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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Trial153

  1. Working fine on Tapa for me. Both an android and an ipad
  2. Mostly posts about politics and rants now.
  3. He she has new handle. I recognized the posts as they struck me as familiar. Always some unbelievable story that happend to her and happened her, that just happpens to be germane to the conversation.
  4. Who pissed in her cherrios and caused her to leave? I own him a beer or three.
  5. Bowhunting.com its a different forum.
  6. Wrote this for some place else. Excuse all the names, the place i posted this we all know each other. Well, I am heading home after our New Mexico mule deer hunt. As good as the hunting was the the company was even better. GK, Cord, Mike and Kasey were great to hunt with and be at camp with. We had a ton of laughs, great food and even a few serious conversations ( if you can believe that ) !!! The country was just stunning with a mix of semi desert open high country and big *** mountains. Big thanks to George for inviting me out and setting up all the details and accommodations, as well as showing me the area! Congrats to Cord on his buck and the guys for their hard hunting. Meeting new people and seeing new country adds so much to the experience. I had a great trip. I lucked out on day three. I was hunting with George we started fairly early in the morning and promptly split up. I climbed a finger ridge and did some glassing I saw doe and yearling cross through a saddle about 150 yards from me. I decided to climb up and above that saddle thinking some more deer might come through. Shortly after getting to the very north end of the ridge with saddle below me a group of about 6-8 does came up from the west. A good buck was with them. They were about 250 yards out. At that point the buck pushed the does around and went due north off the saddle/ ridge following a doe. The other does headed toward the bottom on the west side. I told George via radio that I think that was my chance and I took off towards him going heading north to where the buck and doe went down the hill. Putting myself between the two groups of deer. When I got to the end of of the open saddle they weren't in sight. After a few minutes of glassing below I noticed a doe going through a dry creek bottom north towards another ridge, about 300 yards below me. She stopped for several minutes looking back and then turned around and headed dead west towards where the other group of does went earlier. At this point pretty I well knew the buck was still someplace in the heavy cover below. I would stay there to glass till I found him. After about an hour of picking the cover apart with my binoculars I finally relocated the buck. I was able to range him at 263 yards . He was in-between some large juniper and cedar trees and had a small ledge just above him. I took ranges on the ledge and several land marks and planned my stalk. I was able to very quickly use some cover and close the gap to about 60-70 yards..at that point I slowed down and creeped up till I was just above ledge. Once at the ledge I realized it really wasn't big enough to cover me at all. So I geared down even more. When I figured I was within 50 yards i started using my Binoculars again to relocate him, after about 15 minutes I spotted him slightly off to my left standing next to a Cedar tree. I ranged him at 43, and didn't have clear shot. After a couple minutes he took a few steps down and away from me. I whistled and he stopped to look at me he quartering away pretty hard. I was already drawn. At the shot I heard a solid thump, the sight picture was perfect when I touched the shot off. Only thing that tossed me for a loop was when the buck took off after the shot one my fletching flew off and he bumped some branches. I had a lot of confidence in my sight picture and the shot felt good. I went back to my pack up the hill and radioed George, he said he would come around the bottom to help track him. I took my stuff and headed back down. I was able to quickly locate his going way track as it was dug deep and into the soft earth. George came over and we followed the track, with what blood there was almost impossible to see on the dry dirt except when it spattered rocks. We went about 60 yards and I turned to George saying that I couldn't believe we that didn't see more blood or the arrow at this point. No sooner then Words left my mouth, I look down and about three feet next to me the buck dead in a juniper bush. The shot turned out be spot on at my point of aim. After some congrats and back slapping, no *** grabbing ...sorry to disappoint you guys, we took some pictures and then boned him out. Thanks to George my pack out wasn't bad at all. with the buck boned out and split up between the two of us the 2.5 mile pack out was a breeze. I am trilled with this mule deer coming off public land in a heavily hunted unit, and being in th company of great friends made the hunt that much better. mike and I did do a rough measurement on him coming up with a just a hair over 152. No where near my best mule deer buck however it just my be my favorite one. Trips like this with my friends are the highlights of bowhunting for me. Thanks Jimmy
  7. No she went over to bh.com She is over there with her incessant posting and making up mothergoose stories that she thinks people actually believe.
  8. The meateater show, podcast and blog is refreshing change from what the commercial side of hunting has been come. Its hopefully a trend that continues.
  9. I am familiar with the area yes. Regardless i have no interest in arguing with you point for point, which seems to be common place with you on this and many other topics.
