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Everything posted by MountainHunter

  1. Any recommendations for good ones? Any ones that I should stay away from? Any good experiences or bad with The Alpha Warranty program?
  2. I am seeing rubs and scrapes in 3A and 3C. It has kicked off in the last few days.
  3. Can't crossbows be used from November 1st on?
  4. Happy Belated birthday. I will be on the Rondout this Saturday for lakers and browns.
  5. Thank you. Unfortunately not! I have been trying to sell her on the male to female ratio at the Military Academy's. So far she is not buying it.
  6. Nice! Lots of great memories. Grow a lot, sorry about your experience! I'm glad they were okay. Our daughter got her license in November and I am always relieved when I see her safely coming down the drive way.
  7. Just arrived home late last night. It is certainly good to be home! Seven college visits in seven days. I'm a bit colleged out at the moment. Not a bad school in the bunch. We had visits at. Washington & Lee University University of Virginia University of Richmond George Washington University American University Georgetown Johns Hopkins. We have made a lot of visits and will make several more. Did I say it was good to be home? If anyone has an interest in information about any one of these schools please let me know.
  8. I have been fortunate to be a consistently successful Bowhunter and I certainly enjoy it but I really like to cover ground in the mountains. I'm doing that with a rifle.
  9. Best wishes to you! You are to be admired for sticking to it and persevering! It may have seemed unfair at the time but in reality it has shaped who you have become. I am sure it has not been easy but you know you have the grit to handle what ever comes your way.
  10. This has no baring on any thing other than it is college related and very cool. The University of Virginia has a number of secret societies within it. They all have mystery associated with them and they all do very good things for the University. One of these secret societies are the "Sevens" they do a lot of gracious and generous things. When ever a donation is given it will be in a dollar and cent figure that are sevens, like $777.77. When someone is a member of this secret society the University and general public doesn't find out until they die. There is another secret society whose members become known upon their graduation. They are called the Z's. I just thought this was interesting and kind of neat.
  11. We just arrived in Washington DC. We will be looking at George Washington, American and Georgetown in the next three days. Geneseo either calls it International Relations or International Studies. Our daughter may double major. She is a very strong language student. Not that I don't have fears about her having an Undergraduate degree that she can go specifically to work with. I trust her and she is a very internally driven kid and resourceful and she is not afraid to work. She will be fine. Part of our Undergraduate deal though is no debt for securing a Bachelors degree.
  12. Thanks for the comments made and information shared! Where ever she ends up we will trust that is where she is supposed to be. It does irk me that she has the credentials to get in to practically any school and the financial part could be the reason that she may not be able to attend. Your work ethic/drive will determine where you end up in life so where you get your Bachelors degree is not a do or die situation. You just hate to see your kid or any kid who has worked so hard be dissapointed. Hopefully that will not be the case! We just finished the University of Richmond tour. Our daughter is sitting in on a class right now. If she doesn't go here I think I will enroll! Actually I don't think I could get in. Make that I know I couldn't get in!
  13. I am always appreciative of the knowledge and experience of others. I will shoot you a PM.
  14. She is intending to study International Relations and go on to Law School afterwards. I agree with the community college route. Many years ago I went to UCCC and then transferred the maximum amount of credits to SUNY Albany. I know our daughter won't go that route. She is clear as it relates to what we are able to afford though. She has busted her butt in High School and is highly ranked in her class. We have visited a bunch of schools in PA and New England and are now doing a Virginia and Washington DC tour. We visited Washington and Lee yesterday, a very small, difficult to get in to Liberal Arts college in Charlottesville Virginia. Lots of history and charm and a pretty good athletic vibe for a division III school. 85 percent participation in fraternities and sororities. I didn't care for that. Today we had an official visit at the University of Virginia. A Big state school, beautiful buildings, lots of history, (Thomas Jefferson) the tour guide today was off the charts impressive, what an incredibly fine young man. The over all feel was BIG! We have an official tour at the University of Richmond tomorrow. We spent about three hours walking that campus this afternoon. An amazingly beautiful campus, spotlessly clean. We went in and out of a lot of buildings there and they were all top notch. At every school we visit we try to have a meal in one of their dining halls so we have a sense of quality of food that will be available. Richmond's dining hall is excellent. We will see how the official tour goes tomorrow. Our daughter will be sitting in on a class as well.
  15. The reality for our family is that we will not qualify for any needs based aid and we aren't in a position to write a $55,000 check each year for the highly ranked private colleges. Our daughter is a very good student so it is likely that some schools will award merit aid (academic scholarships). We will see. We have looked at 11 or 12 schools. I am sitting in a University of Virginia meeting room as I type this. She will end up at a private college with reasonably generous merit aid or a Flagship SUNY. ( Binghamton or Geneseo). I have studied the heck out of this stuff for about a year. Please don't hesitate to inquire with me about any part of this process. If I could help a family through any of this stuff it would make me feel good.
  16. I haven't been around here much of late. I have been really involved in researching and visiting colleges with our daughter. The time together for our family has been great.
  17. It makes me sick! Our daughter is a Junior in High School and a very dedicated student. It is likely she will get accepted at some very good schools. My wife and I work hard and we worry every day as to how we are going to be able to afford to send her to some of these great schools. We earn good livings and pay significant amounts of money in taxes. I don't begrudge anyone an opportunity to better themselves. It gets old all the time when you are busting your butt and your pocket is always being picked!
  18. I have heard nothing but very good things about Elite bows. I wish there was a dealer within reasonable driving distance so I could check them out. They are supposed to draw very smoothly which is what my beat up shoulders need.
  19. Beautiful buck! Congratulations.
  20. A very bright and articulate young man! The tyranny argument is a tough sell and not one that I personally can even comprehend. Given that interpretation of the 2nd Amendment we should have the ability to posess any weapon that the government has. We cannot appear credible if we are trying to advance that position. IMO
  21. Thank you. It just seems like if there was a background check for the purchase of ammunition they would in turn prohibit private sales of ammunition or of "giving" of ammunition from one person to another. I am not much of a range shooter, I am quite well stocked on ammunition for all my rifles for a very long time.
  22. From his post he seemed very decent and kind. Prayers to his family and friends.
  23. The unfortunate reality is the economic ripple effect that our not buying licenses would have on all the small business's that exist in the areas where we hunt and fish. I would not want to see those people adversely effected Hunting and fishing is every thing to me. No way that I couldn't do it. I definitely will be a one issue voter. Unfortunately there is such a Democratic stronghold in my immediate area it is ridiculous. Hopefully various aspects of the Bill will be contested in the Courts and we will prevail!
  24. Does the bill address the transference of ammunition from one private party to another? It would seem that it would. The situation where you ask a friend to pick up ammo for you while they are at the sporting goods store. Or if you have a friend that reloads for you. Have these things been addressed?
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