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Everything posted by Hock3y24

  1. Lol I just had to turn my truck lease in and picked up a used (new to me) Honda CR-V yesterday. That woulda sucked)
  2. Yes, you can buy a mz pistol without a permit, but before you possess the firing components you must have on your permit.
  3. That's my logic. But even then with a primer on it, a muzzle loader is still not a firearm under law. It is a loaded muzzleloader with the primer on. Similar to a cocked crossbow in a vehicle.
  4. Never really though of this, but just thought about it with a friend. Topic- Distance from a house to discharge a muzzleloader hunting. NYS, does not anywhere that I can see give a definite answer. his view- Its the same as a crossbow and the 250 feet would apply. mine- A muzzle loader would be treated the same as a firearm and 500 feet would apply. Any thoughts?
  5. Hock3y24

    PA trip

    Awesome, some of my best times have been with my son hunting PA youth season the last two years, this year he's waiting on a buck!
  6. My season got off to a slow start then exploded. Almost every day this week driving I've seen bucks with does in spots bucks don't usually go locked down with does. I have a feeling gun season could be real good.
  7. Ill take a Rifle 100/100 times over a shotgun. My county used to be shotgun only, now it sits in the safe.
  8. Bog death grip tripod was great for my nephew on his youth season buck.
  9. I cut it up and fry it, or throw it in the grind pile
  10. Lol Im not trying not too, but it is pretty damn exciting. I got stew cooking and that’s all I smell right now!
  11. 7s just did a euro mount for a guy, their was 10 ticks crawling in the garbage bag I used to transport the head to my house. yesterdays bear had ticks on it also.
  12. I threw the shoulder blade in some water and simmered it. I’m leaving it in there and gonna Whiten it like my deer skulls. I’m gonna can a bunch and leave some in stew meat. Maybe some grind for tacos or something I can fully cook.
  13. Found my broadhead opposite shoulder, this bear had almost no fat on it, I wonder if the broken nose had him struggling to find food.
  14. What a week it’s been, went back to same location I shot my buck and doe Monday, was watching a wide 5 point with no brows across the field when this guy walked under my stand. He was sniffing the base of my tree, I was frantically wondering how I’d get My xbow off the hook without spooking him, all the time making sure their was no other bears in tow and that he was infact big enough. He stepped out to 10 yards and I put a bolt though his shoulders, he dropped immediately so I recocked and sent another insurance bolt on him. Haven’t shaked like that in along time. He has a broken nose wonder who he got in a fight with. Roughly 200 lbs live weight, 160 dressed.
  15. Bears nose is actually broken, can move his nose. Getting a shoulder mount with closed mouth. 160 dressed is Offical estimate.
  16. Male, not sure yet, probably just a shoulder. Maybe half.
  17. Thanks to all, call is in to the taxidermist, I’ve only ever wanted 1 bear and likely will never shoot another. I’m guessing 180-200lbs. Not a monster my any means but perfect size for me.
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