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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Paulie

  1. So if your gun has to be unloaded after legal hunting time.....how does one go about hunting coyotes at night?
  2. It's gonna be good once that rain goes away John....get ready!
  3. Are you offering any free products????????? I am sure we are more then willing to try them out and give you feedback!!!!
  4. You probably wouldn't fine me out there....i'd just use a drone and drop a bomb on it!
  5. Paulie


    I didn't realize they were that rare either...I just figured that they didn't want to be seen. We have a few linx in the area as well....almost hit one with the car last year....they are pretty cool to see
  6. couldn't that be considered the same as leaving a gut pile in the woods?
  7. Interesting....so if you dispatch them and then bring them down the road to some woods, is that considered relocating?
  8. Paulie


    They are pretty cool to see. After 18 years of hunting I finally saw one two years ago. I had seen a black bear with 2 cubs (which was a first as well) and then about 45 mins later i see movement on the same trail as the bears....it was a mother Bobcat with 4 kittens!! That was an amazing day! last year I saw two kitten bobcats playing with each other right off the road at the same property....
  9. Paulie

    let off %

    Seriously......why the **? I think I have 85% letoff...and that to me is pretty standard, no?
  10. Paulie

    Blood Trails

    Great point Culver...that is the biggest pain in the ass!!
  11. Have you ever walked around on Park Ave in NYC? The sh*t you see is outrageous! My point was....if I did this what would people think? Here is another whacko, a nut job or what....honestly, I don;t think anyone would think what an a*Hole! They would think i need to be on Meds!!!!!!
  12. Funny you say that ELMO...I was tempted to bring my deer mount on the train with me to work, just so I could walk down park ave with a deer head and see people reactions! I think that would have been priceless!! maybe I will still do it!
  13. I never would have thought a skunk would....wouldn't it stink?
  14. I was just looking through the hunting regs for this year and was looking ar furbearers....can anyone tell me what one would do with a skunk or opposum? I get every other type of animal but not these.....
  15. Definitely no hunting on Sunday...I know that for a fact. Other then that it has been a while but they are pretty liberal with the number you can take i believe
  16. Ok that is what I thought...way way far from me!! haha
  17. Sorry for the dumb question but where is Letchworth?
  18. I'm gonna say the first shot entered in the middle hole....then the other two holes (top and bottom) were the entry and exit of the followup kill shot to make sure. I know I would put a bunch of arrows in that thing until I was sure it wasn't moving!!
  19. Joe..any detail? that's a bruiser!! I think I see three holes....just curious about the story and what it took to bring him down.
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