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Cabin Fever

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Cabin Fever

  1. HOLY CRAP!! I knew they were expensive, but I had NO idea that expensive!!! Yeah, good luck with that! Talk about a good incentive!! I quit 11 1/2 years ago, using the pills (can't remember the name right now). They worked great!
  2. Ingredients for Scent Killer: 16 oz. (2 cups) Peroxide 16 oz. (2 cups) Distilled Water ¼ cup baking soda 1 oz. On non-scented shampoo Let sit for several days (milk jug works good with lid loose) You can also use this recipe is for removing blood from your hands in the field after dressing your critter.
  3. Anyone use woodstove to heat their home? Is this your sole source of heat? How much wood do you go through each winter? I got a used woodstove last fall and I am wondering how much wood I should expect to go through. This isn't the latest/greatest efficiency woodstove, but is airtight. The woodstove is in my basement, where I needed a heat source for the family room, but the heat obviously radiates through the floor, open old laundry shoot, and open basement door, so it keeps it pretty toasty upstairs, which cuts down on the gas bill quite a bit. I "think" I went through 1 face cord/wk. last winter, when I did burn. I haven't decided if it's still worth my while to cut and split that much wood or if I should just burn on the weekends, when the family room gets used the most anyway.
  4. Trying myself! Started low carb 3 weeks ago. Down 12lbs, so far...
  5. I did it for a couple of years back in PA. Didn't feel safe and it just wasn't my thing... BUT, it does get deer moving! Now, my son and I put on a couple of 1 man drives throughout the season, to see if we can get something on it's feet.
  6. I got 2 of my DMP's for 8F. My son and neighbor was with me and they each got their 2 DMP's for 8F also.
  7. Very nice!! Bet you're looking forward to this season!
  8. I understand that the 777 is a hotter load. I wanted it to be flatter shooting, so I went with a hotter load and lighter bullet.
  9. But do you use the hollowpoint or aerotip Powerbelts?? When I shot 295gr hollowpoints, I had good bloodtrails. When I switched to 223gr aerotip, I had NO bloodtrails.
  10. I guess I'm not the ONLY one then!
  11. These hunting shows kill me the way bucks come into rattling! Honestly, I've only tried it a few times, but feel awkward making such a racket in the woods! I might give it another shot this fall. Have you had success rattling up bucks in NY?
  12. I guess I feel more hidden and blend in with the tree more more standing. I feel like a "blob" sticking out of the tree when I sit.
  13. I've noticed several times this season watching hunting shows on the Outdoor Channel where guys are taking those dreaded quartering to shots! Don't know if they are just rushing to get a kill on camera or what, but I cringe everytime! I see it sometimes multiple times each day on different shows. If they would just wait a couple more steps to get a broadside or quartering away shot, it would be a much safer shot! I've tracked a couple of single-lung hit deer and those suckers can go a LONG ways! I think it encourages new/less experienced bowhunters to take that shot also. I was always taught to never take that quartering to shot.
  14. Right where he's standing there, he's about 5 yards from one of my stands! I have foodplots ~30 yards on each side of where he's standing too. Hopefully he's be frequenting that area this fall! I was happy getting pics of him standing ~5 yards from another stand of mine ~500 yards away also! Better get my 5 yards pin sighted in, just incase!! ;D
  15. Geez, and to think that I screamed like a little girl when I found a family of mice living in the seat of one of my stands!!! ;D
  16. I was just wondering if they would want to get it out, due to public safety? You know, kids swimming or people seeing it there and trying to catch it, resulting in someone getting bit...
  17. That is a beautiful bird! Congrats to your son! Bet it was a proud time for Dad also!
  18. The first pics that I posted of this buck was taken on 8/1. http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php/topic,844.0.html I've been getting pics of him now regularly for the past 3 weeks. I also got pics of him ~500 yards away from this spot standing ~5 yards from another treestand of mine! Doesn't look like his rack grown in the past 3 weeks!
  19. I saw that, but doubt I'll watch another one! Those deep swamp rednecks give other rednecks a bad image!! They should have had banjos playing in the background! YIKES!! ;D Those gaters as worth some good money though!
  20. Until last fall, I shot 100gr Pyrodex pellets with 295gr hollowpoint Powerbelts. Always had good bloodtrails. Due to having the possibility of some long shots at a couple of stands, I thought I'd go with a lighter bullet for flatter shooting. I decided to try the 223gr Aerotip Powerbelt and just switched to 100gr of 777. It seemed to be much flatter shooting! I shot a doe last fall that was broadside at ~40 yards. She made 2 jumps, stood there, and looked around. I started to reload wondering what had happened. By the time I fumbled around and got reloaded, she was gone. I waited for a few minutes replaying it in my mind wondering how I could have missed her. I got down and walked to where she was, but found NO blood in the snow. WTH?? I started following her tracks and found her piled up where I had last seen her. Perfect hit, behind the shoulder, half way up, but NO blood!?!?!? I was puzzled, but thought (and hoped) it was a fluke. The next day, I saw a buck at ~40 yards. Bang... and he takes off running. Wait a bit, walk over to where he was standing and my jaw dropped, NO blood!! WTH?? Again, I thought I had somehow missed! I followed his tracks in the snow. Every now and then, I saw a tiny speck of blood, I'm talking pin head sized that would have been impossible to see without snow! I followed his tracks and found him piled up ~80 yards away. Again, perfect shot, half way up behind the shoulder! I'm assuming the lack of bloodtrail has to do with the different bullet design? The 295gr hollowpoints always left a good bloodtrail, but the 223gr Aerotip (plastic filled point) left NO bloodtrail? After inquiring about this on another site, I hear this is a common complaint with the lighter aerotip Powerbelts. What do you use? How accurate are they? Good bloodtrails? Would you recommend them?
  21. Has anyone used Primos Trigger Stick rest? I bought one 2 years ago and absolutely love it! Many of the stands that I hunt out of, don't have a shooting rail or branches that I can use as a gun rest. The Trigger Stick is different from other shooting sticks in that with one simple squeeze of the trigger, it slides up and down to the perfect height in a second. I have the mono-pod, so I don't have to be concerned with making sure all the legs are on the platform and I think this makes it more versitile. The other part that I LOVE for treestand hunting is that the base is big enough in diameter that it won't fall through the grates in the bottom of the stand platform, so you don't have to screw around with it making sure it's positioned just right. It provides a rock solid rest too! It's nice for turkey hunting and I use it for fox and coyote hunting too, when I'm moving around from spot to spot, so I always have a good rest. I highly recommend them!
  22. I see more deer in the first 2 weeks of season, so this is generally the best opportunity for me to take a doe. Once Nov. rolls around, I seldom see adult does. I assume they are laying low from those pesky whorney bucks. Generally, my best opportunity to take a buck is from ~ Nov.1st-11th.
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