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About JimMac

  • Birthday 08/16/1965

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Livingston County

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Livingstion County
  • Hunting Gun
    mossburg, Mosin Nagant, Savage Axis
  • Bow
    hoyt ignite
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. if you think this need to be in politics then move it .. I just think it need to be here .. every one needs to see this and wake up and fight ... On Tuesday, July 12, 2016, two Democratic legislators introduced another gun control bill – this time, to effectively end all youth shooting sports and hunting programs in the United States. http://bearingarms.com/jenn-j/2016/07/13/latest-gun-control-legislation-takes-aim-children-reveals-sinister-truth/
  2. got 3 box's of 100's of Sierra Gamekings 130g btsp for my .270 hand load but haven't really tuned it in. just using the book data , quarter size groups at 100yrds .. can't ask for much more then that ..
  3. use more soy sauce next time and cook longer ;)
  4. just take your your PA tags to a town clerk and get your NY tags .. no course's needed ..
  5. she (estate) has to take each buyer to a FFL for nics check ..
  6. "They argue the rifle shouldn’t have been entrusted to the general public because it is a military-style assault weapon that is unsuited for civilian use." really , were they selling select fire ones .. them are the military ones
  7. From what i have read on NyFirearms.com DSI tried to get the nypd to approve there DS-15 FX series fixed magazine and get a official word and they annoyed troop L in the process .. there is like a 25 page read on this there and like 37 pages on long island firearms site ..
  8. I think its that dang auto speller turning dmp into dump ..
  9. yes yes yes hunt anywhere you have permission .,. if under 500 feet from property you just need permission. no shooting in most village/city limits ...
  10. I took out my 223 last yr but didn't see anything , but heard lots of 12ga semi's going bang bang bang bang bang .... did u get it .. nope ....
  11. Nope .. Double the guns capacity every 90 days ... so that's 4 rounds every 3 months if your loading your over under for skeet .. ... that's how silly this is and where it could end up if we ALL don't get on the same train and stop this nonsense.
  12. Here you go hunters , Skeet / Trap users .. http://www.brooklyneagle.com/articles/2015/12/21/brooklyn-lawmakers-seek-tightly-restrict-sales-ammo-statewide " While the measure is aimed at owners of assault rifles, the language contained in the draft legislation would also affect owners of handguns with much smaller capacities, such as six-shooters. Since the measure would cap the amount of ammunition to no more than twice the amount of the capacity of the weapon every 90 days, these gun owners would be limited to buying a dozen bullets every three months. " I Don't think it will stop here ...
  13. Didn't want to start a war . but its not a slang .. its a terminology issue .. with our gun right up for grabs from the liberals we need to be on our game and know what we are talking about .. if you came to a gun store and asked for a clip for your 270 axis .. guess what .. it won't work in that gun ,.. if you wanted a magazine then your going to shoot away .. can we let them ban 30 round clips if they will keep their ignorant hands off 30 round magazines?
  14. isn't the leader of the dec friends with the top nysp who is in someones pocket and they all lean slightly to wayyyyyy left ... kill all the deer .. there bad .. oh look we dont need hunters ... grab them guns boys they don't need them now
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