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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by MountainHunter

  1. It is just a cool nickname! You have to be a bit of a character to have a nickname like Gator. I envision a tough and crusty guy who doesn't take guff from anyone. A guy named Gator always has your back.
  2. I want a friend named Gator!
  3. A gun for protection against rabid animals and perhaps a bear I have no issue with. Thinking you would become confrontational with another human being over something hunting related would be an incredibly ill advised decision. No way something like that is worth dying or killing another human being for.
  4. Congratulations to you and your Dad!
  5. Yes, That tuition and room and board bill are not fun are they! Congratulations to your daughter and also to the other young woman who is headed to Niagra.
  6. It sounds like you have done a heck of a job on behalf of your daughter! I really respect what you have done.
  7. Congratulations to your son Two Track! Those are fine schools. Our daughter had been accepted to Binghamton last year and had chosen not to attend. Academically it is highly regarded and I have no doubt any student who attends will receive a fine education. I don't what activities and opportunities exist off campus there. Good luck to your son and your family! Parking is not an issue at Binghamton.
  8. This definitely can be a tough situation. You want her to be where she feels most comfortable and where she feels like she fits in best. A private school is likely to have more resources in regard to programs both socially and academically. Hopefully her decision (I do believe it is her decision if it is within the finances you have agreed to) will take into consideration proximity to home, internship and employment possibilities, reputation of the school etc. If she has to maintain a really high GPA to maintain her academic scholarship money at St Johns that is something to consider. You want her to do well of course but you don't want her having a really high GPA requirement hanging over her head. Best Wishes to she and your family! Our family had gone through this last year so I definitely know what you are going through.
  9. Very nice narrative and photographs!
  10. Wishing your sons family well! I am sure they will rise to the occasion but NYS does not make it easy!
  11. Clean elections mean that anyone who wishes to run for office has a set or established and equal amount of money to campaign with. An equal amount of media or television time etc. Incumbents are reelected at disproportionate rates, for the most part you have to be wealthy to run and have a chance to win any meaningful political office or you have had to sell your soul. Ideally we need to have our process be accessible and realistic to more than just a chosen few.
  12. No one in either party should be able to have the economic influence that the Koch brothers have or that George Soros has, as extreme examples. No one should be able to buy influence at these levels. I say this as a registered Republican for the last 38 years. Our political system is broken, the middle class is getting hammered and there are a disproportionate amount of people who are completely blind to what is going on. There is plenty of dysfunction on both sides of the aisle. We all should be advocating for clean elections and equaling the playing field so we all can participate in the political process in a meaningful way. Instead of being pawns in Billionairre's Chess games.
  13. In fairness, I didn't read the article. If they were using the explanation in the context you are expressing then I respect that. Wanting to be considerate and thorough is admirable. I personally am not so trusting of the DEC or the majority of our political processes but that is my issue.
  14. With the specific intention of killing a bear I would use a fixed blade head. Probably a cut on contact head like a Magnus Stinger. Less things to go wrong, as far as broadhead malfunction, tough shot angles etc. My only direct experience personally for the one bear I killed with a bow is with a Rocket Steel head mechanical. I wasn't hunting for bears specifically at the time. It was a 225 pound sow and she expired in about 40 yards.
  15. Time constraints sounds like a very weak explanation to me. Incredibly vague and can be applied to just about anything that didnt get done or that wasn't high on a priority list.
  16. There is a well known archery instructor who does this with his students. He video's them when he begins to work with them and then through out the period of instruction.
  17. No one is perfect except you and I and I am not so sure about you. (my father)
  18. You can be in to very good Turkey hunting within 2 1/2 hours of where you live. There should be some guides or outfitters in the Southern Hudson Valley or Catskills.
  19. Predator fleece in fall grey is a great pattern and has a wide range of affordability. You can go to Predator camo direct, there is also Grey Wolf Woolens, Day One Camo, and Raven Wear. Raven Wear has pure snow camo and a range of options as it relates to how it can be lined.
  20. Has she made applications to colleges? With some schools fencing can be a nice boost for acceptance if she intends to compete in college.
  21. Congratulations to your daughter! Great to see kids committed to sports or academics!
  22. Another possible solution is to hand load for it. Work up a custom load for it. Does the BAR have a BOSS option? I have a .270 ABOLT with a BOSS on it, I don't use the muzzle break, i use the non muzzle break option and I can really dial in all factory produced ammunition. It stinks to purchase an expensive gun rifle and have accuracy issues with it!
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