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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by MountainHunter

  1. First-light you most certainly have a right to your opinion. I don't own an AR, I have no interest in owning an AR. I personally can't relate to anyone else's desire to own one. Yet I have people that I respect that do own them. Having said this I know banning them and banning high capacity magazines will have no influence on gun crime statistics. It didn't from 1994 to 2004 and it will not now. I have no issue and would support more stringent background checks that include a greater mental health component, longer waiting periods etc. The reality is that by far the vast majority of gun crime takes place in inner cities with illegal hand guns. I believe that is where any additional efforts should be directed. I think there is a purposeful lack of acknowledgement about the disproportionate amount of urban gun violence because it doesn't serve certain politicians well. Look at Vermont as an example. One of the most permissive states in the nation related to gun laws, (concealed carry without permit) yet they are either second or third lowest in gun crime violence in th US. There is a lot more to it than "the gun".
  2. It's probably cheaper to fence your property than to purchase that dog and to try to keep him fed! The dog has other benefits though, such as mauling any intruders at your home.
  3. It was completely irresponsible to publish that information. Lacking entirely in decency and common sense.
  4. Thank you. I like to hear how people prepare their burger.
  5. I want to see it, I probably won't be able to get my wife and daughter to go with me. We saw Lincoln last week. It was an excellent movie.
  6. I have nothing to add from a knowledge perspective. I have a curiosity question though. What is the motivation to change from what you have been doing?
  7. You can't leave or quit because it's to hard! You either need a person with more expertise in their communication skills or at the very least you need someone to observe so the particulars of the meetings can be shared with key people within the NRA. You would get more political mileage and membership support. You can't leave the room when what is going on in the room has the kind of significance it likely does. A lot of rabid anti gun people will view this as a victory. I can't imagine this type of response on the part of the NRA serving us positively.
  8. To my thinking the last two posts here are very accurate. You owe it to your membership to keep a person in the room and involved in that discussion. It is pretty common knowledge that the White House has an agenda. Can that truly be shocking or a surprise?
  9. The points he references and supports are very pertinent. This is how we need people to represent themselves when we are in the public eye. With intelligence and with facts and figures.
  10. Growalot's last post addresses the likely best alternatives to prevent them from eating your plants. As it relates to the supplemental feeding, if you do it consistently you will end up drawing more and more deer to your property. That would probably lend itself to more of your shrubbery being munched.
  11. I would imagine you are going stir crazy! Best of luck in the healing process!
  12. This falls rub clusters and rub lines in relation to likely fall bedding area's, typical fall food sources, prevailing wind direction and land structure can all be put to good use right now.
  13. If you can't be calm and collected in the face of a guy like Piers, you are hurting us not helping us. IMO.
  14. I have never gotten one and don't believe I ever will. I am hardly ever sick, although last week I had a stomach virus.
  15. Very nice buck! Congratulations to your friend!
  16. Good to see they are spending time on sensible things! Is there any wonder why Congress has incredibly low approval ratings! So many of them are so detached from reality. It is disturbing.
  17. Nice photographs! Are they concentrated on a food source or yarded up or are there significant amounts of deer in that area?
  18. Welcome John. Trout fishing and deer hunting are the two outdoor activities that I spend the majority of my time doing.
  19. Have you done a Google search for the counties that you are the closest to? There should be several available to you. I can give you information on a number of them in Ulster County if that helps.
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