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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Zem18

  1. It's all in where you are I guess. Most of the counties near NYC have 12 to 18 month waits according to another forum. Tioga had an 8 month wait last year after Cuomo had his Safe act brain aneurysm. I skipped the lines and got mine in 7 weeks.
  2. My buddy did one of these hunts with a friend up near Plattsburgh I think. He said no skill and was uneventful. The meat wasn't that great either from his boar. It was a meat hunt, not a trophy hunt btw. Not a trophy shooting inside a fence IMO.
  3. Thanks. I picked it up today and had a weird encounter with the clerk. I said I was there to pick up my permit and she asked if that was all we were doing today (meaning was I going to add a pistol) Now I know you cannot even handle a pistol in a shop without having a permit or a coupon from the sheriff, which I don't think they hand out so it was odd to me that she thought I was going to add one today. Now to go shopping ( more like convince the wife)
  4. http://www.nyfirearms.com/forums/pistol-permits/2348-pistol-permit-information-county.html#post42353 Check out post number 19. It has all the information for Albany County
  5. Feel free to pick all the darn dandelions from my yard. Friggen things are a nuisance. Lol
  6. Sorry to hear that. Be patient and you will hopefully be rewarded in the end.Good Luck.
  7. Well I applied for my pistol permit in Tioga County NY on March 7th 2014, and 50 days later I received a call from the clerk that my permit was approved and I could pick it up M -F between 8 & 4. How cruel that she left a message at 345pm on Friday. Guess I will have to leave work early or go in late one day this week to go pick it up. Thankfully I don't live in one of the counties that is taking up to 18 months to hear back, and no interviews. Now to pick out a pistol.
  8. Sweet, can't wait til my boy is a little older.
  9. I like 1911's but I have medium sized hands and they don't feel right to me. They are a beautiful pistol but I like the more compact styles, not the larger ones. Personal preference I guess.
  10. Now that's funny. My son was giggling his head off. Thanks for posting Eddie.
  11. Look up the recipe for Grasscutter Soup, Saw it on Anthony Bourdain once. Basically just boiled Woodchuck Soup. Looked delicious but I'll take their word for it.
  12. NIce choice with the Glock. I have my .22 for plinking picked out already and haven't decided on a larger caliber yet. Just waiting to hear back and not soon enough. I agree on the so many choices. I have watched so many reviews on you tube it isn't funny anymore.
  13. I don't know either place but have had it happen near me as well and it sucks. You take the family out for a nice relaxing time and good meal and then the service just bites. Then on the ride home it is all you talk about and say to yourself, man we should of went to eat (insert another restaurant). Sorry you had a bad evening.
  14. Cool story, and yes you may want to rethink it just in case. One run in with the wrong person could lead to all kinds of trouble you don't need.
  15. What kind of pistol are you looking at now that you can pick them up in a store?
  16. Congrats Fletch. I am still waiting to hear back on mine but a much shorter wait period. When I picked up the paperwork, the wait was 8 months, so I just waited and turned it in on March 7th this year. They told me 2 months and I will hear back. 20 more days and then I will be calling. I've been looking into a PA non resident too. Glad you finally got it.
  17. I just read this as well on another site I stopped into the Sheriff Office today in Scranton, PA and walked out with my LTC 40 minutes later. There were two kids with sideways hats ahead of me talking about dealing pot who got denied which is why it took 40 minutes total. I handed my filled out application, NY restricted permit, and license to the woman at the counter. She didn't even ask me any questions about my NY Permit. She called into PICS and then 10 minutes later I was walking out with my PA LTC permit. Overall a great experience with the Lackawanna County Sheriff Dept! When I was leaving I stopped to shoot the **** with the Deputies who were screening people to go into the courthouse. They all wanted to know about the "hell hole of NY" and how long it took me to get my permit. After explaining the 10 month ordeal in Saratoga County one went and blurted out "Cuomo is a F--king Scumbag." Then proceeded to tell me all about how my new LTC lets me open carry and not get in trouble if I have a jacket or large shirt on and how great his Sig 227 is to CCW. So good news for anyone who lives close or in the vicinity of Scranton. BTW the Sheriff is located in the courthouse which is the BIG stone building with a huge yard full of war memorials. It is NOT the office building that Google Maps navigates you to. TL;DR - The Lackawanna County Sheriff in Scranton, PA WILL issue a non-resident permit to a someone from NY who has a restricted permit. Bring $20 cash or Visa and arrive PRIOR to 3:30pm.
  18. That may be true. Most PA counties seem to have their own set of rules just like in NY. I live closest to Susquehanna and Bradford Counties and heard neither is granting non resident permits. Luzerne Co in Scranton, does grant non resident. Maybe I should just callthe Sheriff and ask instead of beating my head against a wall with all the conflicting threads on the internet. Ants - Read this before you spend the money and you will see the conflicting information http://www.nyfirearms.com/forums/carry-conceal/67831-easiest-path-pa-non-resident-ccw.html
  19. I know most of the border counties will not do non resident but heard down in Scranton (Luzerne Cty I think) that the process is easy, $20 or $25, NYS permit, NYS drivers license, and about 15 to 20 minutes of your time. Heard that PA's rules have changed recently so was curious if anyone had issues doing this recently. If you have a restricted NYS permit, does that matter too?
  20. Just curious if anyone has a PA non resident LTCF (license to carry firearm) and how difficult was it to obtain it. I have read on another forum that some counties will not issue and others do. I'd appreciate any info you can post about your experiences. Also, once you have the LTCF, is it good for concealed carry throughout the entire state? Thanks
  21. <p>Thanks HBB. I appreciate the info. </p>
  22. Ok so I am going to be looking at buying a pistol for the first time. I have looked on gun broker and all of the postings state to be sure of the laws in your state before bidding or purchasing. If I bid on a new gun that comes with two 10 round clips and have it shipped to an FFL in my area, would this be legal? I also read that you could buy a pistol with a 10 plus round clip and once it reaches a NY FFL, they will trade out clips for a 10 round or less. I have read so many conflicting threads on other sites that I am so unsure. Any clarification would be appreciated.
  23. Thanks for the reply Ants. I look forward to seeing if the other ammo is still an issue for you. I am seriously thinking about the sr22 as my first pistol purchase but I am trying to do as much homework as I can. Thanks again for all your opinions and information.
  24. Did you change out the spring and guide rod and try the original ammo you were having the issues with or did you change them both and jump to the CCI ammo only? Also, has your opinion changed about the pistol, now that you believe it was the ammo? Thanks
  25. I have an older deck as well and mine does the same thing when I let our dog out at night. It is pretty quiet outside and when it cracks, I have to check my shorts.
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