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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Trial153

  1. I really don't know how right now the regulations are worded for persons with disabilities at this time. I am sure it's laid out simple enough.
  2. Brilliant ideas. Ohio bow season is a zoo since crossbows have been allowed. Import some more Amish while your at it..
  3. oh please, come up with some arbitrary form that the state puts out that has to get signed by a doctor and notarized. We aren't reinventing the wheel with something like that. In fact it probably already exists in the mountains of statutes already written by our illustrious department of environmental conservation.
  4. If your drawing the bow and holding it on your own volition until you shoot then it doesn't belong in the archery season. Cut and dried.
  5. They don't belong in the archery season for able bodied individuals. No pre drawn weapon does unless its being used by someone handicapped or elderly.
  6. Yes to their target audience. Rifle hunters who had no desire to bow hunt or learn the skill sets it takes to bow hunt. this isn't about inclusion because no one has been excluded up until this point. Anyone who wanted to bow hunt can buy a license use a bow and bow hunt.
  7. wait I thought crossbows were no different then compounds and recurves...? Now we are admitting they are easier or have greater efficiency. why stop at crossbows..? you want quite efficiency lets allow suppressed rifles during the archery season. Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  8. or maybe Bow hunters are getting wise to that fact that the infringement will not stop at crossbows. just like it didn't at there use there use or people with disabilities and just like it's didn't stop after the original two week infringement. Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  9. Nope. Not a copperhead, no resemblance at all. That's a regular old black rat snake, wouldn't harm anything. Good to have around as they keep rodents in check.
  10. Working ok for the most part on an S8 and an iPad Pro
  11. Industry lobbyists +Gun hunters who want to hunt the bow season without a bow = crossbows. When there is money to be made by catering to the lowest common denominator it's easy to see the road we are heading down.
  12. yes I love it. the closer it is to using a gun the better! makes a rifle hunter instantly proficient with the weapon and we all know they didn't want to use a bow to begin with because otherwise they would already participated within the archery season with archery equipment. Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  13. great reminder for to send my weekly email to my representive reminding that I am against any inclusion of crossbows in the archery season except for the elderly and disabled. Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  14. nope don't support it and I make sure I tell my representives that I don't support during the archery season. Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  15. Wow this tread is still going? I would think some of you would be out of tissues crying over the "monster four and six pointers " you can't shoot. Boohoo Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  16. You have 18k posts on this site and yet you haven't concluded that the baseline mentality of NY hunters is pretty low denominator? Do you read the idiocy that is spewed here? I agree a spread or better still a main beam measurement is a way more accurate indicator of age. however after reading some of the posts on this subject on here and other places, I think your lucky some of these people can count to four before they pull the trigger. Never mind explaining to them that generally speaking a 13" inside spread or 17" plus main beams are the minimum criteria for a legal buck.
  17. Some of you guys wouldn't know a bell curve if someone dropped one made out of stone on your freaking foot.
  18. I am just happy that I no longer live there and I will be even more happy when my exodus from New York State is totally complete.
  19. http://www.nyc.gov/html/nypd/html/firearms_licensing/handgun_licensing_information.shtml#license_types
  20. Is this thread for real? Using outlier to argue the merits for or against ARs is moronic.
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