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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. I'm curious Elmo and Shawn. Do you agree with what A&E did? Do you feel they need to be knocked down a peg? That's pretty hypocritical if you do. This has nothin to do with race. There are anti and pro-gay within all races. I'm not sure why this turned to race? For the record, I do not share his views.
  2. someone else will pick them up or A&E will backtrack. They're a cash cow. I walked in dicks the other day. Their merch is everywhere, same with walmart. This is a little different then the Paula Dean situation because he was simply echoing what the bible says and did not have any hate behind it, just that he doesn't understand it. I still stand by the fact that A&E as an employer can suspend him as his views reflect upon their brand. But I also think in this case, the Robertson's will not be the biggest losers in this. If anything, given the demo of hunters, they will sell more merch and duck calls.
  3. I'm new the handgun world... but are you even allowed to send a gun back? Also curious as to your intended use for the .22?
  4. I've mixed them up a few times as well. that and there's a few guys that are WNY---something with deer that are pretty close too.
  5. I'm better than you. In almost every way. Merry Christmas
  6. Every race will always feel that others have advantages. There's no win here. But I believe that when it comes to "bitching" it's universal. More of an American issue then a race issue. Many other cultures and countries hate us for this very reason.
  7. So you'll post those, but when I ask for the supposed 8 point you shot I get nothing? Got it.
  8. There is no "work place" for a celebrity. And he wasn't shooting the sh!t with buddies he was giving an interview to a magazine! There's no secret tape or witness like Paula Dean. He knew exactly what he was doing. Fwiw, I love he show. I enjoy some low brow humor from time to time. Good to turn the brain off and just laugh.
  9. So are you trying to say that you're a more enlightened New Yorker while at the same time putting down an entire part of the country? Ironic a little? At least in the south people are friendly towards their neighbor and still hold some family values.
  10. he was not sentenced to jail. That would have been an attack. He has a contract that he makes millions off of. He is allowed and did say what he wanted. He was fired for it. Just like you and I would be if we made the same comments at work. I don't agree with him firing, but to claim this is trampling his rights is hilarious. If a sponsor drops you as an athlete because you were outspoken on a subject that's a risk you have to take. it's not an infringement on his rights. The law does not require A&E to employee the Robertson family.
  11. that's a horrible attitude. Not everyone can afford to live in Rush, NY. Saying, if you don't like it then move is exactly what they tell us when our candidate isn't elected or a law is passed we don't like.
  12. the term minority means there are less of you. by definition. If there were more minorities as CEOs then non... the majority would complain. There is no win. fwiw, don't look at just CEOs. You have to look at the VPs, white collar, all those jobs. And the population with the shear number of white college grads is white. That's just a fact. You can't just "get a job" because you're a minority. That's what pisses people off.
  13. he's an old crotchety, out of touch white dude. what more would you expect?
  14. there are 2 sides to this. As a hiring manager for a large company, I'm held to standards for diversity. Not always can I hire the best candidate and I've seen plenty of unqualified climb the ladder quicker and also qualified go higher and quicker than one would normally expect. but at the end of the day, if you're a hard worker you'll get the job you want. both sides just enjoy making excuses.
  15. ugh i said i was done but i can't let that one pass. Williamson is a class C or D school. There are much larger farms and much less housing. Ontario is almost an A school with developments popping up left and right. But you're right. My mom doesn't teach in Williamson and I haven't lived in Ontario most of my life. silly me. oh and because we like facts. Ontario's density is 303 people/mile2. Williamson is 195. Williamson has more land than ontario and ontario has more people.
  16. interestingly enough i think DD has the upper hand. I'm sure there's a contract that would force them to lose millions if the DD guys broke it. However, A&E will lose more. I'd like to see the DD guys "quit". See how quick A&E sticks to its guns then. Even if the family does lose millions. they'd be respected for it. They're not exactly poor to begin with.
