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Everything posted by nyslowhand

  1. That the model with the "D" shaped vertical ladder uprights? Super solid stand!! Wasn't real crazy about the cushions, but no complaints other than that.
  2. At least in my experience with ladder stands over the years, concealment isn't the main issue. Simply breaking up your profile and reducing your movements is more important. Some of my ladder stands that are s/u in more open woods areas, I wrap the below die cut camo cloth around the sides of the platform from arm rests down to the platform. This cloth is die cut so the wind doesn't blow on it like a sail and it tends to last maybe 4-5 years before it weathers and needs replacing. Have also tie wrapped branches around the platform and it seems to break-up the hunters outline somewhat. Of course this all depends on what type of stand sitter you are, constantly moving or figidity or playing with smartphone or sitting still with head movements only. BTW - does come in smaller qty. Should put up early or wash with scent-free soap to remove any mfg residuals or UV components. A requirement or product endorsement..by no means. I've shot numerous bucks from un-concealed ladder stands at 10-12yrds.
  3. Little off topic.. Any of you veteran crow callers ever had one that was just a piece of crap. Mine can only be used a couple of times before it gets too moist & the reeds stick together. Always assumed it was me & I had too much hot/moist air... LOL. Almost hate to invest any more $$ and get the same results.
  4. Lots of discussion points on both sides of the "What initiates the rut" debate. In the end, like most have witnessed, it happens around the 1st half of Nov. Then there's the uncontrollable influences, like last year's warmer weather. Lot of the actual rutting we see in the woods is also somewhat dependent on the buck to doe ratio. Then there's the annual scenario of a friend texting you...The ruts on, they're chasing does like crazy! As you look around at the vacuum you're sitting in...scratching your head!! The lure of Alzheimer's rutting moon prediction is for those hunters that want to schedule the minimum amount of vacation at the optimum time. Which I completely understand! Will give credit to the author of the linked article for freely providing his version of the rutting moon prediction. Unlike Alzheimer, who prefers to get paid for his release of the same prediction. Sorry Charlie, you've sold out.
  5. Author was way too modest to post this himself. http://www.wellsvilledaily.com/article/20160223/SPORTS/160229941
  6. Back to the OP... I can see both Apple's & the Fed's side of this issue. Govt want to find out if there was any facilitating or funding involved in the Calif terrorist attacks. Apple doesn't want to simply hand over there proprietary technology, thinking it could be used in future situations. Or... it might cost Apple $M to redevelop their encrypting technology, which surely would be passed on to future I-phone costs. I'm no rocket scientist, but it appears clear to me that they (both) should stop the pissing match and simply hand over the phone(s) to Apple and let them tell the Feds what they found! TOO simple..?
  7. If the DEC would allow the proven deer deterrent (fabric softener sheets), there wouldn't be as many nuisance permits issued. Speaking primarily up here in apple country.
  8. NYCC is the Xbow coalition. NYSCC is org referred to in this thread. And yes, both solicit dues for membership. Mainly to fund websites, supplies, etc and hopefully some lobbying in Albany.
  9. That was one of my suggestions included with my rant input to the DEC about doe-only restrictions and ARs. Let the hunters micro manage these issues, while providing all necessary info &/or education about carrying capacity or hunting mature bucks. Conditions and population diversity & density change dramatically within each WMU, it's insane to implement such broad-brushed legislation. My pet peeve about the AR legislation is that the DEC has some how took it upon itself to get involved in hunter satisfaction. Guess what, you can NOT legislate satisfaction!
  10. I generally have an issue with how the DEC interpolates harvest data or their infamous public surveys and propose regulations via them. But the 2015 stats from the doe-only areas were an "eye opener" for the DEC. Glad they showed a little humility and realized they were wrong after only the 1st year! They also mentioned in the NYON article(s) that they like to keep new regulations in place a min of 2yrs simply to get a better idea if or how they're working. On the other issue of ARs, did think the DEC taking the middle road of "no action" was somewhat disturbing and basically a cop-out. Would have thought the majority of deer hunters that wanted the decision left in their own hands as to what buck to take might have shown them the squeaky wheel (trophy hunters) that lobbied for ARs initially were in the minority..Bewildering!??!
