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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Trial153

  1. I do my ultimate dream bowhunt every year. I been crossing things off the list but list keeps growing.
  2. Past recipients ? Are you for real? Who is it disrespectful to Bill Cosby? A rapist? The man ( Joe Biden) has been a successful public servant for most of his life, the fact I disagree with almost all is positions is irrelevant. The award was tastefully given and graciously received. There is a lesson to be learned from that. Compare that to classless memes and comments . People need to stop being partisan sheep, wake up and realize that the only thing that either party has a monopoly on is screwing over the American people. As long as we continue to blindly think our parties are always correct we are enablers to a broken system.
  3. What a bunch of partisan bullshit. Did you see even take the time to read some of the past recipients from other presidents?
  4. Yea that that proves what? Take a look at the complete list of the individuals that have been awarded the medal. You will see they run the gamut and anyone of us can find those we deem worthy or unworthy. Being disrespectful is unnecessary and classless.
  5. Even if you don't like the guy or the president you can still show some class if you had any by refraining from tactlessness.
  6. Trial153

    2017 Elite

    They are off their freaking rocker. The msrp are a joke, up 30-40 from last year. I already know a dealer who is dumping them because of the price increase. The roller guard being fix with no flex is a nightmare, did they not see the Hoyt debacle that took place with their fixed roller? The biggest issue I have is since they are being run by a bunch of venture capitalist through a corporate conglomerate they are now acting like greedy pricks. They have strayed so far from what has made them successful in the past that its terrible. This is coming from someone that has owned probably 15 elite bows since 2008.
  7. Wouldn't matter what head it was it wouldn't have killed the deer. Pretty strange that the head didn't deploy at all yet there was obviously some limited penetration. One thing it's didn't do is redeploy itself. Goes to show you that no matter how unlikely something seems if the possibility exists then in an unlimited number of applications and even the very unlikely will eventually transpire.
  8. It's the Internet. If it sounds good it must be true.
  9. There isn't even a wound Channel. Further more if you pull a kill zone backward after it opens this is what happens .... No way that broadhead deployed and then reset itself.
  10. Definitely inspires confidence in mechanical Broadheads .....
  11. Browning Safari.....Easton 2219, Hoyt bow bullet broadhead
  12. Plenty of deer hunter talk about hunting coyotes however actually getting off their asses and doing it is a different story. I have never once been approached by any hunter to hunt predators on any of our properties.
  13. Only with my recurve, I use three under and deep hook.
  14. I do out of my recurve. I use either gorilla glue gel or loc tight gel with no issues
  15. Keep your prayers. I don't need them from a hypocrite like yourself. You clam you want inclusion but you only want it on your terms.Typical entitlement mentally thinking someone owes you something. Your afforded the same opportunity to bow hunt like all the rest of us but it's not easy enough for you. Tough shit.
  16. Want full inclusion get off your lazy ass, buy a bow, practice and then go bow hunt. There your included.
  17. WWII and Jesus comparisons? Really ? Go away you freak.
  18. I have hunted Ohio and Kansas for years, both archery seasons are worse off since cross bows are allowed.
  19. There isn't much of a case to be made for either one over the other. Buy which ever floats your boat.
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