extension that you need to "unscrew" to give you push through abilities for cleaning/unloading. The funny thing is that this was part of the reason i had an issue with not loading all the way in the field. I had pushed to the point where I normally would with the rod extended... and it wasn't. ml hunting is full of learning experiences haha.
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