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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by MountainHunter

  1. Does live stock housing meet the definition of a structure or "occupied structure" relating to the 500 foot rule?
  2. I was in Dick's Saturday, I wasn't there long. I did notice that their tree stands were on sale. Their least expensive stands were less than $35 a piece. I have stocked up on stands in the past when they have had these sales.
  3. There were some slammers shot in 3C and 3J this year. In general deer numbers are down quite a bit (3A and 3C) but some very nice bucks are being taken.
  4. That is hysterical! I take it you are not a cat fan?
  5. You are not alone in your feelings about this. Hudson Valley QDMA has had quite a bit of conversation about this in the past and a couple of members were quite active in attempting to implement other alternatives. What you are suggesting would likely be enormously expensive. It would certainly be preferable to what is being done though.
  6. There is not much I can do about the conclusions that you arrive at. I have repeatedly stated what my intentions were. In addition to not having any control over the conclusions that you arrive at, I also can not control what you choose to believe. If your moderating privileges permit you to, look at the note I sent to this young man. If after doing that you can conclude my intentions were other than honorable than we can discuss this further in private.
  7. There was a school in our area that had received threats also. Like these kids are not likely frightened enough!
  8. Looks good! I like european mounts. They take up a lot less space and they require next to no attention once they are done.
  9. We had about three inches of rain last night. No snow as of yet.
  10. To have acceptance of AR's and high capacity magazines with that crowd seems like a pretty tall order. You may want to initially set your sights lower looking for agreement on general points and principles. Owning hunting rifles, owning guns for home and personal protection. It may be best to establish that first.
  11. Peddle this nonsense some where else Doc! What a bunch of hog wash! What you are suggesting is pure unadultrated BS! Efforts were made to help a young person improve their communication.To have them be more effective in conveying their thoughts and idea's, so it would benefit them in all area's of their life. My comments were made respectfully and with out malice. Whose benefit would I do it for? I have no idea of what you are talking about! Every comment made was made in an attempt to help. It is disengenuous on your part to suggest other wise! Please show me where I have made effort to drive a younger member away. What tactics are you referring to? This is truly nonsense!! I have Pm'd this young man. I had done so a day or two ago. That communication is between he and I and I can't imagine that he will not see my sincerity as it relates to where I am coming from. If you as a moderator were so concerned with the potential detrimental impact of this conversation why were you not in touch with me or others by PM? Why didn't you lock the thread? It is very clear that many here were sincerely making effort to help. I find your contentions without merit and offensive! I have a long history of volunteer effort and participation with young people, including serving 10 years as a member of the Board of Directors of our counties Big Brothers and Big Sisters program. For you to attempt to spin my efforts in the manner that you have will not be tolerated by me!! No way,no How!!
  12. The topic was what we thought about his communication/debate with his teacher. Was it not? Several here have made an attempt to bring to his attention how he can be more effective in his communication. You for some reason known only to yourself continue to ridicule those who are actually trying to help him. In one of your nonsensical posts you seemed to take a particular defensive position that you haven't expressed that grammar and spelling are unimportant. Yet you haven't stated that they are and beyond that you criticize those here who are indicating the importance of those very things. A 29 year old who has indicated how critically important these things are in his profession. Another who has hiring responsibilities in a company that employs 13,000 people. This person making reference to how much emphasis he places on the ability to communicate. Yet you make light and ridicule. That is helping this young man how? The importance of spelling and grammar in effective communication is undeniable, especially so for a young person. This is clearly so obvious, yet I expect that you will continue to ridicule and make light.
  13. Hopefully scouting lots of new area and biding my time until trout season.
  14. I have a 4s. I don't even come close to utilizing it's capabilities.
  15. I only have a few years experience with a muzzleloader. I am not all that enthusiastic about the weapon, so I don't tweak much. I have a powder and bullet load that works and I stick with it. I think the longest I have ever had powder and bullet in the barrel is a week. When hunting I store the muzzleloader in our shed so there are not temperature swings that would cause condensation.
  16. I have hunted with a compound for a long time and I am typically successful. I have no issue with crossbows though. Getting within 40 yards of a deer or bear and putting an arrow or a bolt through it is no easy task. I welcome it, I don't mind.
  17. Understood Biz, If not still hunting, I always prefer to be in the air. Less likely to get picked off, visability is better and I can get away with more movement. I still will keep it to 40 yards and in and will be very careful with shot selection.
  18. I purchased one this summer. I didn't use it at all this season. I think they are going to be clumsy in a tree stand. It will be interesting to see if they are allowed in the regular archery season in 2013.
  19. That's spot on Phade. There was absolutely no intention of embarrassing this young man. My intention was to help him. Anyone who reads through my posts and concludes any thing different has no interest in what is truthful.
  20. Yes, it is much easier to portray well intentioned folks here as puppy kickers than to actually try to help this young man!
  21. I was at a Christmas Concert last night at our daughters High School. While watching these beautiful kids sing and play music the thought of the Connecticut tragedy continued to come in to my mind. I appreciate your sentiments! As a nation we have a lot of work to do.
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