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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by The_Field_Ager

  1. And Hillary spoke about a 'bombing' while condemning Trump for calling it a bomb. This is the level of dumb that people seem oblivious too.
  2. Three Bombs Found in New Jersey Interesting to see those folk who called bigotry and racism about these inevitable events a year or so ago, have now gone radio silent. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/09/17/three-bombs-found-new-jersey-explosion-sparks-terrorism-fears/
  3. Got my 2 nieces through last year. They scored higher than me
  4. And Hillary wants to bring in millions more, unvetted, probably battle hardened. Hang onto your hats folks.
  5. I am certainly guilty of setting up and moving ladder stands alone. and without harnesses. I do not use climbers (yet). Don't entirely trust 'em. Setting up a ladder stand with a harness does not sound practical to me. Here is a really good tip. If you secure the ladder bar to the tree with a good ratchet strap, it makes attaching the upper sections of the stand much much safer. I am reaching the age were going high gets a little worrisome. I was a tree monkey when younger. I feel generally good about being in them but last couple of years I decided I will no longer scramble to the top of a ladder stand without any section secured to the tree. I am quite paranoid about making sure I climb safely and not too fast. I will not move a stand in wet conditions by myself. I also use those screw in steps as hand holds also, to assist in turning or standing when at the top.
  6. It goes out from time to time and gets re-lit
  7. Yes, it's close to where I live. My nieces called it the internal flame, when they were little.
  8. Yep, definitely feeling the cool weather approach now. Excitement levels are growing. I plan an all day sit this coming Bow opener.
  9. But even if taxes were zero, me n my buddies still can't hunt my woods because of the legal tresspassing interrupting our sits. This plan is not working for me
  10. Me and my hunting partners, who hunt my woods, would be pretty bothered by local bow-hunters crunching around my property while we are in the stand, which is a lot during the season. How do I keep them out if bow hunters are given free and open access to my expensively taxed wood lot? And deer are very good at finding hide-outs. What you are suggesting would likely turn our deer into almost entirely nocturnal creatures, as happens after gun opens and the orange army descends.
  11. How would legalized trespass distribute deer populations?
  12. Some folk think they have a God given right to other peoples success, generated by their own sweat and blood.
  13. Here's another avenue of consideration. I grew up poor, as a result I could not afford to engage in all manner of sports and recreations due to lack of funds. I had no financial access to sports and hobbies many of my friends could afford. I don't see why people engaged in the recreation of hunting should be exempt from the laws of reality. If they are too poor to have land, or too lazy to go to state-lands, or indeed simply in areas where it makes no sense to be a hunter, maybe try doing something else entirely? I lived and worked in big cities most of my career. I didn't get into hunting until I moved to an area where it made sense and I could afford access. Otherwise I would never have bothered.
  14. Its time to initiate nation wide, self imposed boycott on the NFL for its soft supporting of anti-cop hatred and anti American sentiments in general. Let 'em know the fans are still boss
  15. Technically the deer are owned by the Governor of NY, one man.
  16. Yes. 1 pin all the way. Too much junk in the sight picture otherwise. Even at 20 yards 1 pin can seem to cover a lot of the deer.
  17. I hunt any and all times I can get out there. Apart from a blizzard, there are no bad times. Anything can happen. I arrowed a nice 10 pointer last year when all conditions said no way
  18. Once a year I go hunt the Daks with the boys. I can't Imagine the difficulty levels involved in closing the gap with a bow. Rifle is difficult enough. I still haven't seen a shooter Buck at any range in the 5 years I have been trying, and we try several new spots every year, plus a few known hot spots in terms of deer sign. It is a beautiful but demanding region to hunt. Try and get some scouting in before you go. You may wanna find a good spot and sit it all day for several days. Good Luck!
  19. Wow, just got this humdinger video captured yesterday. 4 or 5 Bucks on cam over a scrape I started a few days back. I think the main guys is the big 10 I have been chasing for 4 seasons. There is at least 2 super animals here. Very encouraging. This is by a stand location I was about ready to give up on. WGI_0003.AVI
  20. This report states that 40% of private land owners do indeed allow non family member to have recreational access, including hunting. Bigger than I would have guessed at: http://www.agriculture.ny.gov/rl_survey.pdf
  21. This makes no sense. Fences also keep deer from coming in. Can't imagine a fenced in population lasting many seasons. Not when one considers the average parcel size of private land that is not farm or forest. 82 percent of NY land is either forest or active farm land. Undeveloped private parcels account for a tiny percentage of landmass, less than 1.5 % in fact.
  22. What does this even mean? You are presuming that private hunter goals are non conservationist. You have empirical evidence to support the claim that hunters of private lands are ecologically hostile to management? No indeed, it is the opposite. Private land owners are very precious and caring about their local deer in my experience. It is the strangers, blow-ins and trespassers that wreak havoc and do not have long term goals for these areas.
  23. We allowed some family acquaintances to hunt our property for a time. We endured poaching, littering and attempts to utilize multiple family tags in order to clean out the woods of deer. These guys were not even strangers.
  24. Here's hoping. Nothing but younger Bucks so far this year on cam. I usually have 1 or 2 decent 3 yr olds by now. Some big hoof prints around tho. Probably my 10 point ghost
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