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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by The_Field_Ager

  1. More hate - John Legend: The National Anthem is a ‘weak song’ http://hypeline.org/john-legend-the-national-anthem-is-a-weak-song/
  2. I also know that surrounding private posted hunting lands are heavily hunted. It is like WW3 for those opening weekends. This is why I like to be done n out during bow if I can. It starts to feel like bumper cars in the woods. Private hunting lots in my area are probably more heavily pressured than state land
  3. When you say 'keep it to himself', do you mean 'hunts own property with family and friends' ? How many regular hunters can 300 acres sustain during a season? If the owner invites 6-8 regular hunters in, is that too few? The reason private hunting grounds are posted is generally because the owner hunts them. I know of only one private area in my location where no hunting is allowed. It is a feeder of large bucks to the surrounding properties, one of which I have access too. Biggest bucks around are in this spot. I have access to a modest 40 acres. It is heavily posted. I invite anywhere from 2- 4 people to hunt it on a given day. Is this too few? Should I allow all n sundry to wander through whenever they feel like it? 4 people on 40 acres can practically wave at each other unless the stands are placed in the farthest corners.I prefer to keep it to 3 or less.
  4. Another aspect of culture that has been infiltrated by Anti-American haters and Social Justice Warriors. Time to boycott. They only rethink when the money dries up
  5. Idiot is gonna have to leave town eventually. The love is gone
  6. "Racist, Untrained, Murdering" San Francisco Cops Slam Kaepernick, Demand Apology http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-08-30/san-francisco-police-object-being-called-racist-untrained-murderers-kaepernick
  7. Why would I wanna act like you? Or are you a gamma? Ye...definitely a gamma
  8. Made in America Cars. There are Only 8 for 2016 http://gearheads.org/made-in-america-cars-there-are-only-8-for-2016/ Which one should I buy dipsh*t ?
  9. Some beauts there. I have nothing big yet. Seeing large prints but not getting pics.
  10. His mind seems to be degrading at the same pace as Hillary's health. One n the same person?
  11. You support America? lol . Since when, did I awake in a parallel dimension? Subaru's are assembled in Indiana, by American workers. You wanna see 'em lose their jobs?
  12. The Jihad loving ESPN comes to Colin's defense: http://thefederalistpapers.org/us/what-espn-just-said-about-kaepernicks-disrespect-is-mind-blowing
  13. I throw mine in the back of my Subaru Outback. Plenty of room. There is a hose down rubber mat in there. Easily cleaned. You can put tarps along the sides if afraid of blood smearing. I managed to squeeze deer into my old Monte Carlo trunk too
  14. Fans Burning Colin Kaepernick Jerseys After He Refused to Stand for National Anthem http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/08/28/fans-burning-colin-kapernick-jerseys/
  15. Kaepernick Elaborates on Reason Behind his Protest, and It’s Still Awful http://newsbusters.org/blogs/culture/dylan-gwinn/2016/08/28/kaepernick-elaborates-reason-behind-his-protest-and-its-still
  16. Martin Armstrong: "They Will Rig The Game... They Can't Afford A Trump Victory" http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-08-25/martin-armstrong-they-will-rig-game-they-cant-afford-trump-victory
  17. Nuclear fallout is surprisingly limited in it s range, unless there are strong prevailing winds. In which case downwind of an attack will be effected
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