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Cabin Fever

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Cabin Fever

  1. Up until today, all the roadkills that I've seen have been does & fawns, mainly fawns. This morning on my way to work, I saw a vehicle pulled over with a cop behind them with his lights going. I slowed down and there was a small racked ~8pt piled up along the road. First buck I've seen hit this year.
  2. I just saw it this morning as I was heading to work!
  3. No velvet pics of this 8pt and 10pt. They just showed up. Both bucks are within 13 yards of two different stands.
  4. That's a GREAT problem to have though, huh? ;D Sure beats the alternative!
  5. I had some high nitrogen fertilizer laying around in my way for the past year or so. Figured I'd just roll the dice and broadcast it on the ww/wr/oats plots. I was out in the rain yesterday afternoon doing that! I hope it helps give it a growth spurt when/IF we ever see the sun again! I would like to see it 8-10" tall, thick, and lush before it gets too cold for it to grow. I did read that winter rye continues to grow until temps get down to ~38 degrees?
  6. I've heard good things about the Spitfires! This pic is from my first kill with the Rage 100gr. (Entrance hole). She went ~20 yards!
  7. I'll have to get out more in the afternoons this year. It's just hard with kids, sports, practice, helping with homework, driving here and there, etc... I really hate bloodtrailing after dark too!
  8. OUCH!! Hope it feels well enough for you to get out next week!
  9. Just keep the faith and know that the best is yet to come!
  10. I would try to contact by phone first. Like others have suggested, try doing a search. You get a much better feel for a person and their sincerity while speaking to them. If you get permission, then request a note be sent giving you permission incase anyone questions you. He may appreciate a trustworthy person keeping an eye on the place since he lives in VA. If you send a letter, he may or may not get it. He might throw it out, set it aside and forget about it, etc... While you'll be impatiently waiting for a reply. Good luck!
  11. I'm NOT saying there should be censorship OR that we need rules! Just have a designated forum for these boys to have their throw-downs, so they can stand on the soap box and beat their chests! This sounds easier to me than creating "rules for play"!
  12. I think if this isn't addressed, this site will lose members because of it also.
  13. Sounds like someone is getting ready to whip it out! LOL
  14. I think you'll know which ones can/should be moved there, just by looking at the posts! And the pages upon pages of bantering back and forth without accomplishing anything! I'm sure I could point you to a few!! Just need a sandbox for these boys to have their pissing contest in! Like bucks that need to show dominance? Need to belittle others that don't share the same view? Bullies on the playground? I dunno... Life is too stressful as it is. I come here for stress relief and to BS about something as enjoyable as hunting! Imagine how bad it will be after season closes if it's this bad now? Jeez!
  15. That sucks! Gotta be disappointing looking forward to finally getting out there and seeing nothing! The good news is, you KNOW they're out there. It's just a matter of time before you catch them on their feet! I have heard and read articles about what some hunters call the "October Lull". Maybe?
  16. John - Listen. Don't know if it's just me or not, but I really think it would be a good idea to have a "Debate" forum. I am soooooo sick of seeing the posts regarding hot/debate topics, where either someone starts a post to stir the pot or just "drops a turd, then leaves". Its sad to see all the infighting and bickering that these guys do and it makes sportsmen look bad! Don't these guys have a real life to stress over? Seems like it's always the same head-strong/ opinionated/arrogant/pompus/asses that will get up on their soapbox and push their opinions on everyone else until they're blue in the face! It's like a pitbull grabbing onto something and not letting go! I'm sick of seeing it too! It's like hearing Democrats and Republicans bash eachother in a political debate and nothing gets resolved. So what's the point?? God knows, there are plenty of topics to keep these boys going so they can have their pissin' contests! (ie. mandatory hunter orange, AR, baiting, crossbows, ethics, food plots, etc...)
  17. BATMCC is proud to announce its next predator calling seminar and night of predator fun... "Ultimate Tips for Predator Calling" December 18th, 2010 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Gander Mountain Lodge in Henrietta, NY. 300 Jay Scutti Blvd. Presentation speaker will be Andrew Lewand Social Event to follow at Buffalo Wild Wings A FOXPRO FIRESTORM digital call with be raffled! Someone will walk away with a great call!!! Read more: http://barkmoon.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=seminarnews&action=display&thread=4240#ixzz11TthLAnz There will be a BATMCC predator calling seminar held at the Bass Pro Shops in Auburn, NY Topic: Predator Connection; bridging predator biology/ecology and calling success. When: Saturday January 8th 2011 Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM A multi-media presentation! Read more: http://barkmoon.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=seminarnews&action=display&thread=4294#ixzz11Tu1yKJV
  18. I don't think you need to till it in. Farmers just broadcast rye seed into cut cornfields or soybean fields and it grows fine. I planted my rye/ww/oats plot on Sept.19th (16 days ago). It's up, ~4" tall, and green. Blades are thin and it hasn't filled in/thickened up yet. I am starting to worry that it may not get enough growth by season to amount to much. We've been getting crazy amounts of rain! If we had more sun, I think the rye would get a growth spurt and thicken up. I am comtemplating throwing some nitrogen to it. It'll provide some food for this fall/winter though. Plus, it'll be the first to green up in the spring and provide some much needed nutrition for the deer and turkey then.
  19. I shower with the scent-free soap/shampoo before morning hunts, but don't think twice about working all day and going out for an afternoon hunt without showering. Yep, sounds stupid! I do use scent killer before each hunt. Don't know if it "really" works though...
  20. Proud moment, isn't it? I still remember both my kids saying it was the "best day of their lives"! LOL Still brings a smile to my face!
  21. I've never had to let one lay overnight, but I highly doubt if I did there would be much left! Bet the coyotes would have a feast! A couple of guys that I known told me that after letting their deer lay overnight, the only thing they had left in the morning was tenderloin and antlers. I'm very surprised at how often the guys on the hunting shows let their deer lay overnight and then find them in the morning, with no coyote damage.
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