  11. Best news was they're rethinking and postponing the Phase 3 implementation of MLs in early SZ bow season for those areas that were does-only in 2015. Bad news was there is a small window of opportunity for rescinding the doe-only restriction through required legislation. Hoping the DEC doesn't drag their feet too much...! FYI - Those of you that don't subscribe to NYON, the latest issue has two articles of interest I believe the OP was referring to. One was about the DEC's decision or non-actions to implement any further AR restrictions. Other article was about rescinding 2015's doe-only restrictions. Nothing about crossbows!
  12. Same ones Dick's (F&S?) sells in bulk at their stores. They come in two sizes, 4" & 6", both having formed 2" screw-in threads! Threads are not machined, so there is some variation in thread details. Like Lawdwaz mentioned, little hard to start depending on type of tree &/or formed threads. Make great & cheap accessory hangers for us ladder stand wimps.
  13. same vintage...my 1st pair of black Converse high tops. Probably didn't cost more than $10-12 in the 1960s. BTW - Stock photo, my pair has long since been in sneaker heaven! Ugly, huh? There were super cool back them.
  14. I love those custom and engraved box calls with some being made with exotic woods. Got any photos of your collection?
  15. FYI - The history behind all this confusion; Bills introduced to allow crossbows as archery equipment and could be used during bow season in ~2014. Huge lobbying movement against the proposal was backed by the NY Bow Hunters assoc(~2k membership), especially when bills hit the Environmental sub-committee for review. That is where the legislation got butchered or hacked up to make them (regulation wise) more like a ML than a bow and with the limited season as it has been the past 2yrs. BTW - The leader of that sub-committee is currently facing racketeering jail time, Skelos. Last spring there was new legislation to correct this faux pas, but it seemed to get buried or shelved and never materialized. Maybe in 2016 legislators will come to their senses...!?!
  16. .....and when you come to claim it, the cops will also be there since you're admitting you were trespassing! Duh!
  17. The DEC has lost touch with hunters and their mentality, esp bow hunters. Amazes me that they think ML hunters in early bow season will help with over-population issues.Just a repeat of last year's anterless only restriction, only with ML hunters sitting out that time frame for the same reason bow hunters did! This ain't rocket science...! Apparently I'm see (interpreting) the DEC's prelim harvest stats from a different viewpoint than the DEC does!??!
  18. FYI - This input period ends Feb 5th, so speak now or....
  19. Interesting! Never would have thought the bucks would be exhibiting that behavior in late Jan!??!
  20. Cool! Not a big fan of your background music..just kidding! Video is the way to go with trail cams, IF your have the space to store them & replacing batteries more often doesn't bother ($$) you. Be surprised what you miss on a cam set for photos that you capture on video! Better yet, if you have a smartphone than you can X'fer those videos to & share with hunting friends.
  21. Prelim findings from DEC about their anterless regulations implemented in certain regions last (2015) bow & ML seasons. Fairly obvious to the casual reader how the regs worked. DEC will probably be scratching their heads for months trying to justify any further anterless regs! http://www.outdoornews.com/January-2016/Antlerless-only-regs-impact-difficult-to-gauge/
  22. Costanza's meat sticks (Slim Jims) are to die for! Like Phade mentioned, the rule of thumb for their processing is ~$8/lb and you provide the venison. Have had different varieties of their prepared venison hot dogs, but would rather have Zweigles at $1/2.
  23. Be interested to hear from others that use this dbl strap, backpack style. Looks like a PITA to put on/take off!
  24. Sounds like the scene from the 1980 movie Mountain Men with Charleton Heston.
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