  10. Re genocide. Gloss over it all you want it was clearly hyperbolic or your ignorant of proper use of the term. I said that deer should be euthanized and eradicated from the loaction, and that hunting should not be the tool to accomplish that because of the optics. It should always be used for conservation and never eradiaction. I will go onto say that I think its important to not relegate hunting to something that can only take place in some idyllic pristine setting, howver its equally important to be pragmatic and recognize that there is locations that it isnt feasible. And infact it may be detrimental to hunting on larger scale. Meaning that the incressed opportunity short term may contribute to decreasing opportunities long term.
  11. Genocide is almost unilaterally a term that pertains to humans. Using genocide to describe the eradication of a common animal in an minuscule area that not condusive to its shared use with humans is nothing short of hyperbole. Futhermore, contextual accuracy is import. I said that hunting shouldnt be used for or seen as eradication, it should be used for conservation. Here is the direct quote "No reason to involve hunters because quite frankly its not hunting, nor is a good image or situation to put in hunters. We should known for and seen a tool for conservation not eradication." How one can take the above statement and misconstrue it to say that hunting equals eradication is disingenuous at best. Your other points are your own opinion and your free to have them. I stand by my thoughts that SI in its current state is a not good place to have deer cohabitating with people nor is it a good location to substain a micro wildlife population though hunting. Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  12. They should euthanize all the deer and eradicate them from the island. Pay one time and get it over with as its not a feasible place to have a population. No reason to involve hunters because quite frankly its not hunting, nor is a good image or situation to put in hunters. We should known for and see a tool for conservation not eradication.
  13. I am fine off tapatalk, however the file size needs to be moderate
  14. I didn't bow hunt at all in NY this year. I did draw an Iowa tag and spent the first week of November bowhunting there. Here is how it turned out.
  15. My wife actually volunteered to process Unemployment claims in addition to her normal job which is totally unrelated . She been set up to work securely form home since late February. She was helping out after work in our home office and on weekends for the past few weeks. They are just clearing up the back log. Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  16. I some what of an optics nut, however I have very limited experience recently with glass under 1k. However guys i know and respect that are alos optics crazy like me speak very very highly of the B1 for the money. If that was my budget that is where i would land. Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  17. Glad you enjoyed it. Go on every-trip with your son that you can, life is short. Those will be memories you will have forever .
  18. We finished out the trip with lots of family time. The kids loved having papa there. Pumpkin picking and dinners out.... We weren't back more then a few hours and the talk turned to...." when are we going back?" Dad said let's go!!! We rebooked for 2019!!!!! Thanks for reading!!!!! Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  19. The next morning we turned the house into a meat shop with 550-600 pounds of boned out meat to cut up, wrap and freezer...all with the kids under foot. It was a mess up everyone was happy! TBC!!!....Dont post yet!!! Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  20. We settled in for the rest of the week...a meat load went of that Wednesday morning and the last moose would fly out when we left. Dean our outfitter called the camp daily to check on things. He had a pick up set up for Sunday morning when the other group was flying in. However he said if we wanted we he could get a plane in that afternoon ( Thursday) I'd we wanted to pay for it. He also said that we could just send the money when got home to make it easy. Dad and I originally said no we would wait however Brian and Brian wanted to leave. They were willing to foot the whole bill for the extra plane ride on their own. However I got to thinking that we head out early and my dad would get some extra time home with the grandkids ...and I wasn't due back to work till the following week anyway. So we got in on the ride. I had to quickly bone out dads moose for more cooler space before the plane came!! It was no problem changing the ferry reservation and we where home in no time! My wife was waiting up for us with a celebratory beer at 1 in the morning!! In case you didn't know she is amazing. Who else would put up with me? TBC .....don't post yet!! Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  21. It took a nice little hike to get the meat to main lake. Jamie and Ivan took turns carrying the extra quarter....yea one on their back and one over their shoulder. These guys worked hard. At the boats Jason had the best pick up yet...a 6 pack sitting in the cold lake water for a well earned beer after all the work. We enjoyed a nice night with all the tags filled! The guides walked out the next day for some really well earned extra family time. These guys were top shelf, personable, friendly and hard working. My father and Jamie became fast friends on this trip, they were two peas in a pod. TBC ....Don't post yet!!!! Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
  22. Packing this bull out is a breeze. We are 100 yards from the canoe through some deadfalls and down a hill....I take the antlers the loins, strap and a side chuck. Jamie and Ivan have a quarter each. We make trip to the canoe and they return for the other two quarters. By the time we had all that down to the boat. Jason took another boat over to our original boat. He then hiked to the landing where the canoe was kept. He was waiting there for us to pack out everything to the main lake and boat. TBC ......Don't post yet!!!! Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Tapatalk
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