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Bone Seeker

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New Hampshire
  • Interests
    Deer hunting. Turkey Hunting, Moose hunting

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  • Hunting Location
    Oneida County NY
  • Hunting Gun
    7mm-08, 12GA
  • Bow
    Hoyt Maxxis 31
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Holding horns this late is an indication of a mild winter, and more important...good feed. if they were stressed, the first thing gone would be the antlers.
  2. if its her hips, suppliment her food with a glucosamine product. Lyme disease wouldnt just affect her hips. Hope shes doing better
  3. Lyme disease cannot be contacted by eating meat. Only by the bacteria from the tick which has lived a portion of its life on a wild mouse and then a deer. without this cycle, no lyme disease.
  4. Ford F 150. with the 5.0 Ive had 6 straight fords and never had an issue. The mechanics are great, only issues ever are with the bells and whistles of a loaded up truck
  5. Its okay in stew and meat pies and sausage, but for a steak......no thanks Ill take deer.
  6. Id be setting up between those corn fields if that hedgerow is wide enough and has some good trees. It looks similar to my piece and that corn is the key especially late season. If there are beans around, thats where they will be in early season. Stick to the field edges and use those pinch points.
  7. I have the Ruger 77/22 in 22 hornet. Very accurate gun. Dad has even taken many deer with it with head and neck shots. I use it for Coyotes and have dropped several with it.
  8. I scouted my lease this weekend in zone 7M. Saw some birds, but not like the past. I didnt even see any in the fields while driving around. Whats the word out there....are you seeing less Birds? Could the winter have affected them? Just wondering if others are finding the same or not.
  9. Im with Pygmy. I think these bones are leftovers from the meals brought back. ??
  10. Ive used my withy alot success. BUT....I attached the tail from a jake I shot to it to make a new decoy out of it. But I can tell you this....Mine works great now with that tail on it.
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