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Everything posted by Hock3y24

  1. Steady 10 mph west wind, got in a few mins late but didn’t bump anything.
  2. Putting my dad in stand I shot my buck and doe Monday. I’m gonna set up 2-300 yards away but can watch the whole field if anything heads his way.
  3. I have a huge problem years back with shooting high and over deer, it turned out that I kept forgetting to keep my elbow up when shooting downward out of a treestands. Couple that with deer reaction time, I can see it happening. That deer could very well die close by from hemorrhage in his head, good Luck!
  4. No clue, but all three blades are snapped off. I don’t have the ferule. I’ll ask.
  5. Speaking of head shots, here’s the euro I’m doing for a friend of a friend.
  6. Buck locked with a doe behind a real busy gas station. Crazy. 90” or so I stopped and watched him for a bit.
  7. Yes, but idk if it was intentional or not, either way it was effective.
  8. Just picked up a deer head to euro mount for a friend of a friend, gotta love picking up a head with a broadhead in the skull, dead center lol. I’m heading out walleye fishing now.
  9. 9 squirrels within 100 yards of me, air gun fun this weekend coming.
  10. Wound up throwing my stuff on and heading out back, I still have 3 dmp tags so we shal see what happens, it’s too nice out to sit inside.
  11. Keep using Them! Their unfortunately the only factory ammo I’ve had fail to fire.
  12. I don’t right now, they are amazing, we have 3 4x6 and 6x6 I think. It’s basically to bow hunt outa the 4x6 with anything beside crossbow.
  13. Very nice, I build a 6x6 elevated platform this year 6ft high, only had time to throw a portable blind on it for this season. In PA we use shadow hunter fixed elevated blinds and they are nice!
  14. Gonna get out Sunday am and try to get dad in one, for the record I call it a cross gun too. Lol
  15. if you like those muzzys you'll LOVE magnus black hornets. Lifetime warranty for any reason, they wind up cheaper once you damage a few heads and don't have to buy new ones lol.
  16. I sure do, MY main properties are 5 acres, 15 acres, and 40.
  17. I bet you’re right, but if I’m hunting areas o can shoot that (which are very few) I just bring my .308.
  18. Nov 8 sat in my notoriously good crusing spot for mornings. 6:55 have two 8 points cruising together across the field. They come right under me to 3 yards. The smaller of the two, whom was the leader, spotted me and they spooked out to 25 yards. At this point I was on them but had no shot. They calmed down and began walking, stoped him and squeezed the shot off, I can still see my arrow fletchings wack the only branch and drive bomb my arrow. The way he acted I didn’t think I really caused any type of fatal hit, white hair at hit site, clean arrow. In the mean time I recocked my crossbow in case a doe came in, at 7:12 two doe came on the same path but turned at 15 yards and gave me a perfect shot. Hit her good and she didn’t make it back across the field. I recovered my doe, left the area , and went to a friends house with the arrow, he inspected it and insisted their was a gut odor although I didn’t think so. I went back at 4 pm and confirmed it was in fact a gut hit, I called many tracking dogs but had no luck. I advanced the track about 50 yards and decided with the cold temps, property lines, I had to come back at first light. And secure permission from the next two properties which I did. 730 am we found blood after about 10 minutes and he stared to open up. We had steady blood the whole way as he entered some real thick stuff( we were on our hands and knees). After about 200 yards of blood we came upon him in his first bed dead. He probably died sometime last night. Coyotes and birds did not get him and I salvaged most of the meat. That’s a wrap for me till gun season. When in doubt, back out.
  19. My artic and big Bobby dryshod shave held up to a few years of abuse, I’m impressed.
  20. Will add story’s and track details in harvest thread. Did salvage most meat!
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