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Everything posted by Hock3y24

  1. All settled into camp, got the rifle ready looking for a pa youth big ol doe for the boy.
  2. Monday I had bucks bumping does, but not following, and pulled in a buck with a. Grunt/snortwheeze. He made multiple scrapes. This is 20 miles into Pa, so while not in ny, pretty similar.
  3. Heading to PA Thurs for youth hunt Friday am. Son wants to shoot a doe with rifle then go back, get the crossbow and wait on a buck. I might bring the buck decoy and see if i can get something fired up after what I saw Monday.
  4. HAHA Whoops, I mean I was just tryin to save the Coyote of course!
  5. I had to go back to the blind this am after quartering up my buck as I left some things in there in my excitement. Shoulda brought a damn rifle. Coyote was 50 yards from gut pile, which didn't make sense at first till I saw the two Bald eagles chewing on it! that was cool. I'm not sure ill get out till Friday back in PA with my son for youth hunt.
  6. Just glasses him 120-130”9pt right next to our other blind eating.
  7. Just saw a big buck from the cabin, can see his rack from 350 yards,doe and fawn right off the front porch, still nursing.
  8. After he fell over I called my dad, had a big doe at 20 yards. If I shot her I wouldn’t be able to rifle hunt here lol. So I threw a water bottle at her out the window.
  9. I’m not gonna put anything in the harvest thread since it was PA, but anyways buck came out 6pm 200 yards away, wind died down, I grunted and snortwheezed to pull him in. He came in PISSED! Made 3 scrapes on the way in, shot him at 20 yards and he didn’t even react! Just started walking away! Then I heard him start gargling and he fell over 40 yards in front of me! Clean pass through quartering too.
  10. Sweet angle on that! Got it just right
  11. FYI mines a PA deer for y’all pickem guys. The last hour was absolute madness. It’s heating up out there.
  12. Watched both 8pt and 7pt get outa their beds, they went the wrong way. Haven’t seen the bigger buck yet.
  13. Had a coyote come through at 60, no shot, too windy to send one that far.
  14. Wind is brutal here, but I’m in an enclosed blind. Just saw another buck pop his head out 100 yards away.
  15. Fawn and doe at sunrise, 7:45 had a 120” 8 point kick in a doe around, came to 50 yards but no shot.
  16. I have no reason to go to Canada or Mexico, so 0 fucks given. Whoel family had covid, id take covid 100 times over a covid or flu shot again.
  17. Took the last few days of hunting, made my nephew some venison cheese sausages and jerky along with his Euro mount. Made him a nice wood plaque, not gotta get a nice engraving done for it and peroxide it. Might sit in the morning for a bit.
  18. Wind was pulling SE This am for us, thermals help it that way before the sun comes up also, this deer came walking sw from my truck away from us, a spike was working up the field heading west.
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