  17. This will be my last post on the subject. I think you take your wildlife management to the extreme. Nobody on this board is harvesting bb's to study them. Maybe there are a very select few who do. But I imagine they own very large parcels of land or they're outfitters. Most of us are casual to serious hunters who do the basics to maintain heard health and that generally includes letting the young bucks walk and shooting a few doe every year. I'm not saying you are wrong with what you are saying, but I do believe those methods are not that common in NY and are more adopted in the mid-west. Ontario is unlike most of Wayne. It is pretty populated with tracts of hunting land not much greater than 100 acres. It's hard to apply some of the principals of herd management and honestly we have a lot of deer, but we do tend to be doe heavy. More doe do need to be shot, I recognize this and did so this year. There are enough doe that I personally have never felt the need to shoot a fawn. Heck I had 5 (2 bb's) fawns living in my backyard. I shot their mother and watched them stand over her body. The towns you mention are very unlike Ontario. You need to walk the woods every few weekends in the winter and spring with your dog like I do to realize there are not these mass graveyards of starving dead deer. Yote population is way down as well. Fact also is that we've had some pretty mild winters lately. This year does not seem to be going that direction, but time will tell. This isn't the adirondacks... I will continue to not shoot fawns. This will be my choice. The rest of you can legally do what you wish. You all need to stop taking the forum debates so serious. They're a discussion tool among us hunters and nothing more.
  18. if you're dumb enough to not understand that it's an act then pot meet kettle. They built a multi-million dollar empire off of hunting deer and duck. Proud of them myself. Then they expaned with a highly rated tv show that is scripted because it's funny and suburban white america eats it up, just like they do swamp people. why hate on that? they promote family values, end every show with a family dinner where Phil says grace. Is it not better than 90% of the other reality filth out there? Maybe some people will learn from it.
  19. did you read it at all? He asked me why I cared what my neighbors shot. To which I replied that if educated they might not shoot the small bucks and bb's. Pointed out that I'm not telling my neighbor what to do, simply trying to educate him on what we can do as a team to increase our odds of harvesting mature deer. And to my knowledge the QDMA has that stance over ARs and legislation. If you're now advocating for shooting bb's then I guess I'll just disagree with this approach. I forgot i'm working with a biologist and great hunter and you're also an accomplished writer too? Please forgive me for not shooting button bucks. Your pictures do not offend me (although I'm curious as to why the faces are blacked out). They may offend the public though, so you're not getting to me no matter how hard you try. Do you hunt wayne county? Do you scout it? More specifically Ontario? I guess your super biologist skills don't require that... simply seeing a bunch of deer from the road is enough. Here's my bb from 10 years ago Phade. Just so you don't feel left out
  20. http://tv.yahoo.com/news/duck-dynasty-39-phil-robertson-suspended-wake-anti-023033383.html What do you guys think? Is it fair to suspend someone for their personal and religious beliefs made to a magazine and not on the show?
  21. mind blowing your lack of reading comprehension skills. You said you didn't care about my thoughts on hunter education. That I was stupid etc. I pointed out to you that this is not a personal opinion of mine, but that of many on this board and that of a well respected organization. So what I'm inferring is that you are against hunter education. Is this correct?
  22. you disagree with my opinion and that of several other members in this thread and i'm more vocal about it so you're all up in my kitchen. That's fine. I never called you a dumb ass, but no surprise you resorted to it. Just because I have a different view than you does not make me stupid. But my dad can beat up your dad so there.
  23. if it's truly a serious population control issue that LI is having than you're right it doesn't really matter. Although, bang for buck the breeder doe is a better option. The whole point of this thread was the matter of posting it online and joking about it. That is what rubbed the majority of people the wrong way. I simply pointed out that I bet that hunter could have easily whacked a bigger doe but took the easy shot instead.
  24. The QDMA and many hunters on this board have favored education for many aspects of deer hunting instead of legislation. that's who. your turn